SAU #34 Community News
March 22, 2024

SAU #34 Community Newsletter
Please scroll down to access a wide range of information and links about what is happening all across SAU #34.
If you have trouble opening any of the links, please scroll to the top and click on the picture of the SAU sign. That will bring you out of the email preview and into the actual newsletter, all the links will work from there.
Upcoming Important Dates
- April 1 Hillsboro-Deering School Board Public Hearing & Meeting 5:45pm H-DES Library Media Center. Public Hearing to accept and expend SAFE Grant Funds
- April 2 Washington School Board Public Hearing & Meeting 6pm WES Art Room. Public Hearing to accept and expend SAFE Grant Funds
- April 8 Washington School Board Meeting 6pm WES Art Room
- April 15 Hillsboro-Deering School Board Meeting 6pm H-DHS Library
- April 18 FEAN: Summer Safety 5pm H-DES
- April 22-26 Spring Break
- May 1 Pre-School Parent Info Night 5pm H-DES
- May 6 Hillsboro-Deering School Board Meeting 6pm H-DES Library Media Center
- May 8
- Early Release for Students
- SAU # 34 Fun Fest! 4:45-6pm on main Hillsboro-Deering Campus, all SAU #34 Students, Families, Staff, and Community Members invited!
- May 13 Washington School Board Meeting 6pm WES Art Room
SAU #34 Website Calendar
The calendar on the SAU website provides a user-friendly way to selectable event views by building.
By clicking on the calendar name on the left-hand panel, you can hide that particular calendar's events from the larger view. You also can subscribe to a calendar to receive updates and changes to events.
News from Across SAU # 34
School District Annual Meeting and Ballot Voting Results
Thank-you to everyone who participated in the Fiscal Year 25 Budget process!
In just a few short months we will begin the process of developing the Fiscal Year 26 budget. There will be many opportunities to share your thoughts and ideas throughout the process.
The Washington School District Annual School District meeting was held March 9th with the following results:
The following were elected:
- School Board for a 3 Year Term
- Arin Mills
- Danielle Moore
- School District Moderator for a 1 Year Term
- Guy Eaton
- School District Clerk for a 1 Year Term
- Colleen Duggan
- School District Treasurer for a 1 Year Term
- Linda Musmanno
Article 2 - Hear the reports of agents, auditors, & committees
- passed by voice vote
Article 3 - Set the Compensation of the School Board and Other Agents or Officers of the District
- passed by voice vote
Article 4 - Set the Operating Budget of the District
- passed by voice vote
Article 5 - Approve the SAU Budget
- Ballot Vote: 23 yes, 1 no
Article 6 - Raise and appropriate State and Federal Aid
- passed by voice vote
Article 7 - Up to $30,000 for The Special Education Expendable Trust Fund
- passed by voice vote
Article 8 - Up to $50,000 for the Building/Grounds Expendable Trust Fund
- passed by voice vote
Article 9 - Up to $10,000 for the Tuition Expendable Trust Fund
- passed by voice vote
The Windsor School District Annual School District meeting was held March 12th with the following results:
The following were elected:
- School Board for a 3 Year Term
- Wendy Robbins
- School District Moderator for a 1 Year Term
- Sean O'Keefe
- School District Clerk for a 1 Year Term
- Charlotte Hebert
- School District Treasurer for a 1 Year Term
- Ken Matthews
- School District Auditor for a 1 year Term
- Melissa Merrill
Article 2 - Set the Salaries of the School Board and Other Agents or Officers of the District
- passed by voice vote
Article 3 - Accept the Annual Report
- passed by voice vote
Article 4 - Set the Operating Budget of the District
- passed by voice vote
Article 5 - Approve the SAU Budget
- Ballot Vote: 27 yes, 5 no
Article 6 - Up to $30,000 for The Tuition Trust Fund
- passed by voice vote
Article 8 - Authorize Fund Balance Retention up to 5%
- passed by voice vote
Article 9 - Up to $10,000 for the Tuition Expendable Trust Fund
- passed by voice vote
Thanks to the Generous Support of the Duncan-Jenkins Trust, H-DMS is Hosting Dr. Brooks Gibbs
Brooks Gibbs is a resilience educator with a PhD in Social Psychology. He is a popular youth speaker who has been hired by more than 3,000 schools to present his message to students, parents, and educators. His viral videos have been translated into 20 languages and amassed more than 300 million views. He specializes in teaching youth how to be emotionally resilient and inspires them to live by the Golden Rule.
Dr. Gibbs is presenting an evening program for all SAU #34 Guardians and Parents of students from pre-school through grade 12.
Where: Hillsboro-Deering Middle School Cafeteria
When: Wednesday, March 27th at 6:30pm
From his website:
Brooks Gibbs is a resilience educator with a PhD in Social Psychology. He is a popular youth speaker who has been hired by more than 3,000 schools to present his message to students, parents, and educators. His viral videos have been translated into 20 languages and amassed more than 300 million views. He specializes in teaching youth how to be emotionally resilient and inspires them to live by the Golden Rule.
Dr. Gibbs will meet with H-DMS students on Friday, March 28th
Hillsboro-Deering Student Art on Display at Fuller Public Library
Throughout the month of March, the Hillsboro-Deering School District is celebrating Youth Art Month by displaying a variety of student artwork at the Fuller Public Library. Stop by and check out the artwork made by H-D students in grades K-12!
