October 2024 Newsletter
September 16th, 2024
Principal Letter
Welcome to October, Athens High School Family!
What an incredible start we've had to the school year! September was filled with excitement, energy, and a strong sense of community as we kicked off the year on a high note. It’s been amazing to witness the enthusiasm of our students, staff, and families coming together to make this first month a success. From the first day of classes to the unforgettable Homecoming Week, we’ve certainly been soaring!
Homecoming Week was one to remember! Our Powder Puff game showcased the competitive spirit of our juniors and seniors, the Homecoming Parade filled the streets with Hawk pride, and the Homecoming football game was nothing short of electric as we cheered on our Red Hawk football team, marching band, cheerleaders, and dance team. Finally, the Homecoming Dance capped it all off with a night of fun, laughter, and celebration.
As we move into October, there are many important events to look forward to. We invite you to attend our Parent-Teacher Conferences on October 10th and 11th, an opportunity to engage with our teachers and collaborate in support of your students' success. On October 15th, we will administer the PSAT/NMSQT for our juniors, followed by Athens Family University in the evening, where families can learn more about supporting student success both academically and personally. Don’t forget, our students will enjoy their first holiday break on October 31st.
At Athens High School, we believe that #AllHawksSOAR—Stand Out Above the Rest—and we are committed to upholding our core values: to be thoughtful, act with integrity, and make an impact in all we do. Let’s continue to support each other and keep our momentum strong as we move through the fall.
Thank you for your continued partnership, and remember, Keep Pointing Positive!
With Hawk pride,
Vernon Burden
Principal, Athens High School
News You Can Use
October 2024
10/2..........Count Day
10/9..........Drive For Your School - 11:30 am - 1:30 pm and 2:30 - 4:30 pm
10/9..........PTO Meeting 7:00 - 9:00 pm
10/10........1/2 Day - Fall Conferences (12:30 - 3:30 pm and 4:00 - 7:00 pm)
10/10........Senior Headshots 1:00 - 7:00 pm - TACC
10/11........1/2 Day - Fall Conferences (12:30 - 3:30 pm)
10/15........PSAT/NMSQT - Juniors Only
10/15........Athens Family University - 6:00 pm TACC
10/18........Picture Re-Takes 7:30 am - 12:00 pm
10/24........Senior Panoramic 7:45 am - Main Gym
10/31........No School
November 2024
11/1..........No School
11/13........PTO Meeting 7:00 - 8:00 pm
11/16 .......ATC Fall Musical SHREK 3:00 pm and 8:01 pm
11/17........ATC Fall Musical SHREK 3:00 pm
11/18........Makeup Senior Headshots 11:30 am - 2:30 pm - TACC
11/22........ATC Fall Musical SHREK 8:01 pm
11/23........ATC Fall Musical SHREK 8:01 pm
11/24........ATC Fall Musical SHREK 3:00 pm
11/27........No School
11/28........No School - Thanksgiving
11/28........No School
AHS Clubs
AHS TECH CREW Mr. G. Minchella gminchella@troy.k12.mi.us
AHS INTERNATIONAL THESPIAN TROUPE #3729 Ms. K. Manfredi kmanfredi@troy.k12.mi.us 2:33 p.m. Every Week 133
AMBASSADORS CLUB Ms .S. Lynch slynch@troy.k12,mi,us Tuesday 2:33 p.m. Every 2 Weeks 241
ART CLUB Ms. M. Velk mvelk@troy.k12.mi.us Thursday 2:35-3:35 p.m. 2X per month Art 2
BADMINTON CLUB Mr. J. Sanders jsanders@troy.k12.mi.us Tuesday 2:33-3:33 p.m. 3rd Tues of Month 126
BSA- BLACK STUDENT ALLIANCE Ms. A Dent adent@troy.k12.mi.us Wednesday 2:35-3:35 p.m. 1-2 times a month 121
BOOK CLUB Mrs. S. Vought svought@troy.k12.mi.us Thursday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Weekly Media Center
CAREER HELP CLUB Ms. K. Cracchiolo kcracchiolo@troy.k12.mi.us Wednesday 2:33-3:33 p.m. 209
CHEMISTRY CLUB Mr. E. Beregszaszy eberegszaszy@troy.k12.mi.us Tuesday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Every other week 226
CHESS CLUB Mr. M. Mitchell m.mitchell@troy.k12.mi.us TBA 2:33-3:33 p.m. 2 or 3X Month 129
CHINESE CLUB Mr. J. Sanders jsanders@troy.k12.mi.us Tuesday 2:33-3:33 p.m. 2nd and 4th Tues of month 126
CIRCLE OF FRIENDS Ms. B. Matti bmatti@troy.k12.mi.us Friday 2:10-3:15 p.m. 1x per month Room 127/LGI
