Central Stars Circular
September 13th, 2024
Updates and Reminders
School Day Schedule
7:50 am - Mrs. Hallstedt, our secretary, is on duty
8:00 am - Doors are open, breakfast students may enter, teachers are on duty, and students are admitted into the building.
8:10 am - The instructional school day begins. Students need to be in the classroom and ready to begin learning at this time.
11:00 am - 12:30 pm - Lunch & Recess periods. Each grade has 40 total minutes for lunch and recess.
3:05 pm - All elementary students are dismissed.
Because there is no student supervision before 8:00 am, the following rules are in effect: 1. Students who walk or are driven to school should arrive after 7:55 am. 2. Students are not allowed to use the playground facilities unsupervised before school. School staff will supervise students on school grounds 10 minutes before the school day begins and 5 minutes after the school day ends. Unless students are participating in a school activity, school staff will not provide supervision before or after these times. Please do not have your children wait for you on the playground unattended after school. If your student rides a bike or scooter to school please make sure it is locked up.
All teachers have phones in their classrooms. During the school day, you may leave a message at the teacher’s phone number. Staff members check their messages after school, if possible. Email addresses and phone numbers for each staff member are available in the school office and on the website. For any urgent message, however, please call the office directly.
Principal's Column
Dear Central Community/Parents/Guardians,
We’re excited to share that our first couple weeks of school has been a resounding success! Here’s a snapshot of what made it so special:
Warm Welcomes and Smooth Transitions Our students and staff have seamlessly transitioned into the new school year. It’s been wonderful to see returning faces and welcome new ones with open arms. Special thanks to all our students, staff, and parents for making the process so smooth.
Engaging Classroom Activities Teachers kicked off the year with engaging and innovative activities. From team-building exercises to inspiring discussions, it’s clear that our classrooms are buzzing with enthusiasm and learning.
Community and School Spirit The positive energy around the school has been palpable. Our students have been participating with Stars behavior and showing their school pride. A big thank you to everyone who has contributed to this vibrant atmosphere!
Auggie!! It has been great to have our Therapy Dog Auggie at school with us. He has done a fabulous job greeting and comforting students and staff.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Here’s to a fantastic year ahead!
Fun Run
Central Elementary Run-A-Thon Fundraiser – October 3rd!
Mark your calendars for our all-day Run-A-Thon on October 3rd, our only fundraiser for the year! Pledge sheets have already come home, and collection envelopes will be arriving soon. Now is the time to start gathering pledges to support our school. We’ll also need volunteers to help make the day a success, so keep an eye out for opportunities to get involved!
Bike Rack Location
The bike rack will be moved off from the playground for safety reasons. The new location will be in front of the school. Please make sure if your child rides their bike or scooter to school that they have a lock to lock it up for safety.
Auggie is doing an amazing job!!!
The students are really enjoying Auggie. He is doing a fabulous job!!
Auggie can meet students one - on - one.
Auggie loves the library.
Ready for work.
Remind Updates
Unfortunately at this time we are having technical issues with REMIND. We are hoping it is up and running soon.
Follow Our Central Facebook Page
Follow our Central Elementary Facebook page for updates and all things Central!!
Upcoming Dates
9/16 - 4th Grade Field Trip Flywheelers
9/20 - Picture Day
9/20 - Kindergarten walk field trip
9/27 - 2nd Grade walking field trip
10/1 - Daddy Daughter Dance at PHS
10/9 - PTO Meeting in the library 3:30
10/10 - Kinder field trip to Pond Hill Farms
10/11 - Walking Field trip to the high school for Homecoming
10/14 - 10/17 - Book Fair during lunch for students, after school Tuesday and Thursday for families
10/15 and 10/17 - Parent teacher conferences
10/18 - No School