May Parent Newsletter
Manvel School 2024
Building Relationships & Growing Toegether!
Greetings to all!
May is a super busy month filled with many fun filled learning opportunities. As we reflect on this year let us celebrate and re-discover the moments and memories that brought us so much positive energy, joy and laughter! It was an amazing year and I feel fortunate and blessed to experience these precious moments with your children.
There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, May 10th. This is a storm make-up day.
This upcoming week (May 6-10) is Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week. They are superheroes! While we will be celebrating them here at school (special thanks to PTO), if you get a chance to write them a note or have your child write them a note or color a picture, I know it would mean so much to our staff who work tirelessly for your kids every day! Thank you!
Kindergarten Round-Up was completed on April 30th and Preschool Round-Up is scheduled in May 7th (see flyer below). We are looking forward to our new families and students joining MPS, having fun in their new classrooms, and meeting their new teachers!
The Honors Breakfast will be held on Thursday, May 9th, at 8:00 AM. Invitations have been mailed out. If you are invited, please be sure to RSVP. We will celebrate select 7 & 8-grade students, their parents, and special community members who have supported our school in special ways this year. We will also recognize our Manvel Seniors graduating high school this year. We are so proud of all of them.
We are planning our 3rd Annual Color Fun Run on Wednesday, May 8th, from 2-3 PM. Special thanks to PTO for sponsoring this fun event. We plan to also hold a fundraiser along with this event to help raise money for our playground renovation. Pledge sheets have been sent home. The class that raises the most money will be able to "Pie the Face" of a teacher or staff member. We are also looking for some parent volunteers to come out and help. To end the year, we wanted to incorporate some community-building with a "healthy" theme. We look forward to continuing this fun event with all our students and families!
The last day for preschool and 8th grade will be Thursday, May 23rd (with a 7:00 PM graduation celebration for our 8th-grade class). The last day of school for all K-7th grade students is on Friday, May 24th. Kindergarten graduation will take place at 10:00 AM.
We will be dismissing all students at 1:00 p.m.
We will resume school on Thursday, August 22nd. The new school calendar for 2022-2023 can be found at the end of this newsletter or on our school website at https://www.manvel.k12.nd.us/
As we approach the end of the 2023-24 school year, I want to thank you all for allowing me the opportunity to work with your children daily to build relationships and gain educational success to their greatest potential. The Manvel community has given great love and support to Manvel school. I look forward to continuing this amazing partnership. It has been a true honor and blessing and I am excited for the 2024-25 school year.
Have the most amazing Summer! Find the time to rest, relax, and enjoy time with family and friends! Thanks again for sharing your children with us for another great year of learning!
Mrs. Stevens
Help us Celebrate the Years of Dedication to Manvel Public School!
May SEL Skill ~ Assertive(Relationship Skills)
*ND State Assessment Window for 3rd-8th - March 11th- May 3rd
*Kindergarten & 1st Grade ABC Countdown-April 17th- May 24th
*Soccer April 15th-May 7th- 3rd-6th Graders
*Soccer April 16th-May 24th- 1st & 2nd Graders
*STAR Benchmark Assessment Window- April 25th- May 7th
Thursday, May 2nd- Kids Don't Float~ 5th Grade- 9:45-11:45
Thursday, May 2nd- Final Connection Time - 2:30-3:00
Friday, May 3rd- Careers on Wheels~ 1:30-3:00
Monday May 6th ~ Friday, May 10th: Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
Tuesday, May 7th- Pre-School Round-up~2:00-3:00
Thursday, May 9th- Honors Breakfast~@ 8:00 am (invitations will be mailed out)
Wednesday, May 8th- ~ PTO Color Fun Run @ 2:00 pm (parents and families invited)(back up day: Thursday, May 9th)
Thursday, May 9th- "Bake It Better"- 4th-8th Grade- 3:30-5:00
Monday, May 13th- 2nd-5th Spring Concert~@ 2:00 & 6:30
Tuesday, May 14th- 5th Grade Track Meet in Grand Forks~10:00-2:00-(Make-up date Friday, May 17th)
Wednesday, May 15th-Safety on Wheels-3rd Grade~ 9:30-10:00- Helmet fitting will happen throughout the day
Wednesday, May 15th-6th Grade Track Meet in Grand Forks~ 10:00-2:00-(Make-up date Thursday, May 16th)-changed date
Thursday, May 16th ~ 4th Grade to Bonanzaville in Fargo all-day
Thursday, May 16th- 5th Grade Turtle River- all day
Friday, May 17th- 6th Grade Pembina Museum- leave at 8:30
Monday, May 20th- Middle School Spring Concert~ @ 2:00 & 7:00
Wednesday, May 22nd- 3rd Grade Turtle River- all day
Thursday, May 23rd- 8th Grade Graduation ~ 7:00 pm
Friday, May 24th ~ Kindergarten Graduation @ 10:00 am in the gym
Friday, May 24th- Last Day of School ~dismiss at 1:00
Please help us raise money for our playground renovation!
Counselor Corner:
Dear Parents,
I can feel the excitement in the air as Spring is here! My final day in Manvel is Friday, May 24th. It has sincerely been an HONOR and a JOY to serve you and your children. Please do not hesitate to reach out in the next 3 weeks with any questions you may have about transitioning services for your child for the 2024-2025 school year, or for referrals to supports available in the greater Grand Forks community this summer and beyond.
Classroom Counseling, Grades K-8
In May our school counseling lessons will be focusing on Safety Planning and Summer Safety. Our curriculum will cover:
We will utilize resources from FightChildAbuse.Org, and will cover the "Protect Yourself" Rules.
Grades PK-3: There are 5 "Protect Yourself" rules. If you would like to review these safety rules and curriculum with your child, it can be found HERE.
Grades 4-7: There are 6 "Protect Yourself" rules. f you would like to review these safety rules and curriculum with your child, it can be found HERE.
Grades 8: Students will discuss online safety and in-person safety related to sexual harassment. If you would like to review this curriculum with your child, it can be found HERE.
CVIC Individual Therapy
We would like to welcome Leah to our Manvel Community. Leah is a rural outreach therapist from CVIC (community violence and intervention center). She is available to do individual therapy sessions with students who have been exposed to violence, through:
-Bullying in the home or school setting
-Historical/generational violence
-Witnessing Domestic Violence
-Child Abuse or Neglect
If you would like your child to see Leah, please contact Ms. Weston (school counselor) to put in a referral. Leah will also be back in the fall to see students in the 2024-2025 school year.
Career on Wheels!
Shout out to Ms. Weston for making this happen!
Thank you!
Mike Gowan- Gowen Construction, Neil Nowatzki- Manvel Ambulance
Courtney Barstad Logan- eXp Realty, Phil Kramer- Lunseth Plumbing & Heating
Ben Liden, Adam Liden, & Jaden Chalich- Northern Plains Railroad
Nick Blackwell & Mark-Northdale Oil
8th Grade Graduation
We will be celebrating our 8th-grade students with a special graduation celebration on Thursday evening, May 23rd @ 7:00 pm at Manvel School. We wish our 8th graders well and send our congratulations to them and their families! See Flyer below for more details, or contact Miss Gottwalt or Mrs. Stevens with any questions or concerns. Cake and refreshments will be served after the ceremony.
Congratualtions to our Graduating 8th graders at Manvel Public School!
We wish them well in High School next year!
School Calendar for Next Year
Summer School:
Summer School forms will be sent home with students. If you want to send your child to Manvel Summer School, please call the office at 696-2212. Summer school runs in the morning during June.