Second Grade is Soaring!
For the week of 10/10/16
This week in first grade!!!
Although it was a short week for us we were very busy this week. In language arts we took a unit test which assessed us on all the skills we have learned so far this year! Those will be coming home either today or early next week. We also talked about our nonfiction project that we will be starting this month. Please talk with your child about some topic ideas they may have. We also started talking about the different parts of a paragraph. We did a lot of different activities with creating topic sentences. This skill will go hand in hand with our nonfiction project.
This week we finished our Chapter 2 Unit on number patterns. Chapter tests will go home today.
Finally, we reviewed and were quizzed on the continents and oceans!
Next week pumpkins will be sold to support parade of pumpkins. Pumpkins will be available in the lobby.
Enjoy your weekend!
Cherry Crest Farms
Math Talks: Skill Arrays
Roaming the room for topic sentences
Book Buddies
Joey Benton's Dad came in and told us how he uses and creates maps!
Gross Fun Fact of the Week!!!!
Did you know the leopard gecko pees solid Acid uric crystals instead of liquid urine? To find out more facts about the leopard gecko head to https://www.mainediscoverymuseum.org/getattachment/Programs/Exhibits/Amazing-Animals/Did-you-know-Leopard-Gecko.pdf.aspx