Marlette Elementary School
October Update - October 14, 2024
Note from the Principal - Mr. Reynolds
Hi everyone,
Fall is upon us, and although it has been unseasonably warm, the autumn temps have finally arrived. Please make sure that your child is wearing a coat, hat, and gloves. As long as the temps with the wind chill are above zero degrees and there isn't any inclement weather, students will be going outside for recess.
The cold weather is definitely needed to help kill some of the germs that have been going around the school. The student handbook states that absence letters will be sent home after 5 and 10 absences per semester. After 10 absences, truancy may be filed on behalf of your student. Every situation is different and the school is understanding when there is major illness, death in family, etc., that may keep a child home.
Lastly, I want to reiterate that we have a commitment to safety at Marlette Elementary School and throughout the Marlette School District. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the school's plans to keep your child safe, please do not hesitate to reach out to myself, Officer Sanchez, or Mr. Marshall.
Mr. Reynolds
MES 2nd Annual Math Night
Marlette Elementary's 2nd Annual Math Night is Thursday, October 17th from 3:15pm to 4:30pm. Families can come and go as they like to participate in fun math activities and games that the staff have prepared. If you plan to have your child stay after school, please communicate with Mrs. Bell in the main office.
Report Cards and Parent/Teacher Conferences
The end of the 1st Marking Period is Friday, October 25th. Report cards will be sent home the following week in Thursday folders.
Also, please look out for information about Parent/Teacher Conferences. Conferences are on November 12th and November 13th. These are ten minute conferences. If you feel like you have more concerns or questions that may last longer than ten minutes, please reach out to your child's teacher.
After School Tutoring
After School Tutoring at Marlette Elementary starts this week. Reminder, that if your child is staying after school for tutoring, that they must have work to be completed and/or an AR book. Students who come to tutoring without work may be sent to Red Raider Care.
Trail of Treats - Saturday, October 26th
There are at least thirty different groups signed up for the new Trail of Treats. Please plan on coming out to Marlette Elementary on Saturday, October 26th from 4pm to 6pm.
Halloween Plans - Thursday, October 31st
Plans for Halloween will be similar to last year. The parade around Gayle's Trail will be at 1:30pm, followed by parties in the classrooms (no guests) afterwards. An updated Halloween newsletter will be sent the week of Halloween with more news and updates.
24-25 Calendar
The link below will direct you to the school calendar, especially for those who like to plan Spring Break ahead of time.
Click here: LINK
Future Calendar
Friday, October 18th: Lights Out Performance, during school and football game
Friday, October 18th: Last football game vs Saginaw Nouvel, 7pm
Thursday, October 24th: Teddy Bear Clinic (Y5's and K) at Sanilac ISD
Friday, October 25th: End of Marking Period 1
Thursday, October 31st: Halloween Parade and Party
Sunday, November 3rd: Daylight Savings Time Ends (Fall Back 1 Hour)
Tuesday, November 5th: Election Day