LMA December Newsletter

- "December, being the last month of the year, cannot help but make us think of what is to come." — Fennel Hudson
Administrators' Message
December 2024
Good Morning,
We hope this newsletter finds you well! The month of December, although only having 14.5 school days, felt like LMA staff and students we're immersed in student activity and care every single day! Although a short month, LMA is proud of all the different activities that continue to take place, building on a strong school culture and increase student voice. LMA's Student Council is now running on 'all cylinders' with weekly meetings taking place, mapping out different student activities. In addition to Student Council; LMA students have participated in a creative art field trip, participated in informative assemblies from UCVTS and KEAN University, and also taking part in the 1st annual Hillcrest Academy/Lamberts Mill Academy Holiday Basketball tournament. Lastly, LMA students and staff have been participating in a number of different holiday traditions infused in academic classes including card making, creating holiday ornaments, holiday food making and decorating the halls of LMA to get in the festive spirit.
Please take some time to read through our monthly newsletter to see all the student achievement and activities at LMA. Keep in mind that although LMA is part of the Union County Educational Services Commission, LMA is working with sending districts outside of Union county as our enrollment grows so does our connections with sending districts, both inside and outside of Union county. These relationships and connections are what we pride ourselves on.
If you have any questions about LMA, please feel free to reach out.
On behalf of the entire LMA school community, we wish everyone a Happy Holiday, and Healthy New Year!
Reed & John
Upcoming Events
January 2025 Important Dates
January 1 - NO SCHOOL - New Year's Day
January 13 - Early Dismissal 1pm (Students)
January 14 - Ace's Grief & Loss Student Assembly @ 1571
January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School)
January 27 - LMA Field Trip - Liberty Hall Museum
Staff Spotlight
Mrs. Delgado - TA
Mrs. Delgado is in her first academic school year providing services for LMA students within our Post Graduate Program. Although in her first school year as a teacher assistant role, she has exhibited tremendous leadership, organizational and collaborative skills. Her strong interpersonal skills with LMA students and staff make her a great addition to the LMA team!
Here are her five facts from Mrs. Delgado:
I am a musician, I play flute and cello in two community orchestras.
I love animals.
I crochet and knit.
I love to read.
I am working on my post baccalaureate in Special Education
LMA Student of the Month - December 2024
Samantha G.
LMA staff came together to vote on the December Student of the Month. Samantha G. received the most votes based on her growth and performance in academic classes. Samantha is a fantastic student! She always comes to class prepared and ready to learn. She's a great contributor to class discussions, and she's always willing to help her classmates. Samantha is a pleasure to have in class, and has served as a great role model for her peers. Congratulations, Samantha!
Student Voice! - Student Council
Narrative by Jordyn M.
The LMA Student Council has come up with many new student initiatives, including new school fund-raising projects, and more school student involvement activities. At the student council, we have hosted a student initiated bake sale, and currently have a Lamberts Mill Academy activity day coming up right before the Holiday break. After surveying students we are planning, an LMA Student Council sponsored Field Trip Escape Room, along with a school wide movie day. We strive at LMA to provide only the best opportunities for our students. At the Student Council, we have weekly meetings, in order to show our dedication to our students. During our weekly meetings, our VP, Secretary, Historian, Treasurer and class representatives discuss and take notes on how to improve the student experience at LMA. On behalf of the newly formed LMA Student Council, we wish all readers a Happy and Healthy New Year! Follow us at The Mill, to see our student council initiatives for 2025!
Classroom Spotlights
Ms. Finver's ELA classes gets hands on
Students have begun Unit II Narratives determining themes in various texts and clips. Incorporating this month's theme of patience, students read how to make candy canes where it discussed how much patience it takes to make them. We then made peppermint bark to embrace patience and the holiday season. Students also created holiday cards to hand out to people. Lastly we collaborated with staff and students making a building wide “hands” Christmas tree.
Updates from Ms. York's WIN Class
This month in WIN we continued to read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens and reflected how to apply this new information to our everyday lives. We discussed how time management and organization impact our ability to succeed in the classroom, at home and in the community. We participated in our restorative circles each Friday. Students now help prepare for circles by independently retrieving the talking piece, rules and then arranging the chairs. We have had a 100% participation rate for circles this month! Students helped cut out our new LMA snowflake “shout outs” and created a winter wonderland bulletin board where they will be displayed. Students helped hang the tiles from the UCESC district-wide collaboration project across from the main office.
Musical updates from The Mill
In music, students have been busy learning keyboard skills and reading the grand staff. Students have learned some Holiday and seasonal songs as well to be shared amongst one another. This unit builds on their rhythmic knowledge from the last unit, and gives them more opportunities to express themselves musically. Discussions have taken place on how different holiday music can shift and alter moods, and how it connects with the Zones of Regulation from the first marking period.
