February Newsletter
Purdy Elementary Panthers February, 2025
Purdy Office News
Thank you to all who attended conferences! A positive Home to School connection supports each student and we are proud of the collaboration around each student's success at Purdy!
Second semester is upon us! If your child takes snack milk and you pay by semester, you can send the second semester milk fee of $35.00 to the office (please clearly mark who it is for), and we will deliver to School Nutrition Department.
School registration fees are due. You would have received a letter and a phone call if you have yet to pay fees. You can send these payments into the main office at any time!
2025-26 Kindergarten registration is going on now. If you have a child turning Kindergarten age next school year (age 5 by September 1), please visit www.fortschools.org website to register your child for kindergarten! 4K registration will begin in February with more information coming soon!
Each month, students and staff meet all together in our multiage families to work on various themes of collaboration, teamwork and kindness! Each "family" has a teacher leader and the groups are about 10 students. You will see some pictures in our newsletter of these multiage families in action!
The Purdy Yearbook can be ordered starting February 1 until May 4th. Please use the blue link below to order!
After School Request
If your child is changing how they are getting home (i.e. not taking bus), please email or call the office with this information in advance of 3:00 PM. 920-563-7822. This helps us at the end of the day, as we ensure students are where they need to be (and we aren't looking for students who changed dismissal plans). Thanks!
Multiage Family Team Time!
Bingo Book Prizes!
Lost and (not) Found
Our Purdy Lost and Found is located right inside the main doors outside the gymnasium. Please feel free to come before or after school to check this with your child (or encourage them to check!). We have many items, and have made several announcements, but the lost is getting larger!
Summer School!
School Health Resources
Band and Orchestra News!
February is a busy month! We have two all-district rehearsals Friday, February 7th and Wednesday the 12th. Then, the band will be going on their field trip to see the UW-Madison Marching Band on Feb 14th! What an awesome trip this will be. Seeing a marching band work together and perform should be an eye opening experience!
WHAT: The Pops Concert
WHEN: Sunday, February 16th
TIME: Rehearsal 12:30
Sales Begin 1:15 PM
Concert: 2:00 PM
WHERE: Fort Atkinson High School
WHO: ALL BAND Students in
Grades 5-12
Pre-concert Activities including 50/50 and Basket Raffle (HS Commons Area).
Please bring yourself, grandparents, aunts/uncles, your cameras and be prepared to hear some great music! See you there!!!!
This concert is our only “fundraiser” concert; there is a small admission fee of $5.00 per person to attend. We also have a basket raffle and snacks for sale! This fundraiser provides valuable funds to our band programs.
(All remaining concerts are free to attend).
Band Candy sales are also being sent home and should be returned at the Pops Concert. Please check your email for more information!
5th Grade Orchestra Families:
The Orchestra Dessert Concert is on Sunday, March 2nd at the High School Auditorium. The concert begins at 4:00 pm, with a rehearsal scheduled prior. Our guest artist is Tim Rush. There will be a $10 admission fee and desserts for sale to help raise funds for the orchestra boosters. Students will need their instruments on Friday February 21st and 28th for district rehearsals! MARK YOUR CALENDARS!
READ-A-THON February 3-17!
It's time for the Purdy PTO Read-A-Thon!
Our school Read-A-Thon begins on Monday February 3, 2025 and is sure to be a fun and exciting event.
We understand that your time is valuable. We also know that providing the best education for your child is important. When we send it out, we are encouraging everyone to activate their student's Read-A-Thon account as soon as possible. The instructions are straightforward, making it quick and hassle-free, and it should take less than 5 minutes of your time.
Watch a short video to see how to signup your reader (also the clickable link below):
This account will serve as a hub for recording and monitoring your child's progress as a Reader in the event, and for you to share their Read-A-Thon message with friends and family. Use the link below to activate your student's Reader account:
Thank you so much for your participation and support. Together, we can make this Read-A-Thon an amazing experience for our young readers! Thank you,
Purdy PTO
5th Grade DARE has started!
This amazing program is designed around teaching kids the importance of resistance education and supplying them with tools to be successful! This is offered to the fifth graders in the Fort Atkinson School District through our local police department. We are so thankful!
Community News and Events (click PDF link!)
Snow Much Fun!
February Dates to Remember!
January 31: Safety Patrol Luncheon
February 14: 4th Grade Trip to Hoard, Band Field Trip, Valentine Parties-PM
March 21- No school through March 30th- Spring Break