MMS May Newsletter
May 2nd, 2024
MMS Drama Club Performance
May 16 at 6:00
On Thursday, May 16th our Drama Club will perform "Last Night at Scare-con". The show will begin at 6:00 pm in our auditorium. (I've heard one of our principals is part of the show!)
Come out to support our hardworking group!
Library Books
Students have received bills three times for overdue library books. Please check with your child to be sure they have returned their books. Overdue books are due immediately! If your student cannot find the book, payment should be made to replace the book. The replacement amount was on the bill given to students.
Updated bills will be given to students after our final due date of May 10th.
If you student does not return or pay for the missing book, they will be held from end of the year activities. These bills will also carry over to next year, preventing them from checking out future books. Bills will also follow our 8th graders to the high school.
School-Issued Devices & Chargers
Student iPads & chargers should be at school and will remain here until the end of the year. Please help remind your child to return their charger if they have not already done so.
Dates to Remember
May 9th Band Concert, 6:30 in auditorium
May 10th Strings Concert 8th grade, 7:00
May 13th Strings Concert 6th & 7th grades, at South Middle
May 14th No School, Election Day
May 16th Drama Club Performance, 6:00 in auditorium
May 17th 8th grade to Hershey Park
May 17th 6th & 7th grade Field Day
May 20th 6th & 7th grade CORE Awards Assembly
May 21st 8th grade CORE Awards Assembly & Picnic
May 24th Last day of school for students
May 24th 2-hour early dismissal