Week of August 19th, 2024

Week of August 19th, 2024
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Message from Mrs. Jones
Hello, Fallbrook Students & Families,
Congratulations to all of our students and families on the successful completion of our first week! It's been wonderful to meet our new 9th graders in the Class of 2028, and to reconnect with our returning 10th-12th graders. I hope that you've had time this week to connect with your student about their experiences. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to one of our many support staff, your student's teachers, or an administrator. We are lucky to have two awesome Assistant Principals, each of whom oversees two grade levels: Mr. Steve Martinez - Grades 9 & 11, and Mr. Timothy Hannon - Grades 10 & 12.
Mark Your Calendar! This year's Back-to-School Night will be held on MONDAY, AUGUST 26TH at 5:30pm. We hope you'll join us!
Note: The day following Back-to-School Night (Tuesday, August 27th) is a LATE START DAY. Period 1 begins at 10:30am.
If there is anything you need, please feel free to reach out by telephone at (760) 723-6300 x3102, x3110, or x3103, or by email through our website.
Let's make this a great week, Warriors!
Mrs. Jones
Counseling Corner
The Counseling Office continues to work this week on ensuring all students are accurately scheduled, balancing classes, and addressing student requests for schedule changes. Please know that we are working diligently to address all of the above, in that order. If you have submitted a schedule change request, you should receive a response regarding your request by the end of this week. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Counselor Caseloads for 2024-25
In an effort to balance caseloads and ensure equitable access to students' counselor, our counselor caseloads have shifted slightly. Moving forward this year, counselor assignments will be as follows:
A-C: Ms. Han (ahan@fuhsd.net)
D-Hen: Ms. Rios (erios@fuhsd.net)
Her-Me: Ms. Archuleta-Moya (carchuletamoya@fuhsd.net)
Mi-Roc: Ms. Vazquez (avazquez@fuhsd.net)
Rod-Z: Ms. Jimenez (cjimenez@fuhsd.net)
Schedule Change Policies:
- No Teacher Change Requests: We are unable to accommodate requests for changes based on teacher preference.
- No Trimester or Period Changes: We cannot make adjustments to specific periods or trimesters.
- Space Availability: Schedule changes are dependent on space availability in courses.
- Multiple Changes: Please note that requesting a change in one course may result in adjustments to other courses in your schedule.
Scan the QR code or click HERE to submit a schedule change request.
Last Day to Submit a Schedule Change Request is August 23, 2024
2024-25 Student & Parent Handbook & Warrior Commitments
Please take time to review the Student & Parent Handbook and our Warrior Commitments with your student in order to ensure a smooth and successful school year!
New Bell Schedules for 2024-25
Attached below is the digital version of the bell schedule all students and families received in information packets during 2024 Registration.
This year's bell schedule will reflect the following changes:
1) An increased nutrition block for students on WPT Days.
2) An increased passing period between class periods not connected to a natural break (ie, nutrition and lunch) to prevent students from needing to arrive late to classes in the furthest parts of campus.
3) A slightly later end time of 3:33pm on WPT Days and 2:47pm on Early Release Days in order to allow for items one and two.
4) A reduction in the number of weekly schedules; students will now only have two different schedules per week - WPT Schedule and Early Release Schedule. Fridays will now also be a WPT Schedule, allowing for an additional opportunity for student support and/or extension.
5) A shift in where WPT is located during the school day; students will now attend Periods 1 and 2 prior to nutrition, followed by WPT.
Reminders: Student Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedure
Thank you for your partnership in ensuring safe and effective drop-off and pick-up for all of our students! We have noticed the impact of our collaborative efforts this week and look forward to continued smooth sailing when it comes to the start and end of the school day.
A couple of reminders:
Right Turns Only! Please help us to keep our students, families, and the Fallbrook community safe by making right turns only out of the school parking lot, as indicated by signage. This applies to drop-off and pick-up times daily. Families needing to get back to Mission can do so by making a right on Brooke Road, which turns into Winterhaven and connects with Mission on the south side of campus.
Approved Drop-Off/Pick-Up Zones: Please remember to be patient and leave plenty of time to drop your student off in the morning, as well as when picking them up in the afternoon. The middle gates on Stagecoach Lane will be open for families to enter and drop off along the baseball field. The front "horseshoe" loop will be open ONLY for staff parking in the staff lot. Parents may also utilize the student parking lot loop on Winterhaven for student drop-off and pick-up. There will be no student drop-off or pick-up in the pool parking lot, as this is a reserved busing zone.
Daily Cut-Off Time for Student Check-Out: Staff begin transitioning to necessarily dismissal roles and locations during the last 25 minutes of the day, which means that they are not available to do early checkouts; parents wishing to check their students out early will need to arrange to complete that process prior to the final 25 minutes of the school day. Please plan ahead if your student has an appointment close to the end of the school day!
Upcoming Events
Back to School Night
Monday, Aug 26, 2024, 05:30 PM
FHS "Bowl"
Late Start Day
Please note that the day following Back to School Night is a Late Start schedule. Period 1 begins at 10:30am; school releases at the normal time.
Tuesday, Aug 27, 2024, 10:30 AM
Looking for more information about what's happening on our campus? Click the links below!
Warrior PRIDE Starts HERE - Our Core Values
Students Demonstrate Warrior PRIDE:
- I am a PRODUCTIVE, healthy individual who understands how to develop myself as a whole person.
- I am capable of being a RESPONSIBLE leader.
- I am INNOVATIVE and can share my genius in different ways.
- I am a DETERMINED learner who can lead my own educational process.
- I am an EFFECTIVE communicator and collaborator who can lead change.
- We advocate for the mind, body, heart, and spirit of our individual students.
- We encourage and support opportunities for students to be leaders in our home, school, and community.
- We recognize, cultivate, and value our students' unique skills.
- We empower our students to own and lead their learning process.
- We actively seek out opportunities to communicate, collaborate, and build relationships in our educational circle.
Staff Foster Warrior PRIDE:
- We support all students in developing as productive and healthy individuals.
- We believe that everyone can be a responsible leader on campus and in the community.
- We encourage all students to identify their potential to become innovative thinkers and problem solvers.
- We create an atmosphere where students are determined to succeed.
- We understand that effective communication and collaboration starts with us.
Looking for Previous Editions of The Weekly Connection?
Contact Us
Website: www.fallbrookhs.org
Location: 2400 South Stage Coach Lane, Fallbrook, CA, USA
Phone: (760) 723-6300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FUHSOfficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/FUHSofficial/