Dolphin Weekly Waves
Week of July 1, 2024

October 13, 2024
West End Dolphin Superpod,
We were thankful to have our students back this past week at West End. Our teachers took time to allow students to talk through their feelings and the impact of the hurricane on their homes, families, and on them. Please continue to contact us if you or your family needs support. Dolphin pods hold each other up in times of need, and I am grateful for our pod!
The learning, experiences, and fun that happens daily at West End is truly amazing! This week 2nd graders had state testing and finished their YMCA Swim Lessons, K5 had a blast on their field trip to Hunter Farms, Miss Cao's class enjoyed our new outdoor classroom, and our fifth graders celebrated their positive behavior at their 1st 9 Weeks Celebration. I observed first graders learning subtraction strategies and conferencing with their peers about their writing, and heard all about the coding lessons Mrs. Matthews is teaching in computer lab each week.
Please check out the week at a glance and other important information found in this week’s edition of the Dolphin Digest!
As always, please call the front office with any questions at (864) 397-2500.
Kimberly Robson
Let's Celebration National School Lunch Week 2024
- Wednesday Oct.16th Guess how many Cannon Balls (cheese puffs). Students will have the opportunity to guess how many cheese balls are in the container. We will also have tickets on the trays for students to have a chance to win a prize!
- Thursday Oct. 17th Dress like a Pirate to help us celebrate National School Lunch Week!
- Friday Oct. 18th Create your own Pirate Flag! Students can decorate their flag and turn in to recieve a treat! One Grand Prize Winner will be selected Chick-fil-a gift card.
Week at a Glance:
Monday, October 14
No School for Staff or Students
Tuesday, October 15th
No School for Students
Wednesday, October 16th
Q1 Report Cards Go Home
Archery 2:45-3:45
America Reads Tutoring 2:30-3:30
YAMS 2:30-4:00
Thursday, October 17th
All Pro Dad @ Rock Springs Baptist Church 7:00 am
Running Club 3rd-5th Graders 7:30 am
Little Dreamers Preschool Story Time 10:30
No Art Club due to Conference Night
Boys with GRIT 2:45-3:45
Festival Choir Practice 2:45-3:45
Student Led Conference Pirate Adventure Night 3-7pm (Food and other activities 5-7pm only)
Friday, October 18th
Girls with GRIT 7:30
Student Led Conferences THIS THURSDAY!
Teachers will contact you with more details for this event! Join us from 5-7pm for family activities and a Chick-Fil-A Sandwich!
Community Events & Opportunities
Little Dreamers Preschool Storytime is THIS Thursday!
Core Paradigm and Habit of the Month
Behavior Tip of the Month
Fundraisers for West End Students
Important Links for Families
We value your feedback!
West End Families, We value your input and feedback and consider it as we make decisions here at West End. Please feel free to give us your feedback on anything related to our school in the form below. You are also welcome to submit questions here. Please give us 24-48 hours to respond to all questions. Thank you for your time and ideas! We appreciate you and you are an important part of the DOLPHIN POD!