Raleigh Hills Newsletter
April 30, 2021
Message from Mrs. DeMartino
Dear Raleigh Hills Community,
At Raleigh Hills, we've been working all year on RULER. This is a program developed by the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. RULER stands for Recognize. Understand. Label. Express. Regulate. What we know is that when children can identify their emotions, and especially when they can recognize that they are having a big emotion, they can go through a set of concrete steps to regulate that emotion. We've been teaching our students that emotions matter and that all emotions are ok. When students understand and label their emotions, they can express them and sometimes that's all you need to do in order to get yourself into the mindset for learning. So perhaps if a child couldn't find their favorite shoes and had to wear a different pair in the morning, they might feel frustrated, disappointed and exasperated and then they bring those feelings with them to school. At times, this can block optimal learning from happening. If we can instead label that disappointment, we can find the strategy that will help shift that high energy of disappointment to a lower energy more pleasant emotion that helps us get ready to learn.
I know that I have been so glad to learn about RULER and I use the strategies personally in my life. There have been times during this pandemic when plans for school have changed. This left me feeling confused, inflexible and resistant. Taking some time to label those emotions helped me to take the small step of recognizing the inflexibility and asking myself, "What would happen right now if I was flexible?" This helped me to open my mind to options and alternatives that might not have been there if I stayed in that resistant emotion.
Raleigh Hills has been recognized by the district for our work with RULER. We have seen positive results for both students and staff. We are committed to continuing our work with this program next year. If you'd like to see RULER in action, watch the video below!
Warm regards,
Important Dates at RH!
May 3 - May 7 Staff Appreciation Week
Send a note of gratitude to your child's teacher or a staff member this week!
Wednesday, May 12 - Clothes Closet at RH and State Testing Begins
Clothes for Kids
If your student needs clothing at no cost, Clothes for Kids is ready to serve you. Appointments are required. Clothes for Kids hours: Tuesdays 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m., Wednesdays 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Thursdays 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. To schedule, please complete the Clothes for Kids Appointment form or call 503-356-4322. Visits are limited to one adult with four children or two adults with 8 children. All visitors must wear masks. If you don't have your own, we'll provide one.
We’re also looking for Clothes for Kids volunteers. Please contact Johanna Shrout at johanna_shrout@beaverton.k12.or.us.
May Walk+Roll Challenge
Class Input Forms Due May 14th
We are beginning to plan for next year. Part of the planning process is to create our class lists for the 21-22 school year. We need your input! Please fill out this form to let us know the type of learning environment in which your student thrives. This is not a teacher request. Instead, share with us the characteristics of a classroom where your student will do their best. This will help us create our best and most vibrant learning communities. These are due on May 14th.
Lunch Opt-Outs
Hybrid Handbook - Repeat
Make sure to read through the handbook so that you can get a good idea of what school will look like when we return.
If you haven't filled out these surveys, please fill them out this weekend. We need this information for Monday! We also need you to give us some information about how your child will go home and their meal preferences. Please fill out these two surveys below.
Meals Survey - CDL and Hybrid
Transportation Survey - Hybrid Only
Student Help Desk
Hours: School Days 8:30-3:30
Phone Number: 503 356-4656Email: shd@beaverton.k12.or.us
Raleigh Hills K8
Website: https://raleighhills.beaverton.k12.or.us
Location: 5225 Southwest Scholls Ferry Road, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503 356-2160
Twitter: @RH_K8