Hastings Middle School Family Flier
February 25, 2024

Hastings Middle School 2024-2025
January 12, 2025
Hastings Middle School Scheduling Information Night
We are excited to invite you to an optional presentation designed to provide information about curricular options and the scheduling process for the upcoming school year for your rising 7th and/or 8th grader!
Meeting Details:
Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Time: 7:30 - 8:15 PM
Location: Hastings Middle School Auditorium
This session will be a great opportunity to gain insights into the academic options available to students and how the scheduling process works. Office staff will be available until 8:30 PM to answer any questions you might have.
If you are unable to attend, all of the information will be shared via email on Friday, February 27th.
If you have any questions regarding the scheduling and/or transition process, please feel free to contact Megan Lippert (mlippert@uaschools.org).
We hope to see you there!
** If your child does not participate in Ski Club, please drop them off in the parking lot only. **
Please email hastingsattendance@uaschools.org regarding any student absences. For extended absences (vacations, travel, etc.) please submit a pre-planned absence form. For all medical appointments, please provide a doctorâs note.
The Board considers the following factors to be reasonable excuses for time missed at school:
illness of the child
appointment with a healthcare provider
illness in the family necessitating the presence of the child
quarantine of the home
death of a relative
medical or dental appointment
observation or celebration of a bona fide religious holiday
college visitation
absences due to the student's homeless status
absence due to a student's placement in foster care or change in foster care placement of any court proceeds related to the student's foster care status
emergency or other set of circumstances in which the judgment of the Superintendent of Schools constitutes good and sufficient cause for absence from school
service as a precinct officer at a primary, special or general election in accordance with the program set forth in Policy 5725
For more information on the district attendance policy, please visit the District's attendance website..
Intramurals (Recess) Weather Guidelines
As the colder months are upon us, we want to share our guidelines for outdoor recess during the winter season. Outdoor recess is a great opportunity for students to get fresh air and stay active, but safety and comfort are our top priorities.
Generally, a temperature below 30 degrees Fahrenheit (factoring in wind chill) is considered too cold for outdoor recess. However, other weather conditions, such as rain or snow, may also affect this decision. When it is safe to go outside, we encourage students to dress appropriately for the weather. A coat or sweatshirt is essential for keeping warm during colder temperatures.
Please take a moment to remind your child to dress in layers and bring necessary outerwear to school each day. We appreciate your support in helping us ensure students are comfortable and safe while enjoying their time outdoors.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.
Choice Books
In our literacy classes it is our main goal to get students to enjoy reading books. We feel that part of this process comes from being able to choose books they are interested in or passionate about. The majority of our reading is done in class, and not for homework; therefore their choice book(s) may not go home with them. We encourage you to have discussions with your child of what book topics they are allowed to read. We are asking that you monitor and approve their book choices. These may be books your child may select from the public library, HMS school library, or your home. A great website to help decide on text appropriateness is commonsensemedia.org. Thank you so much for your support! If you have any questions, donât hesitate to contact your childâs reading or language arts teacher.
Upcoming Important Dates
January 15th: IOWA Science Test (7th graders only)
January 16th: IOWA Social Studies Test (7th graders only)
January 17th: Frozen Fridays! ("Freeze out Friday")
January 17th: Ski Club begins
January 20th: No School for Staff and Students
January 22nd: Early Release Schedule (1:30pm)
January 23rd: Club Picture Day
January 24th: Frozen Fridays! ("Play BINGO")
January 31st: Career Day (more information to come!)
January 31st: Frozen Fridays! ("Balloon Archery")
February 11th: IPRs Available
February 7th: Frozen Fridays! ("UA Rocks")
February 13th: SRO Appreciation Day!
February 13th: Family/Teacher Conferences
February 14th: Frozen Fridays! ("Hastings Loves Our Buckeyes")
February 18th: Juvenile Law and Sexting 101 Presentation
6th Grade
7th Grade
IOWA Science: January 15th
IOWA Social Studies: January 16th
Please don't hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Stires or Mrs. Lippert with any questions.
8th Grade
UAHS Counselor Visit - January 21st
The counselors at Upper Arlington High School will be meeting with out current 8th grade class on Monday, January 21st during Enrichment! Each counselor will meet with their future 9th graders (organized by last name) to review curricular options and the scheduling process. Please be on the lookout for paperwork that they will be brining home.
