3/17/25 OG NEWS

March 17, 2025
We’re in the home stretch... just one more week until a well-deserved Spring Break! As a reminder, there is no school the week of March 24. Before we head into the break, I kindly ask that you take a moment to complete the 5 Essentials Survey if you haven’t already. A parent survey report will be generated only if at least 20 percent of parents respond to the survey. The survey closes on March 28. Thank you for your participation and support! The collective voice matters!
Illinois Assessment of Readiness - 3rd-8th Graders
Lost & Found
The lost & found will be available by the Main Office entrance on Monday March 17 until Friday March 21 (Weather Pending). Please take some time to stop by and look through for any lost or missing items. All remaining Items that are not collected will be donated. If you have any questions, please contact Rob Rendon at rendon@ogschool.org.
Track & Field
Purple Up Day 2025 - April 15
Multicultural Fair 2025
Class Placement: Family Input
Future Quest
PE/Health Newsletter
Please click HERE for the March 2025 issue of the PE/Health Newsletter.
3/18/25 - Board of Education Meeting COW at 6:00 and Regular Meeting at 6:45
3/24/25 through 3/28/25 - Spring Break
3/31/25 - Students return from spring break
Games of the Week-
None the week of 3/17/25
Looking for information about upcoming games or events? Please check the Oak Grove Athletics Calendar or contact our Athletic Director, Dave Karolewicz, at karolewicz@ogschool.org.
Please see our web page for dates and links. For the most updated information, visit the Oak Grove band website.
Spring spirit wear is on sale now through April 2. Get your gear while you can!
Join us on April 25 for the first OGS PTO Student Fun Run! Click here for details and to sign up.
Variety Show audition sign-ups will be this week on Tuesday and Wednesday during 5th - 8th grade lunch. There will also be an opportunity to sign up after Spring Break. Tryouts will be on April 16 & 17. The show is on May 9. We can't wait to see what our Oak Grove students have to share this year!
Celebrate Earth Day with the PTO and help keep Greek Oaks Beautiful on Saturday, April 12 10-11 am. Meet the crew on the Jr. High playground.
The Nominating Committee is searching for volunteers for Executive Board roles and Committee Chairs. Please contact Kate Byers, Elizabeth O'Neill or Beth Zender to share your interest.
Please click HERE to view the flyers in our virtual backpack. Flyers are updated weekly, so please check back often so you won't miss any of the events going on in our community.