Boise High School
Back to School Newsletter 2024/25
Hello Boise High Students, Staff and Families:
As our 2024/2025 school year approaches, I hope you’re enjoying these sunny, summer days. For anyone reading this and groaning because they are not ready to let go of the magic of summer, I get it. Don’t worry, you still have lots of summer left, but I did want to get some critical information out to you so you have it to prepare for and start processing. We’re going to make this year incredible! I love this school and school community and continue to be grateful that I have the opportunity to serve as your principal. Boise High is a special place, with rich traditions and a deep history that’s embedded in our community. I can’t wait to meet all of you new to us and to welcome back all of you who are returning as we kick off an amazing year!
As is the case every summer, Boise High has been bustling with numerous facility projects in preparation for the 2024-2025 school year. The biggest interior project this year is installing new carpet throughout the main building. It is looking fantastic, and has really created a refresh in our hallways and classrooms. Externally, we continue to work on the masonry project we started a couple years ago as bricks are being replaced that have deteriorated and paint is being removed from the sandstone foundation. Additionally, the track’s surface was painted, sealed and finalized. This past week as I’ve come to work, I have seen students accessing the track and field and I can not wait until the building is also buzzing with our students as well.
Speaking of students, one big change that we started sharing in the spring, but I want to make sure everyone has wrapped their heads around, is that we (along with the other high schools in our district) will no longer be allowing cell phones and other electronic devices to be used during class time (from bell to bell). They are a constant distraction and are not needed, as a district computer is provided for every student. Our time with students in the classroom is limited but extremely valuable. Our top priority is achieving high academic growth for each student. Students will be required to put away their electronic devices before entering any classroom, and all teachers will enforce this policy. Students are free to use their devices before and after school, between classes, during breaks, and at lunch.
In terms of staff, Boise High is excited to welcome a handful of new members this year. They are Jennifer Howard(Nurse), Rich May-Martinez (Spanish Teacher), Charlie Martyn (Speech/Debate and French Teacher), and Jayme Kern (Special Education Teacher). All four of these additions are veteran educators and are fantastic additions. We are excited they chose to become a part of our team.
I look forward to seeing you all soon! Enjoy the rest of your summer and remember that EVERY day is a great day to be the BRAVE!
Deborah Watts
Back to school orientation is just around the corner! Please see the below IMPORTANT DATES section with helpful information. We look forward to seeing you all soon!
Juniors & Seniors
Students will have access to their schedules, be able to set up lunch accounts, obtain lockers and pay for any school related fees. Juniors and Seniors orientation consists of a self guided tour (to “walk you new schedule” and access to the ASB office to pay fees if you want to do it in person. If you can’t make it, a final schedule on the first day of school will be given to all students and adults will be in hallways around the school to guide them if they are lost.
For Juniors and Seniors - photo day will be on August 14th. This photo will be used to issue student ID badges for both grades and utilized for yearbook photos for the Juniors. Formal yearbook tux and drape photos for Seniors will be taken October 23rd (along with any make up photos for other students).
Sophomores & New Students
Please plan to attend from 2 pm to 4 pm for a scheduled program designed just for you. We will begin in our auditorium which is located in the main building and everyone will enter through the main doors (up the tall staircase) of the building with the white columns on Washington Street. This will include a copy of your student schedules, touring the campus , introduction to Boise High clubs, extracurricular activities and a general overview presentation about Boise High. Sophomores will also have their photo taken, this photo will be utilized to issue student ID badges and for the yearbook. Make-up sophomore photo day will be TBD.
For all grades
If you are unable to attend orientation, please do not worry, every student will receive an updated schedule on the first day of school and there will be many adults stationed throughout campus to help students find their way. The first day of school is Wednesday, August 14th, please plan to arrive by 7:30am to report to the gym for an updated schedule, we will be on a special schedule this day with an early release at 12:25pm.
If for some reason you can not attend, the school will be open Monday, August 12th and Tuesday, August 13th from 9am -3pm so you can come and find your classes and pay any school related fees.
- School Offices reopen for the 2024/2025 school year - July 29th
- Senior/Junior Orientation & Schedule Pick Up - August 1st 10am - 12pm
- Sophomore Orientation & Schedule Pick Up - August 1st 2pm - 4pm
- First Day of School - August 14th
- Toga Dance - August 16th 7-9pm
- Back to School Night - August 22 6-7:30pm
- Homecoming Game - October 4th
- Homecoming Dance - October 5th
For the most updated information and access to our DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS ,
please click on the link and add to your favorites!