Hillsboro-Deering School District Greenhouse
The H-DSD Greenhouse will be open and operational for the start of the 2024-2025 School year! The greenhouse will serve dual purposes as an outdoor classroom space as well as a place to both continue and start new plant and growing based projects.
The new greenhouse structure will be 20 x 60 ft, include 10 workstation benches, and have automated ventilation for cooling and heating throughout the year. The location allows for program expansion in the future with space for raised, out garden beds, a pollinator garden space, and much more! We are looking forward to partnering with local community and state organizations on these future projects.
This new greenhouse will be a district resource for all buildings to use as a space for planting projects that support learning objectives. This space will expand the already established K-12 curriculum as well as provide additional opportunities that were not previously possible for new and existing courses, clubs, and the Food and Nutrition Program.
After years of planning, we are super excited to see the structure built and utilized by students and staff.
The Richard W. Withington Award is granted to a member of the Hillsboro-Deering School District personnel; a teacher, administrator, secretary, custodian, aide, coach, activities director, or other full or part-time employee of the District.
The recipient should be recognized as an ambassador of the school into the Hillsborough community, a person who has strived for and achieved excellence, contributed significantly to the general welfare of the students in ways above and beyond the normal requirements of their job, offered students and adults a model of strong professional behavior and carried this model from the school into the community. Recognition and respect in the Hillsborough community as a representative of the Hillsboro-Deering School District is a key component.
Please submit nominations in writing to:
Dr. Jennifer L. Crawford
Superintendent of Schools
SAU #34
78 School St.
Hillsboro, NH 03244-4870
Deadline for nominations: Friday, April 12, 2024
The Withington Award is determined annually in an amount of at least $1,000 by a Grant Committee consisting of a representative of the public, the Chairperson of the Hillsboro-Deering School Board, and the Superintendent of Schools.
The award recipient will be announced during the SAU #34 Campus-Wide Family Fun-Fest on May 8, 2024.
Fun Fest 2024!
Please join us on the Hillsboro-Deering Main Campus for the 3rd Annual BBQ & Fun Fest on Wednesday, May 8th from 4:45 - 6:30pm. Join us for lots of fun and exciting activities for the whole family!
If your community organization would like to have an information table at Fun Fest please contact Terese Rheault at 603-464-4466 or trheault@hdsd.org to make arrangements.
School Food & Nutrition Program
If you have any questions about the School Food & Nutrition Program, or need assistance filling out forms or setting up an account, please contact Anna Muncy Food & Nutrition Program Director.
Hillsboro-Deering School District / SAU #34
(603)-464-1160 | amuncy@hdsd.org
6 Hillcat Drive Hillsboro NH 03244
End 68 Hours of Hunger Program
Our local End 68 Hours of Hunger Program serves the students of SAU 34 which includes: Hillsboro-Deering Elementary School, Hillsboro-Deering Middle School, Hillsboro-Deering High School, and Washington Elementary School.
The Problem
Childhood food insecurity is a national problem, it occurs when children receive insufficient food on a regular basis; in many cases missing meals entirely. After a while, these children also experience “fear of hunger” that affects their behavior as much as physical hunger affects their bodies. There are more than 6.4 million food-insecure children in American households today.
How End 68 Hours of Hunger Helps
This program puts nourishing food in the hands of school children to carry them through the weekend. Each bag of food, provided through food and financial donations, provides two breakfasts, two lunches, and three dinners for a child, with some left over to share!
Contact Your School Nurse
- Washington Elementary School:
- James Rhodes 603-495-3463 mailto: jrhodes@hdsd.org
- Hillsboro-Deering Elementary School:
- Diana Merriam 603-464-1311 mailto:dmerriam@hdsd.org
- Hillsboro-Deering Middle School:
- Sharon Gamache 603-464-1275 mailto:sgamache@hdsd.org
- Hillsboro-Deering High School:
- HeatherAnn Labier 603-464-1290 mailto:hlabier@hdsd.org
Free Covid-19 Test Available
Winter Coats Available for Students
A few winter coats still available for any student in need thanks to the generosity of the local Knights of Columbus! Contact your school nurse for more information.
Technology Department
Powerschool Parent Portal
The Powerschool Parent Portal provides families with a wealth of up to date information about their student's school experience.
All families should have received an email with a personalized link to sign in to the Parent Portal.
It is very important that all families use the Parent Portal to update their student registration information and permissions.
If you are having any difficulty accessing the Parent Portal please reach out to Neal Richardson, Director of Technology at nrichardson@hdsd.org so he can assist you.
All Around SAU 34
Check out the school newsletters and facebook pages for lots of great pictures and information about what is happening all across SAU 34!
SAU # 34 Website
Other Resources
Savings Account program
Parents and Other Adults: How do we Support Children Who are Struggling?
Panelists discuss how to be part of the solution for young people with mental illness
Students in grades 3-8 and 11th grade participate in the NH State Assessment.
SAU 34 Portrait of a Graduate
Click the icon to view the Portrait of a Graduate
SAU 34 Strategic Plan
Click the icon to view the Strategic Plan
Revised Calendars for the 2023-2024 School Year
Both the Hillsboro-Deering and Washington School Boards approved revisions to the 2023-2024 School DIstrict Calendars. PDFs of those calendars with the changes in red font with yellow highlighting are linked at the bottom of this newsletter.
The changes include:
- March 12th will be Parent Teacher Conferences from 10am - 6pm.
- Thursday, March 21st will be a regular school day
- Friday, March 22 will be a Professional Development Day, no school for students
- Wednesday, April 3rd will be a regular school day