Splatter Craze
On December 9, LMA Clinician, Mr. Julian Leal, Teacher Assistant, Ms. Melissa Stenger, and 8 students attended a trip to Splatter Craze. Splatter Craze is a unique and recreational art studio where participants are encouraged to unleash their inner artist through the exciting experience of splattering paint. This form of art can be very therapeutic as it provides people an opportunity for creativity, stress relief, and emotional expression. Here is what students had to say:
“I really enjoyed the trip. I saw a lot of people open up and show a side of themselves that you wouldn’t normally see.” - RH
“I like how we got to paint and splatter. It gave me a different view on art.” - IW
Lamberts Mill Academy - Hillcrest Academy South Holiday Basketball Tournament
On Tuesday, 12/17, Lamberts Mill Academy and Hillcrest Academy South (Both UCESC high schools) joined forces to host the 1st Annual LMA/HAS Holiday Basketball Tournament. LMA and HAS students mixed together on 3 person teams playing in a round robin of games. This gave all students a tremendous opportunity to work together, while showing off their basketball skills to one another. All students enjoyed the tournament, and have appropriately advocated to have additional tournaments throughout the school year.
Thank you to all the LMA and HAS staff members who had a hand in planning this unified basketball tournament.
LMA students learn about Post-Secondary Opportunities from UCVTS
On December 2, Ms. Lisa Tauscher, Principal of Union County Post-Secondary Programs, came and spoke to our high school students about learning a trade after graduation. Some trades that the program offers are Automotive Technology, Cosmetology, Culinary, Electrical Technology, and Plumbing/HVAC. Students learned about what is needed to become a part of the program and how learning further about this trade can set them up for success and a career in the future!
Clinical Corner - End of the Year Reflections & New Beginnings
2024 has been a whirlwind of emotions and experiences. What a better way to start the new year with some fresh resolutions and perspectives. Have a vision! Setting goals for 2025 is an opportunity to shape our future.
This begins with setting small measurable goals which leads to accomplishing larger goals such as:
1.Improve study habits by getting organized with a planner
2.Prioritize sufficient sleep, exercise, and a balanced diet
3. Find new coping skills to help with future stressful situations
4.Limiting distractions by cutting down on technology use
5. Identifying and building a solid support system
Remember, it's okay to make mistakes. In fact, they can be valuable learning experiences. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Reach out to your friends, family, teachers, and clinicians. They're there to support you.
With hard work, dedication, and a positive mindset, you can achieve your goals and make 2025 a year of growth and success.
LMA 'The Mill' Merch
Show your LMA Pride!
If you would like to buy your own The Mill T-shirt for the upcoming Holiday season, you can order directly from the Custom Ink below.
December at The Mill
Group Therapy
Students Outside of the Classroom / Alumni
Gracie B.
LMA staff try to stay in contact with former LMA students, not only to continue to provide support, but to hear about positive updates. Former LMA student, Gracie B. has been in touch with Mrs. Ramirez, our district SAC. Below is a message from Gracie,
I apologize for the late reply but as far as how I’ve been doing I’m currently in Passaic county community college (PCCC) studying psychology and eventually will transfer to Kean to obtain my PhD in Forensic Psychology. I still live with my grandma however, I have almost saved enough money to where I can be financially independent by next year at 20. I hope all of you are doing well and I appreciate every one of you guys especially Mrs. Ramirez for all the love and support I received while I attended LMA.
This is just one of the many positive relationships we create, foster and maintain both in and out of The Mill!
Upcoming Community Events
Community Resources
School in the Community
Grounds for Sculpture Field Trip
Gravity Vault Field Trip
Monthly Community Meetings celebrating student awards.
WBLE at Clark Public Library, Hilton (Springfield) and Chili's in Clark.
About Us
Contact Information:
Phone: (908)-233-7581
Address: 1571 Lamberts Mill Road, Westfield, NJ, 07090
Website: https://ucesc.org/schools/lamberts_mill_academy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ucesc_lma/?hl=en
Lamberts Mill Academy is a school within the Union County Educational Services Commission. We are an out of district public school for students with psychiatric disabilities. We continue to partner with RWJ Trinitas Regional Medical Center to provide clinical services for our students. Our school community prides itself on our relationships with all stakeholders: students, staff, parents, families and community partnerships. Being a public school, we adhere to all NJDOE assessment and curriculum mandates. Our professional learning community strives to increase student achievement and improve classroom instruction to provide students with the most effective educational, social and emotional learning environment possible.