Census 2020 Updates
February 25, 2020
Celebrate RI Library Census Week from March 16 - 22!
Census mailers will go out starting March 12, and this is your chance to kick the census off right in your community. Whether you are hosting census-specific events or incorporating census outreach into your regularly scheduled programs, community events and storytimes, OLIS wants to hear about it! If you have a census outreach event planned for dates outside of RI Library Census Week, we want to hear about those too.
Want to host an event to add to our Census Outreach Events calendar, but not sure where to start? Contact Nicolette Baffoni at nicolette.baffoni@olis.ri.gov to get started.
Census 101 for RI Libraries
Coming soon: RI Branded Census Materials
Got Census Questions?
RI Office of Library & Information Services
Email: nicolette.baffoni@olis.ri.gov
Website: www.olis.ri.gov
Location: One Capitol Hill, Providence, RI 02908
Phone: 401-574-9316
Facebook: facebook.com/riolis
Twitter: @olisri