Franklin Academy Friday News
August 16, 2024
Principal Update
Greetings Franklin Families!
I would like to take a moment and thank our amazing families for all their assistance as we navigate the new school year. While we are still making tweaks and changes, we are off to a great start.
Drop-off- We are at about 90% compliance with stacking and unloading once the car comes to a complete stop and utilizing the entire curb. Please do not exit your vehicle at any time as this does delay our stacking. Next week, we hope for 100% compliance.
Cross-walk- All parents/teachers must utilize the cross walk. We do not permit crossing through the parking lot. Safety is high priority.
Pick up Reminders: PYP- Remember that MYP families are entering campus at 3:10 and if you arrive after that time then you will be in holding for MYP dismissal. Please plan accordingly.
Uniform Updates: While we are aware that some students are still waiting on delivery of their school uniforms, we do ask that students in grades 6th, 7th, 8th produce a copy of their iUniform order if out of uniforms. Please place a copy of the uniform receipt in your child's backpack. Uniforms checks will begin soon. Additionally, students out of uniform while waiting for iUniforms must be dressed appropriately.
Lunch- Please remember that glass containers are not permitted on campus.
Please be mindful of how we treat our staff members and other families while on campus. We are a school community and are setting an example for our scholars. I convey this message to my staff every day.
All the best,
Ms. Deborah Torres, M.Ed
All scholars must be in required uniform. We do understand that sometimes orders are on backorder or sizing was an issue. We do ask that you dress as close as possible to our uniform until your scholars uniform arrives. Please put a copy of the order receipt in your child's backpack. Additionally, please note that the plaid skirts and jumpers are only for K-5 students as indicated on the ordering page of Iuniforms.
Bright Arrow
Please review the list below of who to contact when certain questions/concerns arise.
School Fees/Balances: Mrs. Bartosik- businessmanager-pbg@franklin-academy.org
Dash Pass-:Please ensure that you have an active Dash Pass account and it is working upon arrival on campus. Any Dash pass questions, please contact Ms. Jabar at jabar.Aleesa@franklin-academy.org
Service Hours: Please ensure that you have a Raptor account to log your parent volunteer hours. Any questions please contact Ms. Jabar at jabar.Aleesa@franklin-academy.org
Registration/School Records: Registrar- hul.stephanie@franklin-academy.org
Clever Access: If you are experiencing difficulties with your Clever account, please contact Mrs. Young at young.katherine@franklin-academy.org
Power School Access: If you are experiencing difficulties with your Power School account, please contact Ms. Torres at Torres.deborah@franklin-academy.org
Transportation: All transportation inquires should be directed Ms. Jabar at jabar.Aleesa@franklin-academy.org
Student Schedules- If you have any concerns with a PYP schedule, please contact Mrs. Yurick at yurick.claudia@franklin-academy.org
Student Schedules- If you have any concerns with a MYP schedule, please contact Mrs. Varela at varela.michelle@franklin-academy.org
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
Quarter 1 CLUBS
Important Upcoming Dates and Events
August 21-22- MYP Girl's Volleyball Tryouts
August 22-23- Jr. Thespian Auditions
August 24th Back to School Dance
PYP 5:00-6:30
MYP 7:00-8:30
August 26th- Open House Curriculum Night - Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade
August 26th- Jr. Thespian Parent Meeting
August 27th Open House Curriculum Night 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade
August 28th- Open House Curriculum Night- MYP 1, MYP 2, MYP 3
FortifyFL - See something, say something
FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows students to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.
By accessing FortifyFL, students can provide a description of the threat, share pics, and videos and optionally submit their contact information. Submissions can be anonymous or non-anonymous. Submitting a tip is quick and easy using our mobile app or website.
All Franklin Academy students have access to FortifyFL via their Clever portal dashboard.
News from the PTO
PTO Membership
We are so excited to be back at Franklin for another amazing school year! We would like to invite your family to join our PTO. Your $25 membership helps support the many events and activities we organize throughout the year. It also includes one of our PTO-exclusive Spirit Shirts. You may have seen the staff wearing these last Friday. These shirts may be worn by all students on Fridays with uniform bottoms. Joining PTO also entitles you to preferred access to volunteering at our events.
Click HERE to visit the Franklin Academy PBG PTO website.
Questions? Please contact the PTO President, Tonja Ewing-Gomez,
tonjaewinggomez@gmail.com or 561-512-9724
Service Hours
Service Hour Program
Please visit our Service Hour page by clicking on the link below. There's a SERVICE HOUR BROCHURE as well as a FAQ section at the bottom of the page.
Helpful tip...your RAPTOR portal will always display your total service hours 24/7; PowerSchool Family Portal is updated quarterly with total hours.
ALL families must have a Raptor account in order to complete service hours. New families should register NOW!
Resources for Families
MYP A/B Schedule 2024-2025
PYP Specials Rotation Schedule 2024-2025
Parent/Student Handbook NEW! UPDATED- See Website
Franklin Family Reunification Plan
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Franklin Academy, a FREE Public Charter School, Now Serving Students in Grades K-12.
Email: torres.deborah@franklin-academy.org
Website: https://www.franklin-academy.org/
Location: Franklin Academy, Hood Road, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA
Phone: 561-348-2525
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FranklinAcademyCharter
Twitter: @FranklinCharter