Danielson Digest
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October 11th, 2024
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News from Dr. Cruz
Hello Bearkat Families,
Our campus is collecting donations of new socks and undies for our Leander ISD Clothes Closet. Please drop off donations in the front office anytime during the month of October. You will help students win either a crazy sock day (if we get more socks donated) or a Super Hero Day (if we get more undies donated). Our Bearkats love a good dress up day so let's do our good deed and have some fun at the same time!
One quick safety request for families: Please do not park near the service yard/band hall after school. During dismissal we have cars parking in this area which causes backup and some safety concerns. You can utilize our car pick up line or park in the front parking lot to pick up your students.
Yearbooks are on sale and there are lots of community events coming up. Flyers are posted below!
As a reminder, students do not have school on Monday, October 14th. We will see our Bearkats on Tuesday.
Wishing you all a beautiful weekend,
Dr. Cruz 💙🧡
No School on Monday, October 14th! See you on Tuesday.
Upcoming Events:
10/14: No School
10/15: Football vs. Leander MS
- 7th @ Glenn HS - 6pm
- 8th @ Bible Stadium - 6pm
- 7th @ Four Points - 5:30pm
- 8th @ DMS - 5:30pm
- DMS Gym - 6-8pm
6th Grade Families
6th Grade Monster Mash Dance
Our Monster Mash Dance is on October 18th, 2024, from 6pm-8pm . Parents, we want to extend the opportunity for you to enjoy the dance as a parent volunteer. We have also set up a sign up genius link if you would like to donate to the concession stand.
Tickets will be on sale everyday during lunch next week. (Cash Only)
Tickets are $5 and $10 at the door. Concession tickets are also on sale $1 each.
Please reach out to Natalie Hernandez if you have any questions. natalie.hernandez@leanderisd.org
8th Grade Families
8th Grade Reunion Ranch Field Trip
Hello 8th Grade Families,
We have so many students who have already paid for the Reunion Ranch Field Trip. Great job! Parents, we want to extend the opportunity for you to enjoy the day with your 8th grader as a parent volunteer. We need additional supervision and assistance monitoring different stations. Please find information and sign up here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vJn2uNAgfSTLqf1ySpbTAj1EivVIpXPViVXFYjo3Q_E/edit?gid=1134013330#gid=1134013330
If you still need to make a payment for your 8th Grader to attend, you can do that here: https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/prdembd?ref=ZZJE0AQLWM0RU2D_ZZ64GB3ZGCJSTYP
Permission Form: https://forms.gle/MhQWeGc8np2xWErE8
Thank you,
Ms. Moore (8th Grade Assistant Principal)
News From Nurse Lowery
Spinal Screens Coming Up
State mandated spinal screens will be taking place at your child's campus on October 17. Trained screeners will check your child for signs of spinal problems like scoliosis.
Girls will be screened two times, once in 5th grade and again in 7th grade.
Boys will be screened one time in 8th grade.
The screening is simple. Screeners will look at your child’s back while he or she stands and bends forward.
Important Recommendations:
All students will have to remove their shirt for the exam.
Girls must wear a bra or two-piece swimsuit top.
Boys and girls will be screened separately and individually.
The campus nurse will send you a letter if your child does not pass the screening. The letter will tell you how to follow up with a doctor.
This screening is not a medical exam. Your child still needs to see a doctor for their annual checkups.
If you do not wish to have your child screened for religious reasons, you must submit notification via email to the campus nurse school no later than October 16.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. Thank you.
For Spanish, click the link below
Upcoming Events in our Community
DMS Extracurricular Events Expectations:
- Students are there to watch the performance.
- Show respect at all times.
- Cheer on/encourage your peers.
- Stay in the designated area.
- Only event participants on the court/field/stage or locker room.
- Keep area clean and pick up your trash.
- Make sure you have a ride at the end of the performance.
Get Connected & Stay Informed:
Each week we will send the link to this page, the Danielson Digest, to communicate important information on everything happening on campus. There are also various ways you can connect to DMS to ensure that you are in the know of all things within our community:
- Remind is the official platform that DMS uses to communicate with parents. To join Remind text LISDDMS to 81010.
- The DMS Website
- Facebook: Stacy K Danielson Middle School
- Follow us on X (Twitter): @DanielsonMiddle
- Bookmark the calendar page: DMS Calendar