The GMA Gazette
A bi-weekly newsletter from Geist Montessori Academy
Friday, August 4, 2023
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year
I look forward to seeing each of you on Monday afternoon for our Meet The Teacher event. And, I hope you will join us for the Positive Discipline parenting workshop with Chip DeLorenzo Monday evening. If you need childcare for that evening, please be sure to register for that now. A $10 per child cash donation is requested at the time of drop-off that evening. Remember, only currently enrolled GMA students will be able to stay for childcare that evening. Siblings/family members who are not enrolled with us will not be able to stay with us that evening.
As we close out summer break this weekend and prepare for an exciting school year ahead, I hope you will take the time to read through all of the information included here. The next issue of our school newsletter will be sent out on Sunday, August 20. I send The GMA Gazette out on alternating weekends. Teachers will send classroom communications out on the opposite weeks.
Enjoy the weekend!
Ms. Jen
Check PowerSchool for Class Placements TODAY!
Once you login, you will see your child's teacher listed under the "Courses" column as "Homeroom".
Teachers will be sending out a welcome email to their classes soon. Be on the lookout for that to come to your inbox as well.
If, for some reason, you are unable to access your PowerSchool account; classroom placement information will be made available in-person only at our Meet the Teacher event on Monday afternoon from 4:00-5:30 pm. Mr. Patrick will also be available during this event to help families gain access to PowerSchool for the school year.
Meet The Teachers Event
Monday, Aug 7, 2023, 04:00 PM
Geist Montessori Academy, West 900 North, McCordsville, IN, USA
Positive Discipline Parent Workshop
Monday, Aug 7, 2023, 06:00 PM
Geist Montessori Academy, West 900 North, McCordsville, IN, USA
GMA Back to School FAQs
IMPORTANT! Arrival and Dismissal Car Line Information
NEW THIS YEAR: The McCordsville Police Department has informed us that our west end exit out of car line must be a right turn only access point due to increased local traffic on 900N. This is a change from last school year. Staff will be directing traffic at the west access so that vehicles take turns alternating lanes to turn right only to exit the car line. Think of it like you're going through the Chick-fil-A drive-through...everyone takes turns and traffic keeps flowing! ;)
Car Line Points Worth Repeating (Again!):
- Car Line Numbers - Please have your family's car line number clearly displayed in the windshield of your vehicle during arrival and dismissal. Number tags will be distributed in classrooms during our Meet the Teacher event on Monday afternoon. Some families find it convenient to clip the tag to the sun visor and flip it down upon arrival. Others, use a pants/skirt hanger and hang it from the rearview mirror when they pull into car line. Find a system that works for you and go with it! Just make sure you have your number every day.
- Cell Phones - Do not use your cell phone in car line. Staff will ask you to refrain from this habit while our students' safety is of concern. Distractions of any kind must be avoided while in car line. Be alert and aware of children and staff members walking to/from vehicles.
- Follow the Instructions of Car Line Staff - We have plenty of staff assigned to help with arrival and dismissal. Please remain in your vehicle and watch for signals and instructions from our staff before you move your vehicle. Do not release your children from the car until staff have indicated it is safe to do so!
- Do Not Change Lanes - Stay in your lane during car line and do not try to change lanes for convenience. Everyone will be turning right out of the lot this year, anyway. So, there is no need to try to get in the "faster" car line lane.
- Remind Your Child(ren) to Walk - All students are required to walk to and from the building during car line.
The first couple of weeks will be slower as everyone learns the routine for car line. Please be patient and gracious with each other and model these traits for your children as you navigate the traffic in car line. Working together, we can help keep everyone safe and traffic flowing smoothly for all this year!
Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, Aug 30, 2023, 05:30 PM
Geist Montessori Academy, West 900 North, McCordsville, IN, USA
PTO Meeting
The monthly meetings take place in the Birch room and are scheduled immediately following the Board meeting.