Holy Rosary
Side by side for one last term! 💙✨ Our Year 6 students are soaking up every moment together as they step into their final weeks of primary school. Here’s to the friendships, memories, and exciting adventures ahead! 🎓🌟
Replenishing the Earth
Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city. On either side of the river is the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, producing its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
—Revelation 22:1–2
This is what … prophets dreamed the world might become upon the arrival of the Messiah.
Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai (1940–2011) draws inspiration from the Scriptures for her work with the environment
Hi Everyone,
Thank you very much for an amazing afternoon today! We loved having so many grandparents and friends on campus. Your presence and your interest means so much to us.
Yesterday all our Year Five students had the opportunity to reflect on the meaning and purpose of Leadership, not only as itapplies to Year Six at Holy Rosary, but also as part of their ongoing journey.
We ask you to keep the Cahill family in your thoughts and prayers, surrounding them with love and support. Together, as a school community, we are holding the family in our hearts, wishing them strength and comfort as they navigate this difficult time.
Have a lovely weekend.
Tegan Back
Short-Term Principal
Annual Community Meeting 5-6pm Tuesday, in the staffroom
Our community benefits so significantly from the work of many. Our School Advisory Council and our Parents and Friends Committee will be reporting on their activities this year. We could not do what we do without them, and we invite you to attend the meeting to listen to their reports and catch up! You are most welcome to attend.
Transition Morning and Class Lists
This takes place on Friday! Class lists will be sent via Seesaw in the morning and the names of the teachers are also included. The children will spend an hour in the company of their teacher for next year. This is an enjoyable time at school, we look forward to it!
We really believe that, knowing this news before the end of the year (or the beginning of the following year as is the case in other places) gives children the opportunity to make connections in school time and enjoy playdates out of school. Our practice is to regroup children every two years, moving into new groups in Years One, Three and Five. This also gives the children the opportunity to deepen friendships when they remain together and broaden them when they are regrouped.
There is plenty of work done with the classes being regrouped to get the ‘mix’ right. It is important to trust the teachers’ instincts on this one, they know the children so well.
Parking Etiquette
We only had a few issues with upset neighbours last year, and we are very mindful of the need not to increase the issues and the angst. Yesterday a near neighbour reported that parents are pulling into the driveway to drop off their child, while they are reversing and trying to take their own children to school. This also applies to those parents stopping on the verge and blocking the view of the traffic as people are pulling out of their driveways going to work or attending their daily activities. This is also a safety concern for our children. Please ensure you are using the kiss and drive at the hall or parking in a car bay only.
SEQTA Engage Parent Log-in to access reports
It is important that you please check your log in for SEQTA Engage as early as possible so that you will be able to access your child's report at the end of this term.
To do this you need to go to the following site:
https://holyrosarydblv.engage.cewa.edu.au/ or follow the link from our school website to “SEQTA Engage - parents” and use your username and password credentials that you used previously.
Year Six families and families not returning in 2025, please ensure that you have downloaded or printed off any reports you wish to keep a copy of. Your child will be removed from Seqta at the end of the year, and you will no longer have access to these documents.
If you have remembered your username but have forgotten your password, please click on the 'Forgot your password' link and an immediate email will be sent to you. The email will expire within one hour, so please action this immediately.
Reports will be released on SEQTA on Friday 6 December at 3pm.
2025 Booklists
Parents are reminded that the 2025 school booklists were distributed today via SeeSaw.
Please note that the cut-off date to submit your orders to Campion is Friday 6th December.
2024 Champion Schools Primary Triathlon
On November 1, we travelled to Champion Lakes Regatta Centre in Armadale for the 2024 Champion Schools Primary Triathlon. It was a spectacular day of athleticism, teamwork, and excitement, with Holy Rosary School making its mark in a big way.
Holy Rosary entered ten teams in the competition, each giving their all in swimming, cycling, and running. The day saw standout performances across the board, and in the end, St Mark's Anglican School clinched first place, with Holy Rosary proudly finishing second. This incredible result marks the first time Holy Rosary has broken into the top five a milestone for our school and a testament to our students’ hard work and determination.
We saw some brilliant individual efforts on the day. In the Girls Division, the team of Georgie, Ella, and Sophie showcased their skill and resilience, finishing in a remarkable second place. In A Division, Ben, Martin, and Tayte pushed hard to secure fourth, while Frankie, Archie, and Olivia put in a strong effort to finish fifth.
