Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 20th January 2023
Christingle 2023
Christingle 2023
The children had worked with volunteers from the Cathedral making Christingles during the day and learnt about the meaning of each part. Before going up to the Cathedral each class enjoyed playing outside and eating a jacket potato prepared by the school kitchen. During the service, Year 6 shared what they had learnt about the Children's Society. They explained how the charity helps many young people across the UK who are in poverty, have mental health and wellbeing needs or are refugees.
The lighting of the Christingles was a very special moment complemented by our super soloists in Year 6 who sang 'Hope of Heaven' accompanied by Sue Gill on the piano.
We would like to give a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the Christingle and made it so special for the children.
Year 4 Worship
Courageously caring for animals - Year 4
Do click on the video below!
A million laughs or a million pounds?
Question of the Week
'If you have a million pounds you can donate it to charity and change people's lives.' Year 5
'Money can help people and create happiness.' Year 5
'Laughter is important because money can't buy you happiness.' Year 4
'You can donate your money and make people happy.' Year 4
'Laughter is contagious and can spread joy across the planet.' Year 4
'Laughter makes everyone happy and money doesn't always make you happy.' Year 3
'We love having fits of giggles.' Nursery
'In Year 2 we voted and 19 would have a million pounds and 10 would prefer a million laughs.' Year 2
'Laughter improves lives.' Year 2
'If we have money we can spend it on our friends and charity and buy resources for the school.' Year 2
'If we have money we can give to the homeless and it can take many of your worries away.' Year 6
'Laughter because we love to laugh.' Year 1
'Laughter gives me strength.' Reception
Year 1 visit lister house
Exploring how things grow in Nursery
Stars of the Week
Ethan for fabulous mark making and putting lots of detail to his pictures.
Henry for a super attitude to learning and for giving his very best in all areas of learning.
Year 1
Zelda for wonderful ideas and effort in writing this week.
Year 2
Dylan for really persevering with his peeling and getting 100% in this week's test! He always tries his best and is kind, caring and generous.
Year 3
Frankie for making a huge effort in her maths work and coming into school with a smile each week.
Year 4
Martha for always embracing a challenge and for her hard work and thoughtful answers in RE.
Year 5
Jasper for excellent work in class; a more active approach to learning by offering explanations.
Year 6
Paige for always trying her best in all lessons, presenting her work to beautiful standard and making every effort to edit and improve.
Ambassador Awards
The children chose Tobias in Year 2 and Charlotte in Year 4. They also chose Mrs Mence and Mrs Bradley for their fabulous work in Forest Schools, which helps so many children to flourish in their learning.
School Update
Good attendance is essential for children to attain expectations with research showing there is a strong correlation between pupils progress and attendance.
Well done to Year 2 who currently are our best attending class.
Current Attendance
Reception - 94.1%
Year 1 - 94.9%
Year 2 - 98.3%
Year 3 - 95.3%
Year 4 - 94.7%
Year 5 - 94.8%
Year 6 - 94.3%
Industrial Action by the National Education Union.
You may have heard in the press that the National Education Union members have voted to take industrial action in February and March. At Ripon Cathedral School we are not expecting that there will be any disruption to learning and school will continue as normal.
Please can we remind parents that children should not be wearing necklaces and bracelets in school. If children wear earrings, we do ask that these are suitable stud earrings that can be removed easily for when children take part in PE sessions. Children are allowed to wear watches, however these should not be connected to another device or be able to take photographs.
Many thanks for your continued support
Steven Holmes
Dates for Diaries
Wednesday 1st February at 9am - Year 3 Class Worship
Tuesday 7th February at 5.30pm - Parents meeting for London
Wednesday 8th February at 9am - Year 5 Class Worship
Friday 10th February - School closes for the half term break
Monday 20th February - School opens
Wednesday 22nd February at 9am- Year 2 Class Worship
Wednesday 1st March at 9am - Year 1 Class Worship
Thursday 7th March - Year 4 visit Jorvik and Dig
Tuesday 14th March - Year 3 visit Murton Park for a Roman day
Wednesday 15th March at 9am - Reception Class Worship
Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th March - Year 6 London visit
Tuesday 28th March - Easter Service in the Cathedral (TBC)
Friday 31st March - Music Concert
Friday 31st March - School closes for the Easter holidays
Oscar's Easter Holiday Club - dates to be confirmed
Monday 16th April - School opens for the summer term
Community news
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Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
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Twitter: @riponcathschool