Northern Burlington Newsletter
June 17, 2024
Congratulations to the Class of 2024!
Congratulations to Northern Burlington High School's Class of 2024. Good luck as you continue your journey. We will miss you!
Congratulations to our 2023-2024 Retirees!
We had the honor of celebrating our retirees prior to the June 10th, Board of Education meeting. Northern Burlington extends heartfelt thanks for their dedication and hard work over the years. We will miss them dearly, but we are excited for them as they embark on their new journeys.
Pictured from left to right are Mr. Newman, Dr. Lopez and Mr. Chorba. Other retirees who were unable to attend the celebration were Ms. Lejnar, Mr. Shivdayal, Ms. Harrison, Ms. McMillan and Ms. Amos.
End of School Year Survey
Northern Burlington County Regional School District is looking for your feedback. Click HERE to complete our End of Year survey.
Northern Burlington County Regional High School has a New Principal
Welcome Dr. Kaitlin McCann!
During the April Board of Education meeting, the Board approved Dr. Kaitlin McCann to be the next high school principal for the Northern Burlington County Regional High School. She brings a wealth of experiences and knowledge that will help continue the growth of our HS.
In the coming weeks, Dr. McCann will be sending direct communication to the NB community. In the meantime, she asked that we share the below message.
“I am excited and humbled to take on the role of principal of Northern Burlington County Regional High School and continue the strong tradition of excellence that exists here. I look forward to working with the dedicated team of teachers and administrators that make Northern Burlington such a great place to be. Throughout my conversations thus far, I have heard so many highlights about the programs, students, staff and community here at Northern Burlington and I am eager to learn even more in the coming months. I look forward to meeting each of you and welcome your questions during this exciting time.”
Dr. McCann spent time in the building over the past couple of months meeting with HS staff, students and the administrative team.
Middle and High School Updates
New Bell Schedule
After several years of planning and discussion, Northern Burlington Middle and High schools will be implementing new bell schedules for the 2024-2025 school year.
The Middle School will maintain an 8 period per day schedule but the language arts and math classes will be 68 minutes long instead of the current 45 minutes. This will equate to a period and a half of language arts and math daily throughout the year. All other classes will stay the same length as they are currently.
The High School will be moving to a 4x4 extended learning schedule. This will have four classes on one day (A day- periods 1, 3, 5 and 7) and the remaining four classes on the following day (B day- periods 2, 4, 6 and 8). Each class will be approximately 80 minutes in length. The HS will also be transitioning to one lunch period. During the lunch time, there will be two separate opportunity periods that students can sign up for the scheduled activities. Providing structured activities at the first half and second half of the lunch period will naturally create two separate lunch periods. Lunch will be served for this entire period.
More detailed information will come from each of the main offices regarding the schedules.
Students of the Month
Each month, both schools select a student of the month for each grade level. These students are selected by their teachers and can be chosen for a variety of reasons. Some include but are not limited to, being a good role model, demonstrating good character, carrying out the school motto of being respectful, responsible and ready. Congratulations to all of the students who were recognized. Below is a link that will take you to a short video that shows who was recognized and a little about each student.
Auditorium Update
At the June 10 Board of Education meeting, the Board approved an architect to finalize the plans to build an auditorium onto the High School. This project will be fully funded using Federal Impact Aid and capital reserves. This construction project will not increase the taxes in our community. It is expected that the district will go out to bid for the auditorium construction in the Fall of 2024. We will continue to update you throughout this process.
ITEEA's Program Excellence Award
The International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA) recognized Outstanding Programs at the 86th Annual Conference held in Memphis, TN. Northern Burlington’s Applied Technology and Engineering program was one of twenty-six outstanding technology and engineering programs from around the world, honored by ITEEA in March.
Technology and engineering education programs from across the country at the elementary, middle, and high school levels received ITEEA’s Program Excellence Award. Sponsored by ITEEA and Paxton/Patterson, the Program Excellence Award is one of the highest honors given to technology and engineering education programs and is presented in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the profession and students.
The Program Excellence Award program is designed to recognize superior K-12 technology and engineering education programs from around the world. These award-winning programs serve as a standard for comparison and models for the development of other programs. Therefore, it is essential that each program selected and recognized reflects contemporary technology engineering education. Awardees serve as models for their colleagues, inspiration to their communities, and leaders in their region, province, or state as proponents of advancing technological literacy for all.
