Kindergarten Newsletter
November 2nd - 6th
What we're learning this week:
Book: Scaredy Squirrel by Melanie Watt
Reading Strategies: Understanding how characters can change, asking questions while we read (Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?)
Math: Writing and comparing numbers to 10, triangles, hexagons
Writing: Writing the sounds we hear to make words and sentences (personal narrative)
Social Studies: Voting, American Monuments
Science: Weather watching: What will the weather be like on your birthday?
Religion: God made us, showing love to God and others, thanking God for people in our lives
Social and Emotional Learning: Explaining feelings - Students discuss how to think back to what happened first or look for situational cues in order to understand reasons for someone's feelings. Students brainstorm reasons that people can have different feelings.
Virtue: Empathy
Social Skills: Following directions and asking permission