Te Kura o Te Pāroa
• 34 Paroa Road, RD 1, Whakatane 3191
Principals Message
“Me ō koutou āwhina, ka pūmau te kaupapa.”
I am grateful to the community for your support with our Awarahe ki Mataipuku project. This project was planned two years ago, so it is fulfilling to see it launched this week. Our main objective is to create an outdoor learning space where students can participate in educational activities to gain knowledge about rongoā Māori, native trees, and local wildlife.
I want to give special recognition to Whaea Reremoana Rota for her dedication, enthusiasm, and careful planning in leading this project and Matua Vijay for supporting Whaea Reremoana especially with the weed control.
Thank you to everyone that has contributed to getting this project started for our students.
This week I presented the following pūmanawa o te kura awards during our assembly to acknowledge students who embody our school value of Mauri Tū, by demonstrating integrity and consistently doing what is right.
Prominent students recognized include Amorangi Tiwha-Smith and Sharnae Kaata for their spirited support and encouragement of others during our school's cross-country run. Kahurangi Withy and Kyzah Bedford-Rapana were noted for their resilience and perseverance during the race. Laquita Haua was commended for her determination in completing the race without giving up.
Please check your child’s class dojo and class facebook pages to see all of the amazing learning opportunities that have been planned. Please show your tamaiti and their kaiako your appreciation for their hard work and dedication by responding or writing a message.
Teacher Aide
Kia ora Koutou Kātoa te whānau o Te Kura o Te Pāroa,
Our appointments committee would like to inform you that we have successfully found a candidate for the teacher aide position in the Auraki Junior department.
Tiani Hobman impressed us with her experience in coaching our students in sports, her determination to want to help students and her desire to work collaboratively with teachers. We believe that she will be a valuable addition to our school and will contribute to creating a positive and supportive learning environment.
Please welcome Tiani to our team. We look forward to seeing her thrive in her new role and make a positive impact on our students and school community.
Day one of planting was very uplifting. We would like to thank everyone who came onsite today to plant. We got approx 600 plants in today. Really impressed with all our tamariki.
Fresh Moves Dance Competition
Students from Te Kura O Te Pāroa participated in the fresh moves dance competition in Tauranga last night. We are so proud of you all. We also want to acknowledge and thank Whaea Aroha, Whaea Cilla, Whaea Rerekau, Matua Anaru and all of the whānau that supported this roopu to participate.
Our creative dance reminds us that when we reach a ‘Tipping Point,’ there are people who will stand by us. Te Whare Tapa Whā from Sir Mason Durie, represents Taha Wairua, Taha Tinana, Taha Hinengaro, and Taha Whānau, which are the pou (pillars) of a wharenui that stand strong for us to lean on.
The colored ribbons we wear tonight represent the Zones of Regulation. They remind us that techniques and strategies are in place to help us navigate our emotions.
Duffy School Assembly
Thank you to all of the students and whānau that dressed up today as their favourite book character. Your costumes were amazing. Remember whānau it is important to learn to read as it will open your mind and your eyes into different worlds.
Sports Notices
Girls Future Ferns Rugby 7's - Wednesday 29th May
Some of our keen rugby and non rugby kotiro had the oppurtunity to take part in the Girls Future Fern Rugby 7's Fun Day held down at Rugby Park. What an awesome experience for all our tauira and we would like to give a huge thank you to the co-ordinator Katrina Anderson for entering our kura at late notice. We appreciate you.
Inter-Schools Cross Country Ohope - Tuesday 4th June
We are very proud of all our tamariki who represented our kura at the Inter-Schools Cross Country in Ohope on Tuesday. The tamariki who placed in the Top 10 in their age groups move on to the EBOP Cross Country in Opotiki next Thursday 13th June.
Tackle 5's Rugby - Wednesday 5th June
Paroa Girls - 2nd overall
Paroa Boys - 3rd overall
This qualified our teams for the Chiefs Region Finals Day held in Mount Maunga on Wednesday 26th June.
Up and coming events
Term 2
Week 7
EBOP Cross Country (Qualify from Inter-Schools) - Thursday 13th June
Week 8
EBOP Ki O Rahi (Yrs 5-8) - Thursday 20th June
Week 9
BOP Cross Country (Qualify from EBOP) - Tuesday 25th June
Week 9
Tackle 5's - Chiefs Region Finals Day - Wednesday 26th June 2024
Student Attendance
Whānau please contact the kura when your tamaiti is away.
When you are reporting absences please give students full name, class, reason and how many days away.
Ways of reporting student absences are:
Ring the school office - 3086652.
Send Txt message to 0274471900.
Send via skool loop app.
Send message to classroom teachers.
Every day counts.
Attendance + Attitude = Success.
