Harbison Herald
September 26, 2024 ~ A Title One School
WEATHER UPDATE: The National Weather Service is forecasting severe weather associated with Hurricane Helene, including high confidence in the potential for heavy rainfall and wind gusts exceeding 60 miles per hour, for the midlands area beginning Thursday, September 26, 2024, and continuing until Friday, September 27, 2024. As a result, all Lexington-Richland School District Five schools and offices, including our virtual FIVE program, will observe an e-learning day on Friday, September 27, 2024.
Teachers will post assignments to Google Classroom by 10:00 a.m. for asynchronous learning. If a teacher does not utilize Google Classroom, they will notify parents and students of how this information will be shared. Asynchronous learning involves students completing assignments independently at their own pace throughout the day. Teachers will continue to support students during asynchronous learning by providing feedback, responding to questions, and reviewing assignments when in-person learning resumes. All students will have up to five (5) school days to complete assignments.
#LexRich5Schools officials will continue to monitor the impacts of Hurricane Helene to our area. Any further announcements will be made using the district’s automated communications system, the district website, and social media. #SCWX
October is rapidly approaching and with that comes an opportunity for you to get involved in our school on a deeper level. I would like to take this opportunity to invite all parents, guardians, and community members to volunteer to serve on our School Improvement Council (SIC). If you are unfamiliar with what the SIC is and why it is important, please allow me to briefly elaborate on its relevance to our school community.
The SIC plays a crucial role in the improvement and overall success of our school. The SIC provides a platform for parents, community members, and school staff to actively engage in an ongoing dialogue that will directly influence the school's decision-making process. This engagement helps build a sense of ownership and investment in the school while fostering a dynamic school-community partnership. The SIC is important because it brings together a diverse group of stakeholders to collaborate, advocate, and work towards the continuous improvement of the school, which ultimately benefits the entire school community and enhances the educational experience for students.
We are including parent nomination forms to this newsletter. Any parent/community member that is nominated will be contacted by a member of our school’s administration. Nominees will be invited to submit a brief statement about themselves and why they want to serve on the SIC. All statements received will be listed on the ballot so that voters will have a chance to get to know each of the candidates.
If you would like to nominate yourself or another individual for a parent representative position on the HWES SIC, please fill out the following form: https://forms.gle/k2xwPcTgz6rYsyvs6. Nomination forms must be received no later than October 4, 2024 at 3pm.
Thank you for your continued support!
Keep Being Great,
Thomas Turner, Ed.D
Proud Principal
Harbison West Elementary School
o: 803.476.3800 ext. 3810
Per our student/parent handbook: A written note, medical excuse or electronic excuse form must be submitted for each absence.
Save time and gas by submitting your excuses online using this link - Online Excuse Form. You can upload medical excuses on this form, so no need to make a special trip to school. A link to this form is also at the bottom of each school letter and at the top of our website homepage.
If you prefer, medical excuses may also be faxed to the school at 803-476-3820.
If you have not already completed the Title 1 Parent & Family Engagement Survey, you can access the survey here. If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your continued support and remember to “Discover the Hero in You”.
October Events
October 1
1st grade field trip *rescheduled from 9/26
October 4
PTO Stars & Strikes Spirit Night 4pm-8pm (see below for more information)
October 7
CogAT Testing - 2nd grade (bring fully charged chromebook)
October 8
CogAT Testing - 2nd & 4th grade (bring fully charged chromebook)
October 8
PTO Meeting at 7:30am
October 9
CogAT Testing - 2nd & 4th grade (bring fully charged chromebook)
October 10
2nd grade field trip
October 11
End of 1st nine weeks
**this date has been adjusted due to missing the first scheduled day of school.
October 11
e-Learning day for students (weather make-up day for 8/8/24)
Mark your calendars for our first spirit night!
Register to reserve an attraction pass for Spirit Night https://forms.gle/Zgh19g8oqDs8WSWg9
Questions - hwespto@hwespto.org
A huge thank you to all who donated to our PTO Hero Hustle Fundraiser! We reached our goal and are looking forward to all the wonderful things we will be able to do for our school, students & staff this year!
Our Children. Their Future. Your Choice.
The 2024 Bond Referendum is on the ballot this November.
Visit www.lexrich5.org/bond to learn how the Bond Referendum impacts our school and community.
Ms. Haynes class celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month learning about Mexico from Madisson.
Run Hard began this week. Despite the hot temperatures, the kids still had a great start to their training!
Thank you to Cassell Brothers for their donation of school supplies. We are grateful for their generosity and investment in our students.
MRS. TEAGUE - 09/20/24
I would like to select Cindi Teague as the next Staff Member of the Week! Cindi has been beyond patient with me as I am learning the ropes of the Hospitality Committee. She is so helpful, efficient, organized, a great problem solver, and always makes time for whatever or whoever needs her. She does everything calmly and with grace. She sits quietly in her office keeping more things than we realize afloat and running smoothly. All of us here at HWES are lucky to have Cindi as part of our team; she is a real gem!
Contact Us
Website: www.lexrich5.org/hwes
Location: 257 Crossbow Drive, Columbia, SC, USA
Phone: (803)476-3800
Facebook: www.facebook.com/HarbisonWestElem
Instagram: @HarbisonWestElem
X: @HarbisonWestEl