Eastvale STEM Academy Newsletter
February 2024
Ms. Kelly Howell's Message
California Science Center Field Trip - March 22
For eSTEM 9th-11th Graders Only
We are still accepting paperwork!
Students: Logged into your CNUSD account, click on the image below to access the Google Classroom for the California Science Center. All eSTEM 9th, 10th and 11th grade students will participate in this field trip (Students may not opt out unless they have a special circumstance). If students would like to see an IMAX movie while they are there, they may return the $10 donation envelope they receive from their ELA teacher. Please read the documents in the GC carefully. Please call the eSTEM office for any questions.
Parents/Guardians: We need 50 chaperones! If you are interested, please complete the FORM (also found in the GC). If you need to be fingerprinted with the district, please have your student log into the GC. In there, you can find all information/forms to complete the volunteer paperwork with the district. It takes 3-45 days to process fingerprints depending on the facility so please start that process asap.
We can't wait for our first Academy field trip!
CNUSD Wellness Summit - March 22
For eSTEM 12th Graders Only
CNUSD is holding the first Wellness Summit and eSTEM gets to host it! 600 high school students from around the district will be joining us in this opportunity. Students will be provided lunch and a variety of sessions to participate in such as perfectionism, healthy relationships, athletic pressure, and coping through art.
Lost & Found
If you lost a valuable, check with the clerks in the eSTEM front office or the ERHS Career Center.
Digital Report Cards Available
Parents and Students may log into Parent and Student Connect on the following dates to review academic progress:
Digital Report Cards Available:
Feb 16 - In Danger of Failing (IDF) Progress Report
March 16 - Quarter 1 Report Card
April 19 -In Danger of Failing (IDF) Progress Report
June 6 - Semester 2 Report Card
*If you do not see a progress report in the reports area of Parent Connect, your student is not receiving a D/F grade in a course.
Attendance Reminders
Parents may view their student's absences and tardies in Parent Connect.
Clear Your Absence:
All absences must be cleared within 72 hours by legal guardians.
951-738-2100, Option 3
- Student ID #
- Student Name
- Date of absence and reason for being absent
- Your name and relation to the student
Official medical notes can be emailed to: erhsattendance@cnusd.k12.ca.us and eSTEMAcademy@cnusd.k12.ca.us
*Please contact your teacher(s) regarding work missed during an absence. Work missed due to an unexcused absence may receive a 0.
Late Drop Off / Early Pick Up:
Students may be dropped-off late or picked-up early through the eSTEM or ERHS offices. We suggest students enter the campus through the front office (eSTEM or ERHS) closest to their class.
Please view the Early Release Policy here.
Absences Letters: Absences, excused/justified absences, verified absences, unverified truancies, and tardy more than 30 mins.
--Greater/Equal to 3 Full Days - Courtesy Letter #1
--Greater/Equal to 7 Full Days - Warning Letter #2
--Greater/Equal to 10 Full Days - School Attendance Review Team Meeting (SART) Notice #3
*The District Office may also send Truancy Letters.
Truancies Letters: Verified absences, unverified truancies, and tardy more than 30 mins.
--Greater/Equal to 3 Full Days - Truancy Letter #1
--Greater/Equal to 6 Full Days - Truancy Letter #2 and School Attendance Review Team Meeting (SART) Notice
Tardy Communication: Parents will receive an email every time their student is tardy to any class period.
--5 tardies - lunch detention
--10 tardies - morning detention, placement on a tardy contract and parent communication
--15 tardies - Saturday school
--20 tardies - Placed on no-go list for activities/events, and School Attendance Review Team Meeting (SART) with parents
Entering and Exiting Campus
Late Start: Enter through the eSTEM front office to check in with your ID. Inform the front office clerk that you have late start.
Early Dismissal: Exit through the eSTEM front office with your ID, or at a gate between eSTEM & main campus if security is there to check you out.
Common Days and Wednesdays
Late Start (P. 2) or Early Dismissal (P.5): You will need to stay in the eSTEM Student Union during these days for the period you have off. Please do not go to a teacher's classroom or walk around campus.
If you need something from your car: Bring your ID to the eSTEM front office, leave it with the front office clerk, and you can get your item from the car.
If you are leaving for sports/band/field trip: Exit campus from the eSTEM front office.
If your parents/guardians dropped off an item: Please pick it up during passing period. Do not leave during class to pick up that item.
Students should NOT be exiting through any of the push gates without checking out with clerks, security, or administration at anytime.
Third Lunch Window
Incoming 9th Graders: Class of 2028
We held our lottery for the incoming 9th grade students on Wednesday, January 17th. We had over 460 applicants and we are excited to welcome 220 students to the incoming 9th grade class!
eSTEM Advisory Committee
eSTEM Student Store
Buy merchandise online and bring your receipt to the office and we will grab your gear for you.
Semester 2 Tutoring & Support
Science & Engineering Research Project (SERP)
Research Presentations
Our 10th and 11th grade students had their SERP panel presentations on January 22nd and 23rd. Over 200 projects, 7 panel locations, 4+ panelists per room, all across two days. Our students did a wonderful job sharing their project with staff and the community. Thank you for all your hard work!
9th grade:
Our 9th grade students had their SERP mini panel presentation on February 6th. We had 66 projects present, 4 panel locations, and 2 panelists per room. Our teachers were very impressed with our 9th graders as they showcased what they learned in their classes.
