Moment of Silence
A Moment of Silence was held for Boyden student Emmanuel Urrea. Emmanuel passed away on July 31st surrounded by his loving family. Emmanuel had many friends and enjoyed learning while attending the Boyden School. He will be missed and heartfelt condolences are sent to his family and friends.
New Business
1. School Opening - Dr. Gough, Dr. Hahn and Mr. Friscia provided insight regarding the opening of schools. Students in Grades 1 - 12 returned on Wednesday, August 28th and students in Pre-K and Kindergarten will return next Tuesday, September 3rd. We have included links to start and end times as well as the 2024-2025 school year calendar. Bus routes have been posted, which can be found here.
Mrs. Gallivan expressed the School Committee's sincere appreciation for all the support from parents and community for the new Middle School. She said there will be a Ribbon Cutting ceremony sometime in the Fall, once all outside work is complete at the new Walpole Middle School. Information will be provided as details are solidified.
2. Capital Update - Mr. Friscia gave the School Committee details regarding the School Department Capital requests.
3. Subcommittee Assignments - A draft of the School Committee Subcommittee assignments was provided. The Chairperson requested that School Committee members inform her if they'd like to join or change the current assignments.
Old Business
Middle School Building Project: The new Middle School is open and all has gone well on the first two days. Any questions or comments regarding this project can be sent via email to middleschoolproject@walpole.k12.ma.us.
High School Project: An update was provided regarding the High School renovation project.