COMPUTER CLUB Mr. J. Pudaloff jpudaloff@troy.k12.mi.us Thursday 2:33-3:33 p.m. 1st and 3rd Thurs. of the month 108
COMPUTER SCIENCE HONOR SOCIETY Mr. Josh Pudaloff jpudaloff@troy.k12.mi.us 2:33-3:33 p.m.. 2x per month 106 or virtual
DANCE CLUB Ms. K. Gerasonovich
DEBATE CLUB Mr. J. Morang jmorang@troy.k12.mi.us Monday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Weekly B26
DECA Mr. R. Holder & Mr. M. Vercellino rholder@troy.k12.mi.us mvercellino@troy.k12.mi.us Tuesday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Weekly 132
ENGINEERING/ ARCHITECTURAL CLUB Mr. T. Heath theath@troy.k12.mi.us 2:33-3:33 p.m. Weekly 122
ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISTS CLUB Mr. J. Matthews jmatthews@troy.k12.mi.us 2:33-3:33 p.m. A11
EASTERN EUROPEAN CULTURAL CLUB Ms. S. Syme ssyme@troy.k12.mi.us Friday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Every Week 262
ESPORT FORUM Mr. J Matthews jmatthews@troy.k12.mi.us Thursday 3:30-4:30 p.m. Every other Week A11
FILIPINO CLUB Ms. A. Dent adent@troy.k12.mi.us Monday 2:35-3:35 p.m. 1-2 times a month 121
FORESICS CLUB Mr. J. Morang jmorang@troy.k12.mi.us Tuesday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Weekly B26
FRENCH CLUB Mr. T. Hancsak thancsak@troy.k12.mi.us Monday 2:33-3:33 p.m. 2X per month 245
FUTURE HEALTH PROF.CLUB (HOSA) Ms. E. Denyes & Ms. R. Peterson edenyes.troy.k12.mi.us & 2:33-3:33 p.m.
GAME DESIGN Mr. J. Matthews jmatthews@troy.k12.mi.us Thursday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Every other Week A11
GAY STRAIGHT ALLIANCE Ms. H. Beard hbeard@troy.k12.mi.us Monday 2:33-3:15 p.m. 2X per month B23
GIRLS FOR BUSINESS Ms. S. Klumpp sklumpp@troy.k12.mi.us Monday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Every other Week 101
GIRLS AND FRIENDS WHO CODE Mr. J Pudaloff jpudaloff@troy.k12.mi.us Friday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Every other Week 106/108
HAWK-APPELA Ms. A. Covian acovian@troy,k12.mi.us Thursday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Weekly Music Rm 1
IASA (Indian American Student Association) Ms. S. Krishnan-Nair skrishnannair@troy.k12.mi.us Thursday 2:33-3:33 p.m. 2X per month 222
INVESTING CLUB Mr. J. Matthews jmatthews@troy.k12.mi.us Mondays 2:33-3:33 p.m. Every other Week A11
JAPANESE CLUB Ms. M. Mori mmori@troy.k12.mi.us Tuesday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Every other Week 239
JAPANESE HONOR SOCIETY Ms. M. Mori mmori@troy.k12.mi.us Friday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Every other Week 239
JAPANESE QUIZ BOWL Ms. M. Mori mmori@troy.k12.mi.us TBD 2:33-3:33 p.m. Dec - Mar 2x Weekly 239
KEY CLUB Ms. S. Syme ssyme@troy.k12.mi.us Tuesday 2:33-3:33 p.m. 2 per month 262
KOREAN CLUB Mrs. K. Cracchiolo kcracchiolo@troy.k12.mi.us Monday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Every other week 206
LEADERSHIP ADVISORY BOARD Ms. M. Henry mhenry@troy.k12.mi.us
LITERARY MAGAZINE Ms. D. Smit dsmit@troy.k12.mi.us Thursday 2:33-3:33 p.m. 2X per month 217
MATHEMATICS CLUB Mr. M. Mitchell & Ms. A. Stefanski mdmitchell@troy.k12.mi.us astefanski@troy.k12.mi.us Wednesday 2:33-3:33 p.m. 2 or 3X Month 129
MATHEMATICS HONORS SOCIETY Mr. M. Mitchell & Ms. A. Stefanski mdmitchell@troy.k12.mi.us astefanski@troy.k12.mi.us 129
MEDICAL CLUB AND HOSPITAL HEROS Ms. R. Peterson repeterson@troy.k12.mi.us Wednesday 2:33-3:33 p.m. 2nd and 4th Wed of month 212 or HUB
MODEL UNITED NATIONS Ms. M. Feeley mfeeley2troy.k12.mi.us Mon or Tues 2:33-3:33 p.m. Every other Week 253 or TACC
NATIONAL ART HONOR SOCIETY Ms. J. McLellan jmclellan@troy.k12.mi.us Thursday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Every other Week Art 1
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Ms. B. Rice & Ms. S. Syme brice@troy.k12.mi.us ssyme@troy.k12.mi.us Tuesday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Once per month/Officers Weekly TACC
PEER MEDIATION Ms. K. Manfredi kmanfredi@troy.k12.mi.us TBA 2:33-3:33 p.m. 1 day a week 133
PEP BAND/SPIRIT CLUB Mr. A. Cable acable@troy.k12.mi.us Winter 1 hr. before game Varied Music 2