CNUSD Science Fair
ERHS/eSTEM sent 17 projects to the Corona Norco USD Science Fair on Saturday, January 20th. Of these projects, 16 placed (earned medals/awards), and 11 were selected to advance to the Riverside County Science Fair! Congratulations, students!
We are also grateful for our staff supporting our students through their research. Our science fair co-coordinators, Ms. Moulton and Ms. Ho, worked tirelessly to help our students with their form submission, project revisions, etc.
History Day Winners!
The following students were selected to move on to the Riverside County competition in February!
CNUSD Volunteer Paperwork
To be cleared through CNUSD to be a parent volunteer:
Complete the Volunteer Application (link here)
Provide a valid government photo identification
School site staff will verify that the volunteer applicant is not listed on the Meagan’s Law website
Proof of a negative TB results, Chest X-Ray, or Risk Assessment is required (must be current with 60 days of submitting a volunteer application)
If you have completed these steps through CNUSD in the past or for another student at a different CNUSD school, please select that box in the volunteering application above. We will cross-reference with CNUSD.
Parent Resources
Check out the resource board for parents below. You can access the resources via the QR code or by clicking the text.
Please thank your school counselor (Ms. Adams - A-Me and Ms. Castanon - Mi-Z) as we celebrated National School Counseling Week this month. We're so thankful for all they do to support our students.
Class of 2024 Seniors!
Filling out the FAFSA/CADAA is a critical step towards college or career education success and helps students qualify for financial aid, making it a top priority for us to encourage their submission. Our goal is 100% FAFSA/CADAA completion so that all students meet the California state graduation requirement and have the opportunity to benefit from some possible assistance with their post-high school aspirations.
Families that believe they will not receive financial aid due to their income can in many instances. Many financial aid/scholarship programs require that the student complete the 2024-25 FAFSA/CADAA regardless of their income. Remember, the FAFSA is not just for college (2 & 4 year); it can be used for apprenticeships, vocational training, and more.
With your support and it being a state graduation completion requirement for seniors, we are confident we can have the whole c/o 2024 submit their FAFSA/CADAA.
Sign up below for our 2 remaining FAFSA/CADAA Workshop dates:
2024-25 Course Selection & Summer School
Students had access to complete their course selections for the 2024-25 school year online through Student Connect from January 22-February 12.
Following the closure of online course selection on Student Connect, counselors will have follow-up meetings with students individually to review their selections on select dates. During these individual student meetings counselors will review their transcript, discuss their chosen courses for the next school year, and assist with summer school registration if needed.
We encourage you to review your student's grade level smore for additional details and information on the 2024-2025 Course Selection. Click the images below.
Summer School: Parents can begin confirming Summer School registration on March 1st. Check out this document for more information.
eSTEM Counselors Corner
ERHS Counseling Amazon Wishlist
We kindly ask for your support by considering donating an item from our Amazon wishlist.
Eastvale STEM Expo
We are so excited that EXPO season is coming up. Save the date for Tuesday, March 12th from 5:00-7:30pm. Come see what your students are doing on campus and help us bring the love of S.T.E.M. to the community. We'll have free activities hosted by teachers and campus clubs, as well as paid experiences hosted by the Ambassadors. We will also have Norco College and UC Riverside here as well. Bring some money for our food trucks!
While the majority of the event is free activities, attendees may purchase the below lessons from Ambassadors. These are always a hit in the community!
Upcoming Dates
February 29: Honor Roll Assembly (semester 1 2023 GPA of 3.0 or higher) - more information to come
March 2: San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering (flyers below)
March 12: Eastvale STEM EXPO from 5:00-7:30pm
March 22: CNUSD Wellness Summit for 12th Grade Students - more information to come
March 22: California Science Center Field Trip for 9th-11th Grade eSTEM Students
March 26: eSTEM Ambassador Fundraiser at TenRen
Stole Ceremony
Completion of program requirements allow students to obtain an eSTEM stole at the Stole Ceremony in spring of their senior year. Counselors meet with students regularly to discuss if they are on track for requirements.
- Have 5 of the 6 requirements met below:
- College eligibility a-g requirements met
- 3.0+ GPA
- Complete SERP in 10th and 11th grades
- Complete a STEM pathway
- Take a math and science all 4 years
- Complete to level 3 or higher of a world language
- Have 5 of the 6 requirements met below:
- Complete SERP in 9th, 10th, and 11th grade* (students must complete this requirement as it is built into course grades)
- College eligibility a-g requirements met
- 3.0+ GPA
- Complete a STEM pathway
- Take a math and science all 4 years
- Complete to level 3 or higher of a world language
The Stole Ceremony for Seniors is Tuesday, May 21, 2024 in the evening. Each senior will be able to have two guests (due to capacity).
eSTEM Commitment Contract Update
We have updated the eSTEM Commitment Contract for the 2024-25 school year. All students are required to meet the expectations of the program.
*Note additions:
1)The pathways have been adjusted offering a full 2-year sequence for Cybersecurity 2 and Robotics 2 due to the removal of an Intro to Robotics and Engineering course. This has many benefits such as reducing students course loads over 4-years and reduces summer school potentially (depending on student goals)
2) Egregious acts such as bullying, harrassment, threats, fights, and/or other suspendable and/or expellable behaviors will result in automatic removal from the program.
Connect With Us!
We try to post often so families and students can see all the amazing things happening on campus. eSTEM Academy thrives because of our students, families, teachers, support staff and community!