First Day of Fall Sports: Monday August 12th
Fall Athletics Parent Meeting: Monday August 19th 6pm in the auditorium
Team Photo Days: August 17th & 19th
*All athletes must complete their online paperwork and have a current physical on file. These forms can be accessed by visiting the Boise High website or clicking on this link.
Announcement from Golf Coach Jeff Ulrickson:
Golf tryouts will be held at Quail Hollow on August 12th and 13th from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. All players wishing to tryout must have a current physical and proper Aktivate paperwork submitted and approved before tryouts. Please email Coach Jeff Ulrickson with questions.
Announcement from Cross Country Coach Aaron Olswanger:
Cross Country practice officially begins August 12th at 3:30 at the Boise HS track. You must have your Aktivate forms filled out and an updated physical uploaded in Aktivate in order to practice. If you have any questions, please email Coach Olswanger- aaron.olswanger@boiseschools.org. For team info, join the Stack Team App. Create a free account, search for Boise Brave XC, and request to join. Info about the season and summer practices are on the app.
From Boise High Dance Coach Tawnya Halleus
Boise High Dance Team has begun choreo camps and practices and are working hard! All the girls are excited to be a part of the athletics department this year and have lots of ideas on how to support the teams and add to the fun school environment! Announcing our team officers for 2024/2025 dance season: Team Captain: Anna Steinbroner, Team Co-Captain: Benet Murar and Team Manager: Abby Weir. Be ready for a fun filled season with the Boise High Dancers....we look forward to seeing you all at the games and school events!
Student parking for Boise High School is handled by the City of Boise, which utilizes license plate recognition technology and allows students to purchase and manage their parking permits online. Students who have previously purchased ePermits can log into their previous account and renew their permits. New students and new permit purchases will require registration on the City of Boise Parking Services site. Please remember that students need to use their school email address for registration. Boise High School e-Permits are $29.00 for the school year and are valid for ZONE 2 parking only. Students found to be parking illegally in other zones, staff parking lots, the YMCA, local churches or business parking lots will be subject to ticketing, towing and accruing fines. Please make sure to plan to allow extra time in your morning routine for parking and familiarize yourself with the different zone perimeters. The City of Boise parking website has zone maps for your convenience. There are a limited number of permits offered, and students are not guaranteed a permit, even if you held one last year. Once the permits are sold out, you can request to be placed on a waitlist. Also, a reminder, that students may ride Valley Regional Transit buses for free with a valid Student ID. Both websites are listed below for your convenience. Practice your parallel parking skills and remember to always be a good neighbor to our area residents! For any parking related issues, you may contact the City of Boise parking services department at parkingservices@cityofboise.org.
Homecoming 2023
Grapple for the Granite 2024
Homecoming Parade September 2023
English Department Halloween 2023
Library Fun 2024
Day of Silence 2024
MAIN OFFICE: 208-854-4273 amy.farrell@boiseschools.org
ASB OFFICE: 208-854-4291 becky.fordham@boiseschools.org
COUNSELOR'S OFFICE: 208-854-4283 amber.rivera@boiseschools.org
ATTENDANCE OFFICE: 208-854-4274 boiseattendance@boiseschools.org
NURSE'S OFFICE: 208 854-5692 jennifer.howard@boiseschools.org
REGISTRAR'S OFFICE: 208-854-4288 michele.tinker@boiseschools.org
COLLEGE & CAREER: 208-854-4285 david.chehey@boiseschools.org
SOCIAL WORKER: 208-854-4290 sherry.tipping@boiseschools.org
ATHLETIC DIRECTOR: 208-854-4329 brian.barber@boiseschools.org
Attention students - Do you need a job?
Our custodial team is always looking for student workers, the hours and location are convenient, no weekends required! See our Head Custodian Doug Ford if you are interested!
The Boise High Boosters is a volunteer organization open to all parents, grandparents, alumni and community boosters of Boise High School. The purpose of our organization is to support the 3 A's at Boise High: Academics, Activities and Athletics. Our support helps keep Boise High a top performer in the State of Idaho!