Congratulations to all our athletes for their dedication and teamwork, and a big thank you to Ms Mc Mahon and Mr Kinder, families, and supporters who cheered them on. This event has set a new standard for Holy Rosary, and we look forward to building on this success in future competitions!
Can I please ask all of our Athletics and Triathlon athletes to wash your running tops and pop them in a zip lock bag with your name on it and return it to school by the end of next week please.
Champion Schools Triathlon Team Results 2024
1 St Marks Anglican College
2 Holy Rosary Primary School
3 Rosalie Primary School
4 Duncraig Primary School
5 Christ of the king School
6 Carramar Primary School
7 Frederick Irwin Anglican School Meadow Springs
8 All Saints’ College
9 Frederick Irwin Anglican School Halls Head
10 Gingin DHS
Rob Flexman
Phys Ed Teacher
Week Six, next week, are the last borrowing lessons for the year, with all books to be returned in Week Seven. I am still chasing around 100 overdue books. If your child has a lost or missing book/s, I please ask, as per Holy Rosary Policy, that they be replaced by Week Seven. Please email me if you would like any more information. Students can continue to read on their ePlatform eBooks account on their iPads or your own devices at home, as per the blue bookmark sent home to all students in June from Year One and up. Thanks for your support of our school library.
Mrs Butson
“Maybe I can only do small things. But my small things might join small things other people do. And together, they could grow into something big.”
Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller
Congratulations to 2D for completing their Aussie Optimism “Feelings and Friends” program. They are so clever at knowing their body clues, when they are having big feelings and how to be a good friend to others by recognising when someone needs help.
Congratulations also to our final group of Year Fours who celebrated completing Seasons for Growth today. These students know that change is part of life and how they choose to react to change will help them with daily life.
Our Year Six Council Groups are working hard helping in the classrooms, tending to the Veritas sunflowers, planning the staff vs students basketball game and supporting the Vinnies with their Christmas Appeal. Please help them by donating by Thursday 28th November. Donations can be left in the tub in your child’s classroom. Thank you for your support.
Mrs Butson
Vinnies Christmas Appeal
Please place your donations in the designated tub in your child's classroom or in reception, thank you for your kind genorosity🎄🥫🧴🪥🎁.
Year 1 Excursion to Ciccerelo's
Our Year 1s had an amazing day out at Cicerello’s in Fremantle! 🐟🌊 From exploring underwater creatures to enjoying beach time and a delicious fish and chips lunch, it was a day full of fun and learning by the sea! 🌞
School Uniform Orders - Christmas Closure Dates
- Last order date for home deliveries before Perm-A-Pleat Christmas closure is Tuesday 10th December 2024.
- Online orders received from Wednesday 11th December 2024 will be delivered from Monday 13th January 2025.
Year 5 Excursion to Perth Museum
Our Year 5 students had an unforgettable day at the Perth Museum! 🏛️✨ From ancient artifacts to fascinating exhibits, they explored history, science, and art, bringing classroom learning to life. What an amazing adventure! 🌍📚
Parent Volunteer Declaration
Every parent volunteering in a school in any capacity is required to complete this. Please click on the link below and complete the declaration form - it will take you 10 seconds, thank you.
Monday 11 November
Remembrance Day
Tuesday 12 November
Council & P&F Annual Community Meeting 5-6pm
Thursday 14 November
Kindy & Pre-Primary Transition morning 9:30 - 10:30am
Friday 15 November
Year 1-6 Transition morning 9:00 - 10:00am
Important Dates
Term 4, 2024 - Monday 7 October - Friday 6 December
Save the Date - School Carnival
You won’t want to miss this one.
The P&F is holding this amazing event as a massive thank you to all the HR families who have contributed to our school this year. Whether by attending an event, volunteering within the school or helping with fundraisers... Thank You!!
We will have plenty of fun activities for the kids, face painters, a silent disco, stalls, food trucks and rides.
P.S. Please note this is a private event and not open to the public.
P&F Facebook
If you’d like to be kept up to date on current and upcoming events and important information from the P&F please add us on Facebook.
Locavora Lunch Orders
How to setup an account
Please read the attachment below on how to setup an account to order lunch for your child/children from Locavora.
Smartrider Cards
If you need to order a Smartrider Card for your child to travel on public transport, you can now order this online by clicking on the red button below. Please be careful when ordering as there are two Holy Rosary Schools. Our school is listed as per the below screenshot.
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
Parish Office - 9446 2055
Father Peter Hoang OP - 0412 445 199
- Five days a week during term time
- Vacation Care during school holidays
- Available for children attending Kindy through to Year Six.