Winter illness
School Policies
Review Instructions
In term 2 we are reviewing topics in the Employer Responsibility Policy section. See the full Review and Board Assurances Schedule
Who reviews our policies and procedures?
- All reviews are open to board members, staff, students, and the school community (parents/caregivers/whānau).
- Anyone can review any policy/procedure that has a review button.
The board is responsible for board-level overarching policies. The table below shows which topics the board should review. Note that other reviewers can review these topics too; they're not exclusively for the board.
Get started
The review opens Monday 29 April: to start reviewing, click on a topic name below, then click the Start your review button. If a link is inactive, your school doesn't have the topic.
Note that if you'd like to provide feedback on a topic that's not listed below, you can still do so if it has a review button.
Equal Employment Opportunities
As required by the Education and Training Act 2020 (s 597), Te Kura o Te Pāroa operates an employment policy that complies with the principle of being a good employer and ensures the fair and proper treatment of staff in all aspects of their employment. This Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) policy is our framework for providing an inclusive, non-discriminatory workplace, and promoting equal opportunities for all staff members.
Te Kura o Te Pāroa promotes equal opportunities by applying our EEO framework to all relevant school policies and procedures, particularly those relating to employment (e.g. recruitment and selection, training, professional development, and promotion).
This is to ensure that we:
- treat current and prospective staff fairly
- make decisions based on relevant merit
- work to eliminate bias and discrimination.
EEO programme
To help implement our EEO policy, we have a programme to identify processes that contribute to employment inequality. We work to change these processes and promote equal employment opportunities for individuals and groups of people. Our EEO policy and programme is available to all Te Kura o Te Pāroa staff.
Our EEO programme may include:
- developing a policy statement and establishing objectives.
- appointing an EEO representative
- consulting with staff to hear any concerns.
- creating an employee database (with informed consent for any EEO data collected)
- encouraging staff to participate in training and career development.
- programme monitoring through staff meetings and board reports.
- reviewing employment and personnel policies and processes.
Te Kura o Te Pāroa aims to raise awareness of discrimination and bias through our EEO programme. We support staff to discuss the development and implementation of the programme and raise any concerns with the principal or board.
Up and coming events
Term 2
13 June - EBOP Cross Country
20 June - EBOP Ki O Rahi (Y5-8)
25 June - BOP Cross Country
26 June - Tackle 5's Chiefs Region Finals Day
27 June - Matariki whanau engagement day.
28 June - Matariki (Public holiday)
5 July - Term 2 ends
Rangitaiki Kapa haka festival - Date to be confirmed
Term 3
22 July - Term 3 starts
23 to 26 July - Life Education
31 July - Y7 Boostrix Vaccination
School Wide Extravaganza
Sept -Written reports weeks 9.
Sept - Parent interviews week 10.
Term 4 -
14 Oct - Term 4 starts
16 Oct - Class/Individual School Photos
Whanau engagement day
Prize giving day
For more infrmation and to make bookings please click on link https://www.edventure.co.nz
Health checks at Kura
The nurse from Te Tohu o Te Ora o Ngāti Awa will come into the kura every Tuesday from 10am to do student health checks, vision and hearing testing. If you would like your child to see the nurse, please ring the kura on 07 3086652 or go onto Skool Loop to complete the permission form.
Rheumatic Fever - Strep Throat.
Rheumatic fever commonly appears in school age children, it is a preventable disease by identifying sore throats caused by strep throat. Treatment is a course of an appropriate antibiotic. Team of trained professionals can ensure the prevention of this disease through early detection and are based in schools within Kawerau and the surrounding areas including Whakatane.
Nurses from Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Hauroa come into the kura every Monday from 1-2pm to do free throat swabs and basic skin assessments.
If you would like your child to see the nurse, please ring the kura on 07 3086652.
Bus messages
Students who are on private vehicles need to be collected from kura before 3.15pm.
Students on Private Vehicles
Tamariki pick/drop off
Please DO NOT park across the road when dropping off or collecting tamariki. You need to drive around into the bus bay area.
Drop off and pick up times in the bus bay area :
AM: Between 8am-9am
PM: Between 2.40pm and 3pm.
Some parents are still parking across the road waiting to collect their tamariki in the afternoons. We do not want to see any near misses or fatal accidents with any of our tamariki outside the kura.
Class DoJo
Your child's teachers will need to invite you to join their class. They can either invite you by text, email, or send home a parent code. Easily stay connected with your child's classrooms on ClassDojo.
Skoop Loop
The app is completely free to use for schools and parents.
Student absences can be sent from your mobile phone.
Permission forms can be completed.
Keep up to date on what's happening in the kura by downloading the app now.
Concerns and Complaints
2024 Term Dates & Public Holidays
School Contact Details
Email: office@paroa.school.nz
Website: www.paroa.school.nz
Location: 34 Paroa Road, Whakatane 3191
Phone: 073086652
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/910834023142312