NCS Letter to Families
Leap into Learning, 2024 - 2025!
January 2025
Dear Families,
Welcome back after the winter break. I hope you had a great break and the children have all returned with smiling faces, eager to be at school! We had a fantastic first semester. There are so many highlights, but our Thanksgiving parade and our Holiday Fest stand out as our favorites. Thank you to all parents and guardians who volunteered in the classrooms, pizza Fridays and helped chaperone our many events. You are truly appreciated, and we are grateful for your commitment to our students joy and success.
Friday January 10, 2025 will we not have bus service. Please make alternative arrangements for transportation that morning.
We have changes with this new semester. Our middle school students will move to our online program Edgenuity facilitated by Ms. Hicks. Mrs. Rembacki has moved to 4th and 5th grade language arts and social studies. Mrs. French (Leire) has stepped up to fill in for PE & Art until we can find a qualified teacher.
We are excited to have all of you back and look forward to our continued partnership as we move forward with this last semester.
Dr. Wendy Gamble
Open Enrollment and Re-Enrollment January 2025
Do you have family, friends, and neighbors interested in enrolling for the current school year? We are still accepting applications for this school year and have immediate openings.
Congratulations, Attendance Leaders!
Way to go, Kindergarten! You had the highest attendance percentage at 96% for the month.
Students of the Month & Staff Member of the Month
Food Drive Results
Thank you Parents & Students,
We were able to donate 1037 food items to Helping Hands Ministry.
Upcoming Events
January is Open Enrollment. Spread the word. Let other parents know they have a choice when it comes to their child's education.
1-3 Christmas Break--No School
6-7 Staff Development-No School
8 First Day Back to School
10 Spirit Shirts
15 College/Military Shirts
17 Spirit Shirts
20 No School
22 College/ Military Shirt
29 College/Military Shirt & Lunar New Year Celebration
27-31 PTA Fundraiser & National School Choice Week
- Monday - School Choice day wear Yellow
- Tuesday - Backwards Day
- Wednesday - College Day
- Thursday - Twin Day
- Friday - School Colors day
31 Holocaust Remembrance & Spirit Shirts
News from the PTA
PTA Meeting Dates
February 4 – 4th -5th Performance
April 15 – 6th -7th Performance
May 13 – Special Performance
Here are your PTA representatives.
President: Ashley Phillips
Vice President: Open
Treasurer: Nick Guajardo
Secretary: Kimberly Beshansky
Contact: nolancreek.pta@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NolanCreekSchoolPTA/
PTA Membership: joinpta.org (District: Public Charter/Private, School: Nolan Creek School)
NCS T-Shirt Sale
Each shirt is $12
Sizes range from Youth small to Adult 3XL.
All the money goes into the student activity fund. This money will be used for student SWAG, Bragtags, STEAMFEST, and etc....