Bulldog Bulletin
February 3rd, 2025
Widefield Elementary School of the Arts
509 Widefield Drive
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80911
719-391-3335 (Office)
719-391-9416 (Fax)
Office Information
Office hours: 7:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
To report an absence, please call 719-391-3336
Please notify the office immediately for any changes in student contact information.
Student hours: 8:15 a.m.-3:25 p.m. Tardy bell: 8:20 a.m.
Students are not allowed on school grounds before 8:00 a.m. No early check-out after 3:10 p.m.
School Website: https://widefield.wsd3.org/
School Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/WidefieldSchooloftheArts/
School Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/wesabulldogs/
Link to Parent/Student Handbook: 24-25 Parent/Student Handbook
Before & After School Care: Leading Edge 1-800-341-5791
Important Dates to Remember February
- All Wednesdays ~ WESA Wednesday (wear purple and/or Bulldog swag)
- 6th ~ Family Night, 5-6:30 p.m.
- 7th ~ Professional Development Day/No Students
- 10th ~ Mid Terms go Home
- 11th ~ Chick-Fil-A Night, 4:30-8 p.m.
- 11th ~ PTO Mtg., 3:45 p.m.
- 17th ~ President's Day/No School
- 20th ~ 3rd Quarter BAAC Mtg., 8:30 a.m.
- 24th-28th ~ Winter Book Fair
Keeping Our Bulldogs Safe
We understand, especially on cold weather days, that many of you will want to park and pick up your student(s). We welcome our families on campus and want you to always feel safe during that pick up time. As a reminder, we have more parking in the lot between WESA and WHS. Please use that parking lot as an alternative when our front lots are full. We also recommend having your student walk to the blacktop where you can drive through our drop off/pick up lane against the north fence between WESA and WHS to pick up your student(s). It takes all of us to be aware, drive slowly and safely for our pick up time to run smoothly. Thank you for doing your part in keeping our Bulldogs safe!
We also would like to ask that parents do not park in the middle of our lots to drop off or pick up their student(s). This is not a safe practice for students and it continues to block other cars who have parked and need to leave. Thank you for being aware and helping us to solve this issue.
Safety & Traffic Procedures
Please use the crosswalks
Drop-off area-High School Parking lot in between WHS & WESA
Bus stops and buses are an extension of the school - all school rules apply
No driving through the front parking lot or bus lot when buses are present
Bicycles - bike racks are between the main building and the modular, lock your bike for safety
NO PETS on campus before, during, or after school
Drop-Off & Pick-Up
Morning drop-off - Students are to arrive between 8:00 & 8:15, when dropped off they are to go straight to breakfast or their classroom.
DO NOT drop-off before 8:00.
Afternoon pick-up is at 3:25 p.m.
- If you are picking your child up for an appointment and/or family engagement, please do so prior to 3:10 p.m. The end of the school day is hectic and the office staff is trying to wrap up the day, deliver messages to students and ensure students get where they need to be. We appreciate your cooperation with this request.
Please watch the attached video for a visual representation of our pick-up and drop-off procedures. Thank you! Drop-off & Pick-Up
Artist of the Month
The WESA Artist of the Month Study is M.C. Esher, the Dutch artist known for his mathematically inspired artworks. His works often feature impossible objects, optical illusions, tessellations, and explorations of infinity. WESA's 4th and 5th graders are learning about Esher in art class and creating exciting tessellations of their own.
Family Night
Winter Book Fair
Book Fair is Coming!!! Every book purchased at our Book Fair helps foster a love of reading in our students while also raising valuable funds for our school library! Your support means more books, resources, and engaging reading experiences for our kids. Join us in building a community of lifelong readers—shop the Book Fair February 24th-28th. Please note the Winter Book Fair will be held in Room 23 (the Colorado Map door on the front side of the building)
Shop at WESA Book Fair.
Yearbook Orders
Get your 2024-25 WESA Yearbook order in early and receive early bird pricing. Use the order code below to take advantage. Thanks!
Order Code: 90920P
Orders Due By: Wednesday, April 02, 2025
Counseling Corner
Read-A-Thon Funds
We are excited to announce our book vending machine has been delivered. With funds raised from the Read-A-Thon we purchased over 500 books to fill the machine! Teachers and students are setting class goals to earn books. It could be compliments, behavior, grades or anything else fun the students and teachers choose. When a class reaches their goal their teacher will take the class to the machine, Students will receive a token and choose a book to take home.
Thank you to all of our families who contributed to our Read-A-Thon this past Fall! It's because of you this is possible!
Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night
No cooking dinner on Tuesday, February 11th! Take the family to Chick-Fil-A for dinner and support WESA. Families must mention WESA when ordering for us to receive a percentage of the sale, but no flyer is required. Thank you and eat more chicken!
Chick-Fil-A at 7925 Fountain Mesa Rd, Fountain, CO 80817.