St. Katharine Drexel School
August 29, 2024

September 5, 2024 Newsletter #2
Upcoming Events
9/5 Safeguarding Session / 6:00 p.m. TONIGHT!
9/6 All School Mass at 8:20 a.m. / Grade 8
9/10 School Advisory Committee Meeting / St. Cecilia's Room / 6:15 p.m.
9/12 Catholic Schools Walk / 2:15 p.m.
9/13 All School Mass at 8:20 a.m. / Grade 4
9/16 3K, 4K & 5K Picnic / Gym / 5:00-6:30 p.m.
9/19 Home and School Meeting / Cafeteria / 6:30 p.m.
9/20 All School Mass at 8:20 a.m. / Grade 6
9/26 7th Grade Horicon Marsh Field Trip
9/27 Theme Day
10/4 Teacher In-Service / No Classes
10/5 8th Grade Spaghetti Supper / Gym / 4:30-7:30 p.m.
10/15 P/T/S Conferences / 4:00-7:00 p.m.
10/16 P/T/S Conferences / 4:00-6:00 p.m.
10/17 P/T/S Conferences / 4:00-7:00 p.m.
10/18 Teacher In-Service / No Classes
10/28 School Pictures
Principal's Corner
Dear SKDS Family,
Are you familiar with our school mission statement? It states:
Saint Katharine Drexel School lovingly educates the whole student through the lens of our Roman Catholic faith to bring oneself and others closer to God.
Our mission statement clearly directs us to action; action as disciples of Jesus and builders of God’s Kingdom. Our school is a community where our students are taught to carry out the mission of the universal Church in order to grow into Catholic leaders.
Family, school and parish represent the primary environments in which our young children grow and develop, and at SKDS, we value your parental involvement. The foundation for good parent-teacher relationships includes frequent and open communication, mutual respect, and a clear understanding of what is best for every child.
Thank you for the sacrifices you make and for your constant support for Catholic education and the mission of St. Katharine Drexel School. May God continue to bless us on our journey as we Live Like Jesus!
Ms. Weiss
2024 Catholic Schools Soles Walk
Have you heard the news? On Thursday, September 12, St. Katharine Drexel School will be holding a local Catholic Schools Walk in our neighborhood! We will be celebrating Catholic education and raising money for our school. Students, families, alumni, educators, principals and supporters are invited to rally together for this very important cause.
Donations raised by our school will help us reach our fundraising goal of $10,000. The impact of your donation will do even more to help our school, as generous Catholic Schools Walk sponsors have stepped up to match a portion of donations we receive.
Support us by texting SCHOOLSWALK76 to 71777 or by visiting You can also mail a check directly to our school at the following address: 503 S. Spring St., Beaver Dam, WI 53916.
Come walk with us on Thursday, September 12, at 2:00 p.m. We start in the school parking lot!
Football Mania
Coming home in the family folder today, are your Football Mania 2024 contest tickets. Please make every effort to sell or purchase all 12 in your packet. (Contest instructions are included.) SKDS relies on this fundraiser to assist with our general school expenses and appreciate the support of all school families. Here is the link to sign up to sell tickets after weekend Masses. (Click the picture.) Parishioners are very supportive of our school and love a good fundraiser! This is a great sales opportunity for those that are challenged with finding purchasers. Thank you so much and see you at Mass!
8th-Grade Spaghetti Supper
Virtue of the Month
The Virtue of the Month of September is COMPASSION
Compassion is treating other people with respect and recognizing that all are made in God’s image and likeness. Being sympathetic to others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it.
Before School and After School Care
Before School Program hours are 6:45 - 7:45 a.m.
After School Program hours are 3:15 - 6:00 p.m. The Before and After School Program is available on FULL school days.
Click on the picture to access Before School Care and After School Care registration information.
SchoolStatus Connect
You should have received an invitation to join your child's classroom on SchoolStatus Connect. If you have not, please reach out to your child's teacher. Here is a link to Family Resources to help you navigate the SchoolStatus Connect Platform.
🚀 With SchoolStatus Connect, you'll be able to:
- Receive communications from your students' schools and teachers in your favorite channels: email, text, push notification, or all in one place in an optional app
- Auto-translate all communications into your preferred language
- Communicate back and forth with your students' teachers
- Stay up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming events
We have added a School Events Calendar to the main page of our website. This calendar will house school events, meetings, athletic events, concerts, and other important happenings at SKDS. Click on the button above to view the calendar!
SCRIP Program Information
Dear St. Katharine Drexel School Families,
The Scrip Program is one of our top fundraising ventures at St. Katharine Drexel Parish and School. Through no additional cost to you, gift card purchases made at face value, all help offset our schools daily operating expenses. St. Katharine Drexel receives a rebate percentage of each card sold. The rebate amount varies by vendor and can be found through the RaiseRight App or by contacting the Scrip office at
This school year, all school families will automatically be enrolled in the Scrip Tuition Credit program, which earns your family 50% of the rebate amount from each card you purchase. For example, Culver’s has a 10% rebate, so your family would earn 5% and school would receive 5%. Any purchases from July 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025, will count toward this year's total. Your credit will then be applied to your tuition statement for the 2025-2026 school year.
How do you purchase?
In-person sales take place each weekend after the 4:30 pm, 8 am and 10 am Masses in the Narthex.
The Scrip office, located in the Parish Center, will be open each Wednesday, starting September 11th, from 6:30 pm to 8 pm.
Online ordering can also be done through or via the RaiseRight App. Use enrollment code: L45DD45211L4 to create your account with SKDS. Online payment options: bank account, debit or credit card.
You may also email the Scrip office with your order at and drop off your check to the Parish office, where you can also pick up your order when it’s available!
Checks made payable to SKDS Scrip.
Let us know if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions at 920-887-2082 ext. 306 or
Jen Nampel & Marie Cigelske
Scrip Coordinators
Music Lessons
Are you or your child eager to embark on a musical journey? Whether it’s the elegant strains of the piano, the rich tones of the violin, or the expressive power of the voice, we have the perfect starting point for you! Swigert Music Lessons for piano, violin, and vocal training is designed for those new to their musical instrument/voice or for those that want to improved on existing experience. Our lessons offer a nurturing environment where you can develop your skills.
· Piano: Explore the fundamentals of piano playing, from reading sheet music to mastering your first melodies.
· Violin: Dive into the world of violin with a curriculum that covers basic techniques, posture, and simple tunes. Ideal for children and adults alike!
· Vocal: Find your voice with our beginner vocal classes! We’ll help you develop essential techniques like breath control, pitch accuracy, and vocal expression. Perfect for those who dream of singing with confidence, whether it's for personal enjoyment or a future on stage!
Instructor Sarah Swigert has a major in vocal performance with an emphasis in Broadway, as well as a minor in piano. She has also played violin since the age of 4.
For more information and/or to register, please email at
Let us pray...
Prayers from our SKDS students!
Bless us during this school year as we journey with our friends and teachers.
Help us to make the most of every day.
May we show love to one another and to all.
May the new beginning of this school year remind us that you give us chances to start over again and again.
Help us to forgive others as we receive your forgiveness.
Help us to learn and to work together.
Help us to listen when we should and to know the best words when we speak and when it is better not to speak.
We thank you for our friends.
Help us to be good friends this year.
Help us to be patient with ourselves and with others.
Bless our school and keep us safe.
Be with us as we travel each day.
Help us to be aware of your love shown to us in the people around us.
Bless all those who care for us In school and at home.
Help us show our love and care for them in what we say and do.