Northwood Update

Back In Full Swing
We are off and running with the 22-23 school year. It's wonderful to have students in the building and they're already hard at work. The beginning of the school year is dedicated to teaching students our building wide expectations, as well as giving them time to practice those expectations with our staff. Using our PBIS Matrix, which you can find below, students are learning what behaviors are expected of them and how they will be rewarded for demonstrating them. Wondering what your student is learning? Ask them!
Thank you for your support as we start the school year and as always, please let us know if there is anything we can do to support you and your student.
Brenda Wittman & Michael Basinski
Dates To Remember - September 2022
Thursday, September 1-Friday, September 30: Kalahari Day Pass Fundraiser
Monday, September 5: Labor Day - No School
Wednesday, September 7: Lifetouch Picture Day
Friday, September 16: Apple Festival Begins
Thursday, September 29: Conferences & Family Cookout
Friday, September 30: Interim Incentive Reward Activities
Kalahari Day Pass Fundraiser
Thursday, September 1st through Friday, September 30th
- $25.00 each (cash or check only | checks should be made out to Northwood Middle School )
- Adults & children over the age of 3 are the same price
- Passes are valid through the end of 2023
Students will come home with order forms & information sheets. This fundraiser will help us provide incentive activities to students throughout the year!
This is a fantastic savings! Kalahari Day Passes range from $74.99 - $134.99!
Picture Day is September 7th
Order online at Lifetouch with Picture Day ID: EVTR388WB
Cell Phone Expectations
Cell phones and all Bluetooth headphones shall be TURNED OFF upon entering the school building
Cell phones and all Bluetooth headphones are to be turned off and are not allowed to be seen or used in a classroom, library, common areas, or restrooms, unless specifically directed by a staff member
Common areas are defined as: hallways, locker rooms, restrooms, gym, cafeteria and outside staff supervised areas during school hours
Cell phones and all Bluetooth headphones are not allowed to be used during transition times or between classes
Families are always welcome to call the school office at 284-8016 and messages will be delivered to their student
If a student needs to make an emergency call during the day, they are to come up to the office
Cell phones and all Bluetooth headphones can be turned back on at the end of the school day, once students exit the building
Cell Phone Standards
1st time: Cell Phone will be held in the office for student pickup at the end of the school day
2nd time: Cell phone will be held in the office for parent/guardian pickup
3rd time: Cell phone will be "grounded" to the office for a specified period of time, as determined by building principals.
**Failure to follow the Cell Phone Standards may result in office discipline**
(Grounded: your student is responsible for turning their cell phone into the office each morning upon arrival and may pick it up as they exit the building at the end of the school day).
Middle School Dismissal Procedures
In order to ensure student safety, please follow the dismissal procedures as they have been explained to your student:
- All traffic moves clockwise around the campus building; please follow this direction only
- Car riders are picked up in the car rider line that circles the campus; all students will wait in front of the middle school for their ride
- Please use only one line of traffic to pick up your student
- Please stay alert and avoid texting as you drive on campus
- As the busses exit the campus, cars will be directed forward and students will be reminded to look for their car
- Students have been instructed to wait for their ride on the school curb and to not walk/run through the busses into the parking lot
October Dates
For those of you that like to plan ahead:
Monday, October 3rd: Northwood Spirit Wear Sale Starts
Friday, October 14th: NEOEA Day - No School
Wednesday, October 19th: Lifetouch Picture Retakes
Friday, October 21th: Northwood Pink Cookie Pop Up
Thursday, October 27th: 1st Quarter Ends
Monday, October 28th: Records Day - No School for Students
570 N. Abbe Rd. Elyria, OH 44035