11/15 Newsletter
St. Petronille Catholic School
A Note from Mr. Schmidt
This was a truly special week marked by our always wonderful Veterans Day mass and ceremony. This year we hosted around 20 veterans from our school, parish, and local communities to recognize at mass and honor through a reception with our 7th grade students. The day is one of the truly special experiences in our students' St. Petronille careers and I am thankful to Mr. Troppito, Mrs. Serruto, Mr. Coyle, Mrs. Wardynski, our Parent Organization, and our 7th graders, amongst others, for making it such a special day.
It is school musical weekend! We are excited to host the St. Petronille productions of "Phantom of the Music Room" and "Clue, Jr." each of the next two weekends. Please see the flyer below with information about show times and ticket purchasing. We hope to see you there!
In addition to all of the above, all families should have Trimester 1 report cards ready for viewing in FACTS and should have received an invitation to Parent Teacher Conferences on November 25. Please make sure to check out your child's grades and book your times to meet with teachers. At this time of year, it is always important to reemphasize some best practices around speaking with students about grades so please check out the "How to Discuss Grades" letter below.
Please reach out with any questions you might have. I'll see you at the play this weekend!
God bless,
Eric Schmidt
P.S. Gentle reminder that next week is an out-of-uniform pass week all week long as we look forward to Thanksgiving Break!
The School Musical Begins This Weekend
Giving Tuesday at St. Pets on 12/3
For the first time ever, we’re joining #GivingTuesday—a global day to give, celebrate generosity, and support meaningful causes.
Mark your calendar for Tuesday, December 3, when we invite you to reflect on the blessings of a St. Pets education and give back to the school that has shaped so many lives.
Together, let’s be All in For St. Pets and make our first Giving Tuesday unforgettable.
Giving Thanks for our Staff in November!
Portillo's Night for St. Pets on 12/5
Hat and Mitten Drive
Adopt-a-Family for the Holidays
November undoubtedly brings thoughts and moments of gathering, supporting and being in community with one another. In this season of giving and gathering, the Adopt-A-Family program hopes to gather people to bring Christmas wishes to over 500 people in need in our community. You can support these individuals by using the Sign-Up-Genius link here to reserve your spot for gift card purchases or to adopt an individual or family. We are grateful to be in community with you and are so appreciative of your generosity,
The Adopt-A-Family Team
Parent Organization Update
Hello everyone!
We held our November meeting on 11/6 and would like to share the latest happenings and plans. Thanks to all the hardworking leads and committee members who make these events possible.
What’s been going on?
- The Parent Organization is excited to gift $65,000 to school needs on behalf of ALL school parents. This has been generated through the family/social activities and the Out of Uniform sales. Thank you all for your generosity in making this possible.
- The funds being utilized will contribute to school lobby/office renovations, teacher classroom wish lists, Jr. High Math and English department needs, furthering the literacy program for Pre-K through 8th grade, and adding to our Library book collection.
- Hosted our annual Pumpkin carving/decorating contest.
- Threw a Dad’s Euchre and Bags Tournament on 10/19.
- Hosted a Donut Sunday on 11/10 by our K and 4th Grade classes.
- Hosted our 8th grade volleyball recognition night 10/3 (girls beat their parents 3-0).
- Coordinated tour guides for last week’s Open House for prospective families.
- Kicked off Adopt-a-Family for the Christmas Season.
- Hosted a reception for our Veterans after Tuesday’s all school mass.
- Opened Spirit Wear sales till 11/17: https://stpets.itemorder.com/shop/sale/
What’s next?
- Preparing for the Christmas Collection for our staff and faculty (12/2-12/18).
- 12/5: Join us for St. Pets night at Portillo’s in Glendale Heights
- 1/25: Trivia night
- 2/1: Dad’s Poker Tournament for (Father’s Club).
- 2/20: International Night. Contact Myra Kayser to promote a country.
- 2/23: Chicago Wolves Hockey Game. Cheer on the Wolves with your fellow Chargers
- 2/27 Fine Arts Presentation for students. We will feature the local graphic artist and illustrator, Ross Felten, from the series Ava the Monster Slayer by Lisa Maggio
- Stocking concessions for the upcoming basketball games
Please save the date for our next PO meeting on 12/3 @ 7pm and reach out to any of us on the board to learn more.
All are welcome!
Advent Opportunity with Spiritual Enrichment
An invitation to journey with the Blessed Mother this Advent season from the Spiritual Enrichment Committee.
The Spiritual Enrichment Committee would like to invite the moms of St. Petronille School to come together this Advent and take the journey to Bethlehem with the Blessed Mother. We will kick off this journey on November 22nd at 9:30am after the morning Rosary. You are invited to come and learn more. Please see the link to the flyer below for more information and please use the link included to register and indicate your interest in participating. We would love to have you join us during this season of waiting in joyful hope. Please know that this is a group for moms, your little ones will always be welcome and come when and as you can. We all understand that the time before Christmas is run on Diet Coke and the sleepless nights of busy moms. This time together will be a chance to unwind and let the love of our Blessed Mother and her Son wash over you.
We look forward to seeing you November 22 at 9:30am (please know you are welcome to come at 9am and pray the Rosary with us first.) We will meet near the Blessed Mother statue outside of the PLC.
The Spiritual Enrichment Committee
Conversation with Col. Sean Morrow
We were honored last week to have Col. Sean Morrow speak to our students in preparation for Veterans Day about what it means to be a veteran. Col. Morrow is the husband of Megan Maloney, St. Petronille class of 1992. Our 5th-8th grade students were privileged to be able to listen to what he has to say and learn about his experiences. We felt this conversation could be informative to our entire school community and are including a link to the conversation below for you to see.
Please note that this video is permitted to be shared only within our school community and CANNOT be posted or shared on social media.
Backpack Mail
Fr. Jerome's Letter to the Parish
Adult Faith Formation Opportunities
Ski Weekend Information
Christian Services Updates
Raise Right Sale
Team McCarthy Toy Drive
On the Calendar
November 18-22: Out-of-Uniform Pass Week
November 19-25: Used Uniform Exchange Open in Bakhita Hall
Wednesday, November 20: 7th-8th Grade Advent Confessions 1:45 PM
Monday, November 25: Parent-Teacher Conferences
November 25-29: NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Tuesday, December 3: Giving Tuesday
Wednesday, December 4: 5th-6th Grade Advent Confessions 1:45 PM
Thursday, December 5: Portillo's Night
Wednesday, December 11: 3rd-4th Grade Advent Confessions 1:45 PM
Thursday, December 12: Christmas Concert at 6:00 PM in the Church
Photos of the Week
Our Veterans Day Mass and Ceremony is always a special day at St. Petronille. We are so thankful to our visiting veterans for blessing up with their presence and for taking time to speak with our 7th graders about their service!
Our school musical productions of "Phantom of the Music Room" and "Clue, Jr." begin this weekend! Our actors and actresses did a wonderful job putting on their performance for their classmates on Thursday this week!
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Quest Hot Lunch
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Learn more about St. Petronille!
Website: www.stpetschool.org
Location: 425 Prospect Avenue, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630-469-5041