PHYSICS CLUB Mr. J. Augustine jaugustine@troy.k12.mi.us Wednesday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Every other week 236
PODCAST Ms. C.Jamoua cjamoua@troy.k12.mi.us Thursday 2:33-3:33 p.m. once a month 247
PROJECT LEAD Mr. S. DuFresne & Ms. B. Rice sdufresne@troy.k12.mi.us & brice@troy.k12.mi.us Thursday 2:35-3:35 p.m. Every Other Thursday TACC
REACHES/P7 (Christian Club) Ms. M. Feeley mfeeley@troy.k12.mi.us Monday 6:45.-7:10 a.m. Weekly 253
RED CROSS CLUB Mr. M. Mitchell mmitchell@troy.k12.mi.us Wednesday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Every Other Week 104
SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING CLUB Ms. S. Krishnan-Nair skrishnannair@troy.k12.mi.us Monday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Weekly 222
SCIENCE OLYMPIAD CLUB Mr. E. Beregszaszy eberegszaszy@troy.k12.mi.us Thursday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Weekly 226
SHE'S THE FIRST Ms. S. Vought svought@troy.k12.mi.us Varies 2:33-3:33 p.m Weekly Media Center
SKILLS USA Ms. A. Olsen aolsen@troy.k12.mi.us Monday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Every other week Terrace Kitchen
SOCIAL JUSTICE PROJECT Ms. H. Nagi hnagi@troy.k12.mi.us Tuesday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Every Other Week 134
SOCIAL STUDIES CLUB Ms. M. Feeley & Mr. Dave Scott mfeeley@troy.k12.mi.us dscott@troy.k12.mi.us Monday 2:33-3:33 p.m. 1st Monday of every month 253
SPANISH CLUB Ms. C. Jamoua cjamoua@troy.k12.mi.us Monday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Every Other Week 247
STUDENT GOVERNMENT Mr. S. DuFresne & Ms. D. Fakhouri sdufresne@troy.k12.mi.us & dfakhouri@troy.k12.mi.us M,T,TH 6:45 a.m. 2-3 times a week B27
TABLETOP ROLE PLAYING GAME CLUB Mr. J. Matthews jmatthews@troy.k12.mi.us Friday 2:33-3:33 p.m. Every other week A11
VIDEO CLUB/FILM CLUB Mr. A Burns aburns@troy.k12.mi.us As Needed am/pm Weekly 248
WEIGHTLIFTING CLUB (POWERLIFTING) Mr. N. Lusk & Mr. J. Augustine nlusk@troy.k12.mi.us jagustine@troy.k12.mi.us M-W-F 2:33-3:33 p.m. Weekly Weight Room
WINTERGUARD Mr. Cable & S. Curran acable@troy.k12.mi.us
FRESHMAN CLASS Mr. A. Cable & Ms. K. Ronan
kronan@troy.k12.mi.us Friday 7:00 a.m. As needed 107
JUNIOR CLASS Ms. K. Dunneback kdunneback@troy.k12.mi.us As needed 2:33 p.m. As needed H1
SENIOR CLASS Ms. J. Cheyne & Mr. R. Holder jcheyne@troy.k12.mi.us rholder@troy.k12.mi.us Friday 7:00 a.m. 1st Fri of the Month 134
Academic News
Cost: $105.00 per exam
AP Seminar and AP Research cost: $150.00 each
Free Senior Head Shots by Prestige
Prestige will be at Athens Thursday, October 10th from 1:00-7:00 pm to take the FREE Senior Head Shots. This Head Shot will go into the Yearbook and will appear on the Senior Composite.
Students that have their photos taken from the Prestige Head Shot Shoot or from Prestige Studios are the only photos that will be included in the Senior Composite. Photos from independent photographers are not included in the Senior Composite.
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Please sign up using the Senior Student's Name. Seniors must show up 5 minutes before the chosen time. Additionally, each slot must only contain one name. If multiple people are listed in one time slot, only the first person will be photographed. Photos will be taken in the TACC.
Friday, October 18th is the re-take date for students who are not satisfied with their original pictures. Students must turn in their picture packages to Kaiser when they have their picture re-taken on October 18th. Sign up for re-takes by using the SignUpGenius https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0C4EA9AA22ABFB6-51451692-idretake. Re-takes are to replace packages that were purchased and will replace the original picture in the yearbook. A new ID will not be given. If a new ID is needed, one can be printed for you in the Media Center for $5.
For Students who are NEW to Athens or were not at school for Picture Day or Make-Up Day, this is your last chance to have your picture taken for the yearbook and receive an official ID Card. Sign up using the SignUpGenius below and write “Make-up” in the comments.