OUUC Weekly Update
May 7, 2024

Worship Service May 12
“For All the Mothers” with Rev. Mary Gear
This Mother’s Day we celebrate mothers and mothering in all its forms, from Mother Earth to Non-binary parents.
The worship service starts at 10 am.
OUUC Sunday Morning Service
Meeting ID: 873 210 124
Password: 995142
Dial +1 253 215 8782
No After Service Forum this week -- Happy Mother's Day!
Last Sunday's Events
Worship Service:
“Embrace Our Differences" with Rev. Mary Gear.
Watch the service HERE and view the Order of Service HERE.
After Service Forum:
"Forum on Article II and General Assembly of the UUA." Watch the recording HERE.
Read the proposed changes to the Unitarian Universalist Association purposes and principles (Article II) HERE.
News from the Sabbatical Committee
The Sabbatical Committee is pleased to announce that the OUUC Board has hired Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen as our half-time Sabbatical Minister, to serve during Rev. Mary's sabbatical.
Rev. Monica is delighted to join OUUC as the half-time sabbatical minister while Rev. Mary Gear is away. She has been serving as the consulting minister, focusing on offering support in the areas of governance and stewardship, along with preaching every other month. During Rev. Mary’s sabbatical, Rev. Monica will continue to work with the board, will lead worship once per month and otherwise generally support the Worship Arts Team, and will
provide support to OUUC’s staff.
Rev. Monica’s Unitarian Universalist roots are deeply entwined with Pacific Northwestern
UUism, spiced with experiences of UUism in other regions. She became a UU in the Corvallis, Oregon, congregation, and has interned, guest preached, and served in a variety of congregations in Oregon and Washington. Following her ordination, she served a 300-year-old congregation in Massachusetts for three years before returning to the northwest to serve part-time at Community UU Church in Pasco, Washington. Recently she offered sabbatical ministry for her home congregation in Corvallis during their minister’s time away.
Rev. Monica and her family lived in the Olympia area for two years, from 2021-2023, and
became connected with OUUC during that time. They relocated last year to the Vancouver,
Washington, area to raise their daughter near her grandparents but are still fond of Olympia
and OUUC and enjoy visiting.
On behalf of the OUUC Board, Sabbatical Committee and congregation, Welcome, Rev. Monica.
Proposed Addition to OUUC's Covenant
At the congregation's annual meeting on June 9 members will be asked to vote on some changes to the OUUC covenant. There are a few wording changes to the current covenant. The proposal also includes adding a behavioral covenant to the current covenant.
At this link, you can find proposed language, the history of the OUUC covenant changes, and some examples of the behavioral covenant tin action.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Rev. Mary HERE.
This Week
Watch Party for Public Worship of Diverse Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM)
Wednesday May 8, 5 pm
Rev Sara will host this watch party of the annual public worship offered by DRUUMM.
Description of the service: Our worship is grounded in the theme of Choosing Joy! Living with Intentionality and Purpose. Be with us as we explore sustaining joy amidst adversity, inspired by Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Discover how a joyful heart can be your sanctuary, even when spirits are tested. A celebration of resilience, purpose, and the healing power of joy.
Thursday Dinner: Polenta
Thursday May 9, 5:30 pm
For this week's community dinner the menu will be polenta.
Help is needed to cook at 3:30 and set up tables and chairs at 4:30, contact Rev. Sara at if you can help.
All Ages Game Night
Thursday May 9, 6:30-8 pm
All ages are invited to join us for board and card games, following our community night dinner.
Bring a game to share, or try out one someone else has brought.
Join the OUUCyclists Team for the Bicycle Commuter Challenge
Dances of Universal Peace
Thursday May 9, 6:30 pm
Please join us for Dances of Universal Peace, an embodied, transformative spiritual practice touching the essence of all traditions around the world. They include simple movements to live music.
All are welcome, no experience necessary, dances are taught to the whole group each time. A donation will be accepted at the event.
Active Hope Workshop
Saturday May 11, 9:30am-5:30 pm
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
1601 North St SE, Olympia WA 98501
Lynn Fitz Hugh and Carolyn Treadway facilitate this workshop on the work of Joanna Macy. For more information, contact Lynn Fitz-Hugh.
OlyWA Pride
Save the Dates for OlyWA Pride. OUUC will have a booth on Saturday June 29th and will march in the Pride Parade on Sunday June 30th.
Rev. Sara will need help staffing the booth and all are welcome to walk/roll together in the parade.
A sign up form will be coming soon, for now mark your calendars!
Tiny Little News Show
Would you like some of your church news by video? Try our Tiny Little News Show!
Ministry Programs
Equity Library is FOR EVERYONE and open whenever OUUC is open!
You will find it located in the RE wing across from Rev. Mary’s office.
This month’s featured books are:
- So You Want to talk about Race (by Ijeome Oluo) An actionable exploration of today’s racial landscape.
