Welcome Back!
September 2024
Principal's Notes
We had a great first week back! The students were so surprised and excited to see the many changes that have happened at Brookside since June. The work will continue after school hours, so we appreciate your patience and understanding. Physical Education classes will continue to be held outside while the gym floor is finished up, weather permitting. Sneakers and a jacket are recommended if it is chilly.
While the work in the kitchen is nearly complete, we will continue to have a limited lunch menu on Monday 9/9: Turkey deli sandwich, PBJ Uncrustable, or Yogurt meal. Breakfast and lunch are free for all students. Once the kitchen is fully functional, the normal menu will apply, which is located here: https://www.rockoncafe.org/Menus_SV.aspx . I will continue to send along updates.
Please mark your calendars for Curriculum Night, which will be held at Brookside on Wednesday, September 25th at 6:30 p.m. This event is for adults only. Information regarding Academic Intervention Services (AIS) will be presented at 6:00 p.m. You will receive information prior to this date if your student will be receiving extra support services.
As a reminder, our morning "drop-off" area starts at 8:50 a.m. Students need to be in school by 9:05 a.m. After 9:05, students are considered "late" and will need to be signed in at the front door. Instruction starts right away, so frequent late arrivals will cause students to miss important instruction.
Our daily dismissal procedures start at 3:10 p.m. with our "pick-up" door. Parents should park and walk up to the door with proper photo identification. Students should not be picked up prior to this time unless they have an appointment. Frequent early departures also cause students to miss important instruction. Students board buses between 3:20-3:30. If students that normally ride a bus need to be picked up, please be sure you send in a note with them in the morning.
Again, we were so excited to see both familiar faces and new students this week. It was great to have our Brookside family back together and get back into our routines. Thank you for your support, and feel free to call or email anytime.
~Mrs. Bowerman
Notes from the Attendance Team
You will be seeing the following two attachments regarding improved school attendance and our work towards GOLDEN SABER ATTENDANCE. We are aiming for students to have less than 9 absences in the school year. Students with more than 18 absences (10% of the school year) are considered "chronically absent", regardless of the reason. If absences become a concern, we will work closely with families to find supports or interventions to improve your child's attendance. Frequent absences due to illness may require a doctor's note.
Notes from the Health Office
Our nurse, Mrs. Pappas, is reaching out to anyone that may be missing either immunizations or physicals. Please give us a call at 607-775-7513 if you have any questions.
Please send in a written note if your child is absent from school due to illness. If you're not sure whether your child should attend school due to illness, feel free to call us at the number above. We hope to work together as a team to ensure all students attend school as much as possible this year.
All health forms, vaccine schedules, and contact information can be found here:
Notes from Mrs. Barry
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! If you are new to Brookside, my name is Anita Barry. I am the School Social Worker. I provide counseling as well as resources to students and families. If you are in need of community resources, clothing, or school supplies, feel free to contact me at 607-775-7513.
Brookside’s character education program is called C.U.B.S. (Caring, Understanding, Bully Free, and Safe). There are character words each month starting with Respect and Responsibility.
During our monthly assemblies, students will be recognized for displaying outstanding character. Students will also enjoy spending time with their “Buddy” Classes and working on activities focused on the Character word of the month.
September’s Words of the Month are Respect and Responsibility. Children can practice responsibility at home when you give them chores or special jobs! Let them pick a special chore each week that they can be responsible for, (carrying groceries, feeding the pets, wiping the table). Here are some suggested books to read at home with your child about Respect and Responsibility: Rude Cakes by Rowboat Watson; Dude That’s Rude by Pamela Espeland; Do Unto Otters by Laurie Keller; I Just Forgot by Mercer Mayer; But It’s Not My Fault by Julia Cook.
*The Saber Food Center at Donnelly Elementary continues to be available to those in need. Please call Mrs. Stilloe at Donnelly Elementary at 607-775-9149 to set-up a time to visit.
Notes from the Music Department
4th-5th Grade Chorus
The 4th and 5th Grade Chorus will begin on September 13th.
Chorus rehearsals will be on every Day 1 from 9:15-9:55 am.
Our first concert will be the Winter Concert on Dec. 12th at 6:00pm.
More information will be coming out as we continue throughout the year.
Thanks for your help and support.
Just a reminder, the music department will be using Parent Square to communicate with parents. The district is moving away from other communication apps.
Thank you for your flexibility and understanding.
Mrs. Kelly Dyson
K-5 General Music Teacher
Brookside Chorus Director