FFA News
Middle School
Last month, eight Middle School FFA members attended the 95th Annual New Jersey FFA Convention at Monmouth University. Four members were recognized as Blue Jacket. Bright Futures. FFA Jacket recipients at the opening convention session.
We had a student compete in the Art Competition and another enter an essay for the essay event. We were recognized with a bronze rating for contributing to the state's goal of 8000 hours of community service.
While at convention, members participated in committee meetings and delegate business sessions, attended workshops put on by National FFA Officers, met National FFA Southern Region Vice President Carter Howell, toured the campus, and watched convention sessions. Attending convention helps our members see the bigger picture of what FFA offers and set future goals for themselves, while also allowing them to meet members from across the state and learn about their FFA chapters.
High School
Congratulations to all of the following students:
- Kalena Johnson for receiving her NJFFA state degree.
- Adam Sentak, Connor Lovenduski, Jacki Smylie and Curt VanMater for placing 1st in the Ag. Mechanics CDE.
- Shelby Moran for placing 2nd in Teach Ag event.
- Briahnee Coulages for placing 2nd in the 3-5 minute public speaking event.
- Caleigh Beatty-Robinson and Brodie DeVinney for placing 3rd in the Team Demo.
Congratulations to Dr. Zuckerman for receiving his FFA Honorary State Degree at the NJ New Jersey FFA Association State Convention. Congratulations to Dr. Riegel who received the Distinguished Service Award on behalf of Rancocas Veterinary Associates. Thanks to Dr. Riegel for showing our Animal Science classes what a vet does & taking care of the Northern herd!
Athletic News
New Physical Packets
Students are required to submit information related to two major sections prior to the start of EACH season (Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring) - 1) Pre-Participation/Medical History Update – Expires at the end of each season (i.e. if you are a four-season athlete, this must be submitted four times in one calendar year), and 2) Doctor-Approved Physical Examination – Expires 365 days after the date of the physical. This document only needs to be re-submitted if the physical on file has expired prior to the start of a season. Please plan accordingly. Students registering for athletics must have these documents on file in the athletic office before the student is authorized to participate in practice/tryouts. To ensure clearance for participation, all completed information should be submitted via the online portal no later than three weeks prior to the first day of practice/tryouts.
Career Orientation Program
The Career Orientation Program hosted their annual End of Year Event on May 9 to recognize students’ hard work throughout the school year and to wish students aging out of the program well in their future endeavors. Blue Light Music Program, SPWA (Serving People with Abilities), and Club DREAMS were the vendors in attendance as well as students and their
families and staff.
On May 22nd The Career Orientation Program sponsored a trip to Popcorn Park for all students
involved in the program including students from the MD and Transition Classes as a reward for
their hard work and contributions to the Career Orientation Program. Students were taken on
guided tours to learn about animals currently residing in the park.
Dr. Sean Hoggs Named 2024 Air Force JROTC Outstanding Instructor of the Year!
Headquarters (HQ) Air Force JROTC recently notified the district that Dr. Hoggs was named the Region 4 Outstanding Instructor of the Year. One of 3 regional winners out of 1600 instructors world-wide, Dr. Hoggs is now authorized to wear a gold instructor badge on his uniform to denote his selection.
Earlier this year the HQ AF JROTC Regional Director, recognized Dr. Hoggs, SMSgt Mark Irvin, and MSgt Bianca Parker for the unit earning an “Exceed Standards” during its major Unit Evaluation Inspection. Congratulations to all!
Purple Star School!
We recently received notification that Northern Burlington High School and Middle School have been named a Purple Star School. This designation demonstrates that we support the military connected students when they transition from one school to another in addition to supporting the needs of the military students and their families.
Make sure to subscribe to Northern TV's channel on YouTube to watch the latest episode of Northern News and see other videos of events happening at Northern Burlington.
The video link from the Class of 2024's graduation ceremony will be posted as soon as edits have been completed.
- June 17, 2024 - Last Day of School for Students (Early Dismissal)
- June 21, 2024 - District Closed in Observance of Juneteenth
- July 4, 2024 - District Closed in Observance of Independance Day
- August 12, 2024 - Board of Education Meeting
- September 4, 2024 - 1st Day of School for 7th and 9th graders and New Students
- September 5, 2024 - 1st Day of School for All Students