- Parent and teen level: I’m Growing! (By Aliki) In simple words and delightful pictures the author explains how we grow both inside and out.
- Preschool level: Peaceful Heroes (by Jonah Winter & Sean Addy) Fourteen people who risked their lives peacefully to make the world a better and peaceful place. (All levels)
Small Group Reflection Circle on BLUU Box
Saturday May 18, 1 pm
Come read together & reflect (on Zoom) on BLUU’s (Black Lives of UU's) expansive spiritual resources on the theme of Labor. If there’s time, we’ll make a collage bookmark/ notecard. If you can’t make it but would like to read the resources on your own, please let us know. Facilitated by Anne Hundley. Register here.
Volunteer Appreciation Game Show
Sunday May 19, 11:30 am
Everyone is invited to come celebrate and appreciate all that volunteers have done at OUUC this year, with a fun game show format hosted by Rev Sara. There will be prizes to be won! You can participate both in person and on zoom. Come to cheer others on even if you don't want to play yourself.
Registration Now Open for Kids Summer Camps:
OUUC Chalice Camp “Building a New Way” for ages 5-10 will be July 15th to 19th.
Our Whole Lives (OWL) Camp for Ages 5-7, July 8th to 12th, 9am-noon each day.
OWL is a developmentally appropriate and much praised sexuality education program.
Camp is open to all, with a pay what you can sliding scale, feel free to spread the word!
Online Book Sale Update
The mid-June SUURF online book sale is cancelled – AND is being re-imagined as a mid-October online ShowCase event that will complement and enhance our October 26th Books Brownies & Bean community sale. Stay tuned for updates! If you would like to lead, or be part of, the planning for OUUC’s Fall book sale, please contact Linda Selsor.
Meanwhile, please keep those book donations coming! Gently used books are welcome during any daylight hours at the covered center section of Susan Dodson’s front deck. Susan’s address is in the OUUC directory, or you can email Susan for more information.
Please do not deliver your donations directly to the OUUC building at this time of the year.
Join Habitat for Humanity for a build that supports OUUC family Kate and Lark D.
May 15th-18th and May 22nd-25 at the Tumwater Development, select the best day that works for you and your team! By participating in Women Build, you'll directly support South Puget Sound Habitat for Humanity's mission of building affordable homes for more families, individuals, and Veterans. No experience necessary – just a willingness to make a positive impact. REGISTER HERE.
Celebration of Life for Ken Guza
Saturday May 18, 2024
The family and friends of Ken Guza will be welcomed for a Celebration of Life service at 1:30 PM, both onsite in the OUUC Sanctuary and on Zoom (link below). A reception will follow for those onsite. Everyone attending in person is invited by Ken's wife, Diana, to wear their favorite hat to bring a bit of joy to the day.
Please check this site for updates – we’ll post the Order of Service before and a link to the YouTube video after the service.
Topic: Ken Guza Celebration of Life
Time: May 18, 2024 01:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 896 1662 6331
Passcode: 799846
Save the Dates
All Church Picnic- Sunday September 8, 12-2 pm
Mark your calendars now for our fun annual picnic. This year at a more accessible location! Squaxin Park, Rose Garden Shelter
Quick Notes
Email Phishing and Other Scams
Scammers struck again this weekend.
Scams and phishing are common, I’m afraid. There are some things you can do to keep safe. Primary actions are to always question and be skeptical if you are asked to buy anything or share personal or financial information. Always check with someone before you do so. You should also check the email that a request came from. It might look like it’s from someone you know, but if it’s not exactly, delete it. And, if you’re not sure, check with the person.
Recently the Washington Post put out a useful guide for avoiding scams. You can find it here.
Be careful and be safe.
Rev. Mary, Minister@ouuc.org
Safety Reminder: Please lock and remove valuables from your vehicles.
Download the flyer below if you would like a list of OUUC events for May. Great for posting on your refrigerator!
In the Larger Community
Learn more about the following events and others here.
The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice invites you to show your support for Palestine each Friday from 4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Fellowship of Reconciliation Vigil for Peace
Percival Landing in Downtown Olympia, 4th & Water Street.
GEN Z POWER UP! Eat, Learn, Share Your Ideas!
Olympia Indivisible invites all young voters for free pizza, a teach-in, and conversation
Saturday, May 11, 12p-1:15p at Traditions Café, 300 5th Ave SW, Olympia. One block from Bus Lines: 41, 45, 47, 48. For more info click here.
About Us
Staff Contacts
Rev. Sara Lewis, Director of Community and Faith Development
Isaac Ezra Jennings, Business Manager
Rosie Koppelman, Office Assistant
Teresa Madsen, Communications and Tech Coordinator
Marie Arensmeyer, Facilities Manager
Anissa Bentlemsani, Religious Education Assistant
Carbon Marshall, Tech Specialist
Office Hours
Tuesday - Thursday, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm