Middle School Chatterbox
September 30th, 2024
ELA - Mr. Baldwin
6th Grade
We wrote personal narratives this month about memorable events that happened in our lives. These stories focus on telling the tale in a way that paints a vivid mental picture for the reader and clearly conveys the story being told.
8th Grade: We're debating the question: does technology control or improve our lives? The pieces in our book provide several selections that give credence to both sides of the argument.
7th Grade
8th Grade
We're debating the question: does technology control or improve our lives? The pieces in our book provide several selections that give credence to both sides of the argument.
Science - Mrs. Cronn
All Classes
All three classes have been learning about the scientific method and practicing by creating experiments. 6th grade's experiment was about making slime and 7th and 8th grades' involved penny boats. Currently the 6th graders are working on bar graphs and line graphs. 7th graders are learning about characteristics of living organisms. 8th graders are working on the metric system, accuracy and precision, and significant figures.
Social Studies - Mr. Baldwin and Mrs. Simon
6th Grade
6th grade students have spent their time learning about how historians work and research. They have also spent time reviewing geography terms and discussing how to be be a good citizen. They also discussed whether artifacts should be returned to their country of origin when they are found.
7th Grade
We have investigated how geography impacts our everyday lives. We have also used Minecraft to observe how people interact with the environment around them and to experience working in different types of economies.
8th Grade
Math and PE - Mrs. Saltsman
8th Grade
8th graders learned about different types of graphs by doing human graphing in the gym.
All Classes
6th-8th graders had a Zoom with Professor Kevin Smith from a DSU. Smith wrote a book called “Yucky” that talks about a student who thought math was yucky until she found a teacher who related math to her interests. They also learned how to draw the Impossible Triangle.
Success - Mr. Baldwin and Mrs. Langer
6th Grade
We have been working on presentation skills such as speaking loudly and clearly, creating visually appealing visual aids, and elaborating on bullet points so that slides are not congested with words. Sixth grade has also practiced note taking skills by listening to community members present about their careers.
7th Grade
We have worked on life and job skills. Most recently we did an activity that taught the students how to count and hand back change.
Upcoming Events
Fall Conferences
Fall conferences are October 10th from 2:00-8:00. We follow a student led conference format, meaning that your student will lead the conference discussion about their first quarter this year. We believe this format encourages students to take ownership in their education and promotes communication between home and school. Teachers will elaborate and give their insight to the student's comments. Conferences are a great time to ask any questions that you might have regarding anything happening at school. There will be an email sent out with the signup information. You may sign up using this link as well https://bit.ly/4esZ6Gw Fall conferences are mandatory.