Internship Newsletter
Latest updates!
Holy Cross Internship
Holy cross internship
Dear prospective internship student,
Holy Cross Health is currently recruiting for school year 2025-2026 interns. Holy Cross Health is a Catholic, not-for-profit, people-centered health system that serves the two most populous counties in Maryland, Montgomery and Prince George's counties, and Washington, DC. The health system is committed to being the most trusted provider of healthcare services in the area. Holy Cross Hospital, in Silver Spring, is one of the largest hospitals in Maryland, and Holy Cross Germantown Hospital is the first hospital in the nation on a community college campus, enhanced by an educational partnership. The Holy Cross Health Network operates primary care practices and affordable health centers and offers a wide range of innovative, community-based health and wellness programs. You can check us out at www.holycrosshealth.orgLinks to an external site..
Holy Cross Health hosts interns interested in more than just medical professions! Like a small community, we have retail (gift shop), hospitality (food services, environmental services, patient transport, and guest services), business (supply chain, human resources, volunteer services), technology (desktop support, clinical engineering), and more. We gladly accept students in the Healthcare Professions (CCMA and CNA in most locations, Rehab and Pharm Tech in Germantown only). We also look for students who are multi-lingual.
If you are interested in joining us, please complete ONE of the applications listed on the Work-Based Learning portal through MCPS. The application is open from Thursday, February 27th to Friday, March 21st at 12pm. There will not be any extension to this deadline. After applying, you will receive instructions by email about mandatory information sessions for the evenings of March 25th-27th. Please make sure you are checking your personal email regularly during this whole process. Following instructions is important to me and I want to see all applicants follow our recruitment process appropriately.
I hope to work with you soon,
Holy Cross Health, Maryland
1500 Forest Glen Road
Silver Spring, MD 20910
More internship and apprenticeship opportunities
Below is a list of apprenticeship opportunities available for rising juniors and seniors. Please see list below. Please see Mrs. Lopez in room 270A to sign up and complete the application.
Please email with questions Brenda_b_lopez@mcpsmd.org
- Please review the Application Guidance: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zFgY13Kqicir2teqXcy2qsPlkFT0ZLkKo-qz9dK0Kdc/edit?tab=t.0. None of the applicants completed the part about registering for NAA. Please speak to any students from your school who applied so they complete that registration.
- Please reach out to me if the student from your school is in 10th grade. This program is for Juniors so I need to know why the student as listed as a 10th grader.
Hands on Dental
- Hands on Dental Applications are closed. The Feb. Cohort 5 and the May Cohort 6 have been filled.
- If there is a student who requested the opportunity but is not listed here, please check with them to confirm if their application was submitted.
IEC Chesapeake
- New vouchers are on order and will be available next week.
- Please be sure to have students follow all the directions on the application guidance so they are sure to correctly request a voucher.
- Students who request vouchers should have all their documentation uploaded in the Navigator so that I can review before issuing vouchers. Last year there were many wasted vouchers for students who requested one but did not qualify for the program.
Clark Construction
- The Clark Construction opportunity is posted.
- I know the format of the post is hard to read, but students should focus on the links.
- Applicants must follow the directions exactly – incomplete applications will not be considered.
- Students must be able to travel to the job.
Please Keep in Mind
- Students should only apply for one apprenticeship opportunity. The Related Instruction for each apprenticeship is very expensive and isn’t available unless students intend to work in that apprenticeship.
- Students enrolled in Apprenticeship & Internship should be using the WBL Navigator student platform to record their documents. No student should apply to an opportunity and not have their documents uploaded. I refer to them when I verify whether the student qualifies.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need more information.
Field trips
Millionaires Club Towson Trip April 25
TBD Career Expo April 9
Industry guest speakers
Industry guest speakers
Industry guest speakers
Field Trip
Job Opportunity Montgomery Rec
FREE internship Summer School 2025
Earn an internship credit over the summer
calendar items
Internship meeting
Parents and Students: please join the Internship and Apprenticeship information to learn about the opportunities available for rising Juniors and Seniors.
Tuesday, March 5, 2025 at 11:10 AM via Zoom for parents room 204 students.
Join Zoom Meeting
https://mcpsmd.zoom.us/j/3503380928?pwd=YXRsblFNVmd1aGhHVGlrVklZaVE2Zz09Links to an external site.
Meeting ID: 350 338 0928 Passcode: lopezclass
Tuesday, Mar 4, 2025, 11:15 AM
room 204/virtual for parents
Internships & Apprenticeships
Internship and Apprenticeship Teacher/Coordinator
Brenda Barbari Lopez
Email: brenda_b_lopez@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://sites.google.com/mcpsmd.net/einsteininternships/home
Location: Albert Einstein High School 11135 Newport Mill Road Kensington, MD 20895
Room 270A
Phone: 240-7402648Instagram: aehs.internships