Chisholm Update
August 30, 2024

Happy Friday Chisholm Families!
Happy Friday as we head into a short week before fall break!
Today, we had numerous students and staff participate by wearing crazy socks to support National Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Be sure to check the school's social media pages to see some of these photos from today.
I hope you and your family are doing well as we turn into a short week before fall break and the end of the first 9-weeks reporting period. We will be out of school next Thursday and Friday (October 17 and 18). Monday, October 21st is another day school will be not be is session as this is a teacher collaboration/ professional development day. School will resume for the second 9-weeks on October 22. I hope you and your family will get to do something fun or relaxing during the 5-day break.
This morning at Charge Up we were able to announce our site Teacher of the Year. This award is generated by staff members nominating teachers for their outstanding contributions to our students and staff at Chisholm. From there, the staff continue to vote and narrow the selection down to our site's teacher representative for the 2024-25 school year. I'm happy to announce that Chisholm's Teacher of the Year for 2024-25 is Leigh Cobb. Leigh teaches our DD PreK class at Chisholm and this is her 4th year in this position at Chisholm. Congratulations Mrs. Cobb for this wonderful and worthy recognition!
Winter Gear Ordering Information - Deadline to place orders is October 18
Chisholm PTO is excited to announce the sale of this year's winter (and other) gear! We are offering puffy sweatshirts, headbands, croc charms and socks this year and all can be ordered through these links:
Order Chargie croc charms, headbands and socks here.
Examples of what can be ordered are shown below.
The window to place orders for Winter Gear will close Friday, October 18, so that all items can be delivered prior to Thanksgiving break.
Edmond Public Schools Parent University Safety Night - Parents, please join us on October 24 at 5:30 for Parent University focusing on safety related information. This event will be held at the EPS Administrative Center located at 1001 West Danforth. Presentations for this event include The Impact of a School Resource Officer, Impulsivity, Mindful Technology, and Fire Prevention. Come meet and learn from many of our community partners
October 28 - November 1 - Red Ribbon Week - This year's theme is Life is a Movie, Choose your own Script. There are various dress up days that correspond to students making safe and healthy choices listed below for those that want to start planning ahead.
Story Book Parade - Looking forward towards the end of the month - On Friday, October 31, Chisholm will be conducting our annual Story Book Parade where students can dress up as their favorite book character. Our specials schedule will be adjusted for the day and will be concluded at 2:10 giving us time for the parade through the building followed by fall classroom parties. Students may wear their costumes to school during the day. We ask that students don't wear costumes that are scary or gory, and that they have a book for their inspiration during the parade.
Bulldog Boxes - Edmond Memorial POM Fundraiser - A flier has been added below for you to purchases a Bulldog Box that outlines what is included and delivery options. If you are interested if finding out more, use the QR code or click this link.
I've added information in previous newsletters below about YMCA, the Edmond Creative, and what the winter gear looks like. There is also information on the Edmond Arts Council art camps that are available in the evenings along with camps that will take place during Fall, Thanksgiving, and Winter Breaks.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Thomas Higdon
Dismissal Reminders
At the end of the day, we ask that early checkouts happen before 3:00. If your student is a 33rd Street Walker, they should live in Old Farm or Thornbrook. If your student is a Spring Hill Walker, they should live in the Springhill Neighborhood or the subsequent neighborhoods that are too close to receive bus transportation. Students that ride a bus will load from the gym once their bus arrives at school. If you need specifics on bus numbers and times please click this link, which will ask you to fill out your address.
Car Riders will need to use the Red Hangtag, which was given out at Meet the Teacher. (If you were unable to attend Meet the Teacher, our office is open 8-3:30 on Wednesday August 14.) Please be sure to make sure this tag is visible to the person out front entering the number by our marquee. Once their number has been entered, students will come out of the building by the first grade hallway and be positioned by one of the concrete bollards numbered 1-6 (please be sure to stay out far enough aways from the bollards so your car door doesn't get dinged). If you don't have your hangtag, you will need to pull in and check your student out from the office. There is a button below that goes through the Car Rider procedures.
Congratulations Mrs. Cobb - 2024-25 Chisholm Teacher of the Year
Mrs. Cobb with her Classroom Assistants
Mrs. Cobb with her family
Looking Forward...
October 14 - PTO Meeting at 9:00 in the Cafeteria
October 18 - Winter Gear Ordering Deadline (See above for ordering details)
October 17 and 18 - Fall Break - No School
October 21 - Staff Development (No School)
October 22 - School Resumes (Start of 2nd Quarter)
October 23 - Picture Retake Day, Red Ribbon Day
October 25 - October Birthday Books
October 28 - November 1 - Red Ribbon Week
October 29 - 1st Quarter Progress Grades will be available to parents
October 31 - Storybook Parade 2:10, with refreshments to follow in the classroom
School Hours
8:45 - Our school day begins with announcements. Parents need to sign in late-arriving students.
2:55 - Pre-K Dismissal begins
3:25 - School Dismissal begins
Low Cost Home Internet /
Passrod Rest Portal /
Technology Information
Chisholm Elementary
Mon -Fri from 8:00 - 4:00
Website: https://chisholm.edmondschools.net/
Location: 2300 SE 33rd Street
Phone: 405 -340-2950
Facebook: facebook.com/chisholmelementaryedmond