2nd Grade
September 18th-October 2nd
Important Dates
Week of 10/1-Grammar Common Assessment (nouns and sentence types)
Week of 10/8-Sight Word Assessment 2
**These dates are subject to change, please look for further communication from your child's teacher**
Homework Expectations and Behavior Communication
Monday: Math
Tuesday: Reading
Wednesday: Word Study
Thursday: Writing/ Social Studies/ Science
Friday: Read a good book
Behavior is communicated in planner. Please check daily!
-Glow Notes
-Grow Notes
Readers Tackle Tricky Words
We have been working with several decoding strategies of how to tackle unknown words. Some of the strategies are pictured below in our class anchor charts and posters.
Conversation Challenge: Ask your student to tell you two things they can do to tackle a tricky word in their reading!
Sight Words
Katy ISD Sight Word Assessment 2 will be the week of October 8th
Noticing and Practicing Craft Moves
Some of the craft moves we are noticing are:
Illustrations, Imagery, Onomatopoeia, Similes, Metaphors, Ellipses, Small moments, Repetition, Word Choice, Print Types (italics, bold, capitalization) and Show don't tell.
Noticing these craft moves by authors will then lead into your child trying out a few on their own.
This unit will conclude on September 28th. We will then move on to our Nonfiction writing unit.
Word Study
We are currently studying th/ch/sh/ck words
Phonics Rule: (-th)
The letters –th make one sound.
Phonics Rule (-ch)
The letters –ch make one sound.
**-th, -ch and –sh can occur in the initial, medial and final positions of words**
Phonics Rule (-sh)
The letters –sh make one sound.
**-th, -ch and –sh can occur in the initial, medial and final positions of words**
Phonics Rule (-ck)
The letters –ck make one sound.
Use “-ck_ for /k/ at the end of a one-syllable word after one short vowel (e.g. back, deck, sick, cluck)
**-th ,–ch, -sh and -ck are called digraphs.
Our Word Study Assessment will be the week of September 28th
The next pattern we will study is the common i pattern (long I)
Singluar noun- only one person, place or thing
Plural noun- more than one person, more than one place, or more than one thing
Common noun- a unspecified person, place or thing (has no name)
Proper noun- a specific person, place, or thing (has a name)
Grammar Cumulative Common Assessment will be the week of October 1st.
Place Value & Numeracy
The week of September 17th we will be comparing numbers up to 199 and locating numbers on number lines.
We will be practicing using mental strategies for addition and subtraction.
Body Systems and Matter
We are going to be classifying matter and comparing changes in materials caused by heating and cooling.
Social Studies
The video below is a great resource to review the three communities with your student.
We will move on to discussing timeline of events and maps