9th Grade Parent/Guardian Meeting - January 28th
Be on the lookout for more information from UAHS Administration regarding the upcoming 9th grade information night. It is currently scheduled for Tuesday, January 28th at 6:00 PM in the Performing Arts Center, Upper Arlington High School.
Hastings Middle School is committed to providing our students with career exploration opportunities. Job shadowing is an excellent opportunity for a student to spend a day observing work place behaviors, skills, and interviewing an employee. This year 8th grade students are shadowing on Friday, January 31st, 2025.
Since this is a student's first shadowing experience, we encourage all students to shadow a parent/guardian. If that is not possible, students may shadow another relative or close family friend.
Please fill out the form below and let us know where your child will be shadowing by January 24th, 2025.
Thank you,
The Hastings Career Development and Exploration Committee
Washington DC Trip Information
Dates: May 13, 2025 - May 16, 2025
Website: www.studentadventures.org
Trip Code: HMS2514
Questions?: Cathy Johnson or Evie Lay
Counselor's Corner
Juvenile Law and Sexting 101
Each year at Hastings we partner with the Franklin County Prosecuting Office to come in and talk with our students about Juvenile Laws, Sexting Laws and Online Safety. This year, on February 18th 2024, the Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Irene Knapp will be joining us to talk with our students about these issues. Each grade level will listen to the presentation in school during their enrichment period. Please feel free to check out this flier that shares more about what will be discussed. If you have any questions and/or concerns about this presentation, please reach out to your grade level counselor.
The students will then have a follow up conversation on some of the topics covered during their advisory period on February 21st, 2025, to ensure that students have understood and absorbed the key content from the presentation.
If you want to opt your student out of the presentation, and the follow up conversation, please click here.
Insightful Information about your Middle Schooler
Was the information shared above helpful? Let us know! đ
Contact Information
6th Grade: Tina Farbizo, tfarbizo@uaschools.org
7th Grade: Catherine Shapiro, cshapiro@uaschools.org
8th Grade: Kelly Dainton, kdainton@uaschools.org
District Updates
UACA Golden Apple Awards
The Upper Arlington Civic Association is excited to announce that the annual Golden Apple Award nominations for 2025 are here! This prestigious award can go to ANY faculty or staff in our schools. Your votes count! The winner of the Golden Apple at each school is decided by YOU! Any parent, student, colleague or community member can make a nomination. You can also nominate more than one person!
Visit www.UACA.org to fill out a nomination form between January 6 at 7:00 a.m. and February 28 at 11:59 p.m.
SECONDARY Progress Reports
Unfortunately, the Progress Report icon for students with IEPs in PowerSchool has been eliminated. This was out of Upper Arlingtonâs control. In order to access your childâs progress report, your childâs intervention specialist or speech language pathologist will share the report via an email from Same Goal after each reporting period. You should receive the 2nd quarter progress report by January 9th for your student in grades 6-12.Helpful Links
Transportation Questions: schoolbusquestions@uaschools.org or call 614-487-6477
Upper Arlington Schools Lunch Information link: https://www.uaschools.org/NutritionalServices.aspx
PowerSchool Parent Portal: https://ps-uar.metasolutions.net/public/home.html
If you need assistance logging into PowerSchool, you may reach out to: familytechhelp@uaschools.org
Student Fees/SPS EZpay: https://www.spsezpay.com/upperarlington/login.aspx
Hello Hastings Community! Check out the updates below for whatâs shakinâ with the Hastings PTO
The PTO is in dire need of a Co-Treasurer for 2025-2026 and a Spirit Wear chair. These positions are critical to the success of the PTO. Please reach out to hastingspto@gmail.com to get more details!
FROZEN FRIDAYS are right around the corner - the PTO provides entertainment for the students during the winter weeks when they cannot go outside for ârecess.â Support this committee by purchasing supplies to keep the activities going - we appreciate your donations! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/27HBH2CHJQYE5?ref_=wl_share
TISSUES are in major need at the school - please send a few boxes with your student so their classrooms are ready to handle the winter sniffles.
Whoâs Ready for Hoops?!?! Our Concession Stand for the Basketball Season will start in November - sign up now to work a shift! Students can earn service hours for their time. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0D4EA4A722ABFC1-52474393-hastings
Come work the school store!! Check out the great social experiment, lunchtime at a middle school - work a shift at the school store! Volunteers needed during all lunch periods on Wednesday and Friday every week. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090F4AABA82DAAF49-46358601-hastings#/