The Ririe Report
November 8, 2019
Community Time
Myself Monday - I ask them to share something they like about themselves. I wanted to start the week having them say positive things about themselves. Some students start out by just saying something like, "I like my eyes," or "I like my hair," but as they get more comfortable, some of them start to talk about character traits they admire in themselves.
Troubled Tuesday - The students share concerns they have about the class, school, family, world. I believe listening to someone else's concerns helps foster empathy and concern for others. We have had some lovely, moving moments.
Wake-Up Wednesday
We salsa danced last week, or we go outside to walk around the track for a few minutes.
Thank Thursday
We talk about someone or somethings for which we are grateful. A grateful heart is a good thing.
Friendly Friday
Students pay a compliment to someone in the class. I've told them that it's okay to compliment someone from the opposite sex ("It doesn't mean you're getting married"). It's lovely to hear the kids pay a meaningful compliment to someone else.
Awesome Project!
Students will choose a colony and then make a "pillow" which will be covered with information - pictorial and written - about that colony. We will be doing the research and work in class, but students are certainly encouraged to do research at home, as well.
I will give each student the requirements for the projects and will also post them on Google Classroom.
Kids are excited about doing the research for their pillow project.
So Proud!
I am also really proud of Bryan for being willing to participate in the upcoming Spelling Bee. He was my only student who took up the challenge. I know a spelling bee can be intimidating but like I told them, DON'T EVER LET FEAR OF FAILURE KEEP YOU FROM DOING SOMETHING THAT WILL HELP YOU GROW.