Maple Grove Fox Report
September 6, 2024
Principal's Corner
Arrival and Dismissal
- With the number of vehicles we have dropping off and picking up we cannot have cars waiting on Hwy L because of how busy it is. We are asking that if you are waiting in line that the line forms up Schoolhouse Road by the upper playground, so we don't clog up Hwy L.
- If you are picking up or dropping off and want to walk your child to and from Door #1 please make sure they are by you as you walk. Please do not allow them to run ahead of you or let them walk down themselves as there are cars coming through that area they have to cross and walk alongside. Student safety is our number one priority.
- The afternoon bus will be there at 2:55 waiting please make sure you pull in behind the bus as we will load that first. Thank you for your understanding and flexibility with this new process.
- Please have your yellow tag visible in your vehicle window. As the weeks progress, I will get better at recognizing the vehicles but still need those name tags as of now to guide me. If grandparents or others are picking your child up please also let the office know and give them a yellow tag for pick up. Ms. Byer would be happy to make extra tags if needed, just reach out to her on SeeSaw.
Picture Day
Our Picture Day is right around the corner, this Thursday, Sept. 12. Learners will rotate through their classes in the morning for pictures. You should have received emails from Jostens for ordering. You will also receive emails after pictures to see if you like them and want to order or retakes will be Oct. 23.
For any guests, visitors, volunteers we will ask them to sign in using our Raptor system. This system is also used to sign your child out or back in if they are arriving late or getting picked up early. This is located in our main office. You will need your drivers license with you to sign in.
Recess and Rain Gear
At MGCS we do still go out for recess and outdoor labs if it is raining out. Of course, if it thunder or lightening or downpouring we will not but a sprinkle or light rain we will still head outdoors. With that said, please send the appropriate clothing like a raincoat and puddle boots. Puddle boots are also a good idea to keep at school as the woods can get pretty muddy in the fall and spring time and that way their shoes aren't tracking mud on all the classroom carpets.
Change of Transportation Plans
Reading Logs
New practice this year...You asked and we listened. All learners will have a 1-1 chrome book available to them this year but ALL Chromebook will REMAIN at School. Our teachers do not send homework to be done on the Chromebook so your child won't need them at home. There may be an exception or special activity/assignment but that would be communicated ahead of time. This will also help to keep our Chromebooks in the best possible condition and ensure they are charged and ready for class.
We now have our own mailbox at MGCS and will no longer be using our PO Box. Any incoming or outgoing mail should go to 135594 Cty Rd. L Hamburg, WI 54411.
Upcoming Events
September 9th: PTO Meeting 3:30- Ice Cream Social at
September 9th: Governance Board Meeting 5:30 at Maple Grove Charter School Gym
September 12th: Picture DaySeptember 18th: 3rd Grade Merrill School Forest Field Trip
September 26: 3rd and 5th Grade to AMCO Park for Stream Study
September 27: Popcorn Friday - Sponsored by the Maple Grove Foundation
Oct. 1: 5th Grade to Highgrounds Veteran Memorial Park
Oct. 2: Kindergarten to Merrill School Forest Field Trip
Oct. 14: PTO Meeting 3:30
Oct. 14: Governance Board Meeting 5:30 at MGCS Gym
Oct. 15: Parent Teacher Conferences
Oct. 17: Parent Teacher Conferences
Oct. 18: No School For Learners
Oct. 21: No School For Learners or Staff
Oct. 23: Picture Retake Day
Oct. 25: Popcorn Friday - Sponsored by Maple Grove Foundation
Oct. 27: Fall Festival 5-7 Sponsored by PTO
Oct. 30: 2nd Grade to the Merrill School Forest Field Trip
Maple Grove Charter School
Email: rhanson@athens1.org
Website: www.athens1.org/o/mgcs
Location: 135594 County Road L Hamburg, WI 54411
Phone: (715) 257-2199
Facebook: facebook.com/AthensSchoolDistrictWisconsin