BBIS Parent Counselors' Corner
Mrs. Kassuba and Mrs. Merkh 02/07/25
Yes to Youth!
If you would like your child to receive free counseling by a Yes to Youth counselor during the Spring, please let us know. Topics include: Grief, Anxiety, and Social Skills/Anger Management. Thank you for allowing us to provide this invaluable service for your children! If you have any questions, please give us a call or send us an email.
Backpack Buddies!
Research shows that missing meals and experiencing hunger impacts children's development and achievement. We will be offering the Backpack Food Program through the Montgomery County Food Bank this year! If you are in need of assistance with food for your child, this is a great program to help supplement your child’s food supply. If you would like to participate in the Backpack Food Program, please reach out to your child's grade level counselor.
Below is a list of mobile (drive-through) food distribution centers for September. Other food pantry locations can be found at https://mcfoodbank.org/find-a-food-pantry-partner-agencies-conroe-tx/
Be sure to call ahead to confirm pantry hours.
Parent Educator Library!
We have a variety of books that you may find beneficial for you to check out. Topics include: understanding and working with children who have been diagnosed with ADHD/ADD, ODD, OCD, Autism, Dyslexia, Anxiety, Depression, an eating disorder, etc. There are also books on working with students who are identified as GT. Other book topics include assisting students who have experienced trauma, are self-harming, are experiