Dust Devil Weekly
Sunday, September 22
Welcome to Autumn everyone!
The final week of summer had a fall-like feel here at Joan MacQueen, and it was very welcomed. There is always renewed energy around this time of the year. To celebrate all that energy we had our first lunch on the lawn this past Friday, and by now most people know that lunch on the lawn is my absolute favorite!! Thanks to everyone who came out to join us. I can’t wait until the next one!
I hope you are enjoying your weekend, and I hope you enjoy this edition of the Dust Devil Weekly. See you all tomorrow.
Once again this school year we will be focused on improving school wide attendance at JMMS! Each week we will report out our daily attendance rates. Our goal is to be above 96% each day...we can do it!
Monday 9/16: 91.36%
Tuesday 9/17: 91.85%
Wednesday 9/18: 96.3%
Thursday 9/19: 93.09%
Friday 9/20: 98.27%
Spotted on Campus...
-Ms. Zarick's Science classes learning by doing a cell membrane lab!
-The Culinary Arts elective practicing their cooking skills with Ms. Rincon!
-Families and staff enjoying the first JMMS Lunch on the Lawn of the year! Another successful Friday event!
We appreciate your patience as we put all of the pieces in place to get our JOAN MACQUEEN PTA MEMBERSHIP DRIVE underway! And....it is time! Our Membership Drive has begun! You can join online beginning NOW for just $15 a membership. We have set a goal of 200 members and we are well on our way with already 50 members! Please consider joining our newly formed PTA. PTA is a vital part of any school community and JMMS is excited to have a PTA back on campus to support our students, staff and greater school community! We will be hyping up the students by hosting a little membership competition. The grade level with the most memberships will receive a MEGA ICE CREAM SUNDAE SOCIAL! The second place grade level will receive ice cream cone party and the third place will receive a popsicle party. We want to reward all grade levels as this is an exciting time for JMMS and our newly formed PTA! You can join by using the link here:
Our JOAN MACQUEEN PTA wants to give a huge THANK YOU to Alpine Kiwanis. They have kickstarted our PTA with an amazing $1000 donation. We are so thankful to be in a community that supports community groups like Alpine! Thank you Alpine Kiwanis from all of JMMS!
Fall Photo Reminder!
This is a friendly reminder to place picture orders by
Monday September 23rd
Orders received after that date will be assessed a late/shipping fee and will be mailed home. This includes STAFF packages. No exceptions can be made.
Visit www.hagerphotosd.com to place your order!
Chromebook Reminder!
As we begin the year, it is important to remind your student that they need to have their Chromebook each day charged and in their backpack. While we know that we want our middle schoolers to work on becoming more independent, we also know that it takes time. So, as they work to develop these skills, please help them by giving them reminders nightly to charge their Chromebooks and then to put it in their backpack in the morning. Thanks for your continued support!
Please take a moment and fill out your School Cafe form BEFORE you come to Dust Devil Day! This will help save time when you arrive. This form helps us secure funding for JMMS that goes directly to our students. You can the link to SCHOOL CAFE by using the link below:
Thank you to all that have already joined PTA and to those that are patiently waiting for our Membership Drive to officially begin! Here is an update...our bank account has been opened and we are waiting for our Venmo account to be linked and then we will be ready to go! So we are hoping by next week's S'more to have all of our ducks in a row and for the Dust Devil Membership Drive to be officially underway!!
JMMS Spirit Wear
JMMS is excited to offer Spirit wear for our Dust Devils! You can find offers and options here:
Weds. 9/25 - TWIN DAY
Weds. 10/2 - LATE START MORNING 8:30AM