CMS Toppers: News From the Middle!
Caroff's Corner
Hello Topper families! In this week's edition of CMS News From the Middle, we are celebrating STEM Goes Red, an annual event that promotes young women entering scientific fields of study. Our CMS students had an absolutely amazing time engaging with other students from the area, completing and collaborating on engaging inquiry-based activities.
You can also see below information on a Science Olympiad Fundraiser coming up at Chipotle, Yearbook sales information, and how you can still purchase some great books through the online book fair (even though the in-person event has concluded).
Don't forget that Halloween Parties are this Thursday, too! We are looking forward to celebrating with our students. If families need a reminder about logistics surrounding this day, please see what is posted below.
Have a great week as we head into November!
Craig Caroff
7th Grade CMS Students Participate in STEM Goes Red Annual Event!
Chardon Science Olympiad Chipotle Fundraiser
Tuesday, Nov 5, 2024, 05:00 PM
Chipotle Mexican Grill, Crile Road, Concord, OH, USA
Two Conference Dates Remain: Oct. 29 and Nov 7
Hello CMS families,
Please use the following link to access the scheduler for Parent-Teacher Conferences. We look forward to seeing you one of these evenings to discuss your student's progress!
Wednesday, October 23 beginning at 4:30 p.m. and concluding at 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday, October 29 beginning at 4:30 p.m. and concluding at 8:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 7 beginning at 4:30 p.m. at concluding at 8:30 p.m.
Need help with completing your Infinite Campus Parent Annual Update? See Mrs. Shutty in our main office on any conference night!
CMS Yearbook Sales are Online!
It’s time to order a CMS YEARBOOK! CMS yearbooks are on sale through December 20th via Infinite Campus for an optional fee. We do not order extra yearbooks, so all sales must be completed before winter break.
To order a yearbook, log in to Infinite Campus. On the left-hand side of the screen click “fees.” Then click on the “manage accounts” folder (tab next to the shopping cart). From there click “optional payments.” Add “CMS Yearbook” to your cart and pay the $25 fee. Please contact the main office with questions on this ordering process!
Online Book Fair is Active through Nov 4th!
The in-school event has ended, but parents still have until November 4th to shop online. This could be a great option if they missed out, forgot, or want to do some holiday shopping! I would be curious to see if we receive any more orders.
The Scholastic Book Fair is still open online until November 4th!
*25% of every online purchase during the Fair directly benefits our school!
*Find exclusives, new releases, value packs,and more.
*Everything ships right to your home, and there is free shipping on book-only orders of $25 or more.
Thank you!
Mindy Knotts
Upcoming CO-GAT Testing for Fourth Grade Toppers
Parents of 4th grade students,
The State of Ohio requires school districts to offer whole-grade testing to all students twice during their education to identify gifted learners. As part of this process, all 4th-grade students will take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) during the window of November 4–8, 2024. The CogAT assesses overall cognitive and reasoning abilities. Based on the results, some students may undergo additional evaluation for possible gifted identification in creative thinking. After testing, individual student CogAT results will be sent home. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this assessment, please feel free to contact Linda Elegante at linda.elegante@chardonschools.org or Megan Kinney at megan.kinney@chardonschools.org.
Craig Caroff
Chardon Middle School Principal
Megan Kinney
Chardon Schools Gifted Coordinator
*NEW Clinic News form Ms. Jenn*
Hello parents,
Vision and hearing are done on all 5th, 7th, and new students. If I sent you a referral form for either test, please have a doctor fill out the medical portion and return it to me. I will be sending out second letter reminders here soon.
We do have a couple of students in our school who are immunocompromised. This means their ability to fight viruses or bacteria is hindered for whatever reason. If you don’t mind can you let the office know when you are calling your child off for contagious reasons? (strep, hand foot and mouth, covid, walking pneumonia, etc) We as nurses send home letters with a percentage of contagious illnesses in a classroom.
I have reached out to all 6th-grade parents whose children will be needing vaccines for 7th grade. If you reached out to me for an exemption it should have come home through your child. Please sign exemption and have the student return it to me.
If you have any questions please call me.
Thank you
Jennifer Trittschuh RN BSN LSN
Halloween Costume Expectations
Halloween is right around the corner and I wanted to share some expectations surrounding costumes for our school party/parade.
- Students should WEAR their costumes to school.
- Weapons of any kind are not permitted.
- Minimal make-up can be applied before school if desired. There will not be much time to apply at school. Fake blood and other scary make up is not permitted.
- Costumes should be school appropriate and need to be in line with our daily dress code.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact your child's teacher or the front office. Thanks so much for helping all to enjoy a great day!
Have you joined our CMS PBIS rewards yet?
During the first week of school, all families received personalized QR codes to join PBIS rewards to see your student's information as it relates to positive behavior choices in the building. If you have not joined yet, please consider doing so by scanning the code you received and signing up to receive notifications.
If you need another QR code, please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher or Ms. Paroubek to access another copy.
Thanks for partnering with us on this new system!
Calling All Parents of Athletes!
Did you capture a great action photo of your child participating in CMS Football, Volleyball, Cheer or Cross Country this fall? Would you like that photograph in the yearbook? If yes, submit that photo to the yearbook staff for review. You might see it in the yearbook this spring!
Use this link with the password: CMS24pics!
CMS Lunch Menu
Wondering what is for breakfast or lunch? Use this link to access the menu each day!
Chardon Middle School PTO Website
Chardon Middle School PTO Facebook Page
Chardon Middle School Volunteer Interest Form
PTO Meeting Dates 2024-25
*All meetings are at 4:30 p.m. in the CMS Library/Media Center on the first Wednesday of each month.
September 4
October 2
November 6
December 4
January 8
February 5
March 5
April 2
May 7
Check Out Family Skate Night! November 13th!
Wish to make someone's day? Donate to the Field Trip Donation Fund.
Use the screenshots above and these directions below to access the Donation Fund. We appreciate you!
In the Parent Portal, select Fees > Filter by School Year 2024-2025 > Optional Payments > FIELD TRIP DONATION > Add to Cart > select 'My Cart' > Manually add donation under AMOUNT > Complete payment process
Need to find a teacher website? Use this link:
Annual OLR Update
Have you done your annual OLR update yet for your student/s?
Not yet? Visit this link for instructions: https://www.chardon.k12.oh.us/InfiniteCampus.aspx
Scroll down the page and look for the first red link that says INSTRUCTIONS.
THANK YOU for updating this information for us!
CMS Contact Info
Chardon Middle School
Principal: Mr. Craig Caroff: craig.caroff@chardonschools.orgAsst. Principal: Ms. Tracy Paroubek: tracy.paroubek@chardonschools.org
Website: www.chardonschools.org
Address: 424 North Street Chardon, OH 44024
Phone: (440) 285-4062