February 2025
The winter season is flying by and we have spring sports just 6 weeks away.
Please read through this newsletter carefully for important athletics department information and updates.
USER FEES DUE MONDAY, MARCH 3rd (Except NMS teams and MHS Baseball)
- Only students registered by the deadline and completed all requirements (physical/IMPACT Test/ User Fee) will be guaranteed eligibility on the first day if they have turned in all requirements.
- Families registering after the deadline will need to email Athletic Director Ryan Sylvia rsylvia@middleboro.k12.ma.us for a direct registration link and eligibility may be delayed.
Team Informational Meetings- Coaches will schedule team informational meetings between now and the parent meeting. Students should listen for announcements and look for postings in school on these meetings. Families may also reach out to the coach using the coaches directory in this newsletter.
Pre-Season Parent Meetings
All parents are expected to attend a pre-season meeting on Wednesday, March 12th, at 6:00PM in the MHS Wayne M. Caron Auditorium. From there we will breakout into individual team meetings. This is a great opportunity to meet the coach, ask general questions and also learn specifics about your student's team.
Monday, March 17th- All spring teams start practice. Practice/tryout schedules will be distributed by individual coaches.
User fees are due on Monday, March 3rd for all sports and levels with the exception of NMS teams and MHS baseball. Fees for those teams are due after cuts are made.
Remember, if you have hit the individual cap of $350 or family cap of $450 you do not need to pay the spring user fee.
It is important to register early so coaches can contact you with important team information. Only students registered for a team will receive contact from the coaches. Coaches will hold their own individual sign-up meetings. Click the button below to register.
We will be offering 16 different teams this spring! If you are new to the middle school or high school, go out for a team! Joining a team is one of the best ways to feel comfortable in a new school. You may also sign-up for MHS strength & Conditioning or NMS intramurals.
If you have sport specific or team related questions please reach out to the head coach using the coaches directory link at the bottom of this section.
Nichols Middle School Teams
- Baseball (grades 6,7 & 8)
- Softball (grades 6,7 & 8)
- Intramurals (grades 6, 7 & 8 only)
- Boys MHS Tennis (grade 8 only pending MIAA approval)
- Boys MHS Lacrosse (grade 8 pending MIAA approval)
- Girls MHS Track & Field (grade 8 pending MIAA approval)
- Boys MHS Track & Field (grade 8 pending MIAA approval)
- MHS Softball (grade 8 pending MIAA approval)
Freshman Teams
- Baseball
Junior Varsity Teams (open to grade 9 if no freshmen team offered)
- Baseball
- Softball (grade 8 pending MIAA approval)
- Boys Lacrosse
- Girls Lacrosse
- Girls Tennis
Varsity Teams (open to grades 9-12 if there is no JV or freshmen team)
- Baseball
- Softball
- Boys Lacrosse
- Girls Lacrosse
- Boys Tennis
- Girls Tennis
- Boys Track & Field
- Girls Track & Field
- Unified Track & Field
User Fees
Click the button below to pay fees through UniPay and type in Middleborough Public Schools-Athletics in the search bar. You may also submit a bank check or money order to my attention at the high school. Please include your name and sport on the envelope. If you are experiencing a financial hardship please reach out to me directly by email for a waiver form to be completed.
Fee Structure
$175 per Sport
$350 Individual cap per school year (summer not included)
$450 Family cap per school year (summer not included)
$25 Intramurals or Strength & Conditioning (Pay using the "outstanding balance" tab on UniPay)
Spring Sports Schedules
The spring team schedules are still being finalized on the athletics website through the Arbiter scheduling system. PLEASE NOTE ALL SCHEDULES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Please be sure to confirm with your student's coach that you are on the team email list and receiving updates from the coach.
When navigating the Arbiter site you can choose individual teams or toggle to the calendar view. Practice schedules will be provided by the coach of each program.
Follow your student's team!
- Click the team view of the schedules
- Click your student's team
- Click the "follow" button with the star
- Enter your email and create a password
- This allows you to add an ical link to your personal calendar that updates as changes are made.
Note: Schedules are still being finalized and are subject to change. The best way to get the most accurate schedule is to check the website.
2/1- Spring Sports Registration Opens
2/8- Girls Sectional Swim Meet at MIT
2/9- Boys Sectional Swim Meet at MIT
2/14- Boys and Girls Indoor Track Sectional Meet at RLC
2/15- Wrestling Sectional Meet at Stoughton High School
2/22- Gymnastics Sectional Meet at Algonquin High School
2/24- Boys and Girls Basketball and Hockey Tournaments Start
3/3- Spring Sports Registration/ User Fee Deadline
3/12- Spring Sports Parent Meeting 6:00PM
3/17- Spring Sports Start
3/24- Spring Sports Picture Day and MASBA Super Raffle Kickoff
3/26- Winter Sports Awards Night 6:00PM
For the remainder of the season all varsity events taking place in the gym will be live streamed to Hudl Fan at no cost to viewers. This service is provided by the Middleborough All Sports Booster Association. Simply click the link below at game time to watch an event.
Spectators are encouraged to purchase tickets through gofan.co for football, basketball, indoor track and other select events.
We currently offer a cash option but are trying to move towards digital only.
Families can also make payments for team items and senior banners.
Use the links below to access MIAA power rankings, tournament formats, and divisional alignments.
The rules that govern our state athletic association and athletic department are available to everyone through the MIAA website. Our schools student handbooks offers additional local rules and are available through our school website and athletics registration process.
This includes guidelines for middle school waiver and cooperative teams. Please use the link below if you ever have a rules question.
Thursday, March 26th from 6:00PM-7:30PM in the Wayne M. Caron Auditorium
All winter athletes (Including Nichols Middle School Students) and their families are invited to attend as we recognize every member of the winter sports program. We will have photos on stage so lets look sharp.
Click the button below then scroll to the bottom of the page.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the winter fundraiser through Gold Athletics!
This Spring we will be releasing details on the annual Super Raffle and Golf Tournament.
SAVE THE DATES! MASBA is always looking for volunteers to help with our fundraising efforts and concessions. We meet the first Thursday of the month in the MHS Cafeteria or Conference Room at 6:00PM. Meetings are open to all parents/guardians and staff.
Thursday, February 6 6:00PM
Thursday, March 6 6:00PM
Thursday, April 3 6:00PM
Thursday, May 1 6:00PM
Sunday, May 4th Golf Tournament
Thursday, June 5 6:00PM
All meetings will be held in the MHS cafeteria.
Dates are subject to change.
Athletic Director
Email: rsylvia@middleboro.k12.ma.us
Website: middleboro.k12.ma.us/athletics
Location: 71 East Grove Street, Middleborough, MA, USA
Phone: 508-946-2010-3116
Facebook: facebook.com/MiddleboroAD
Twitter: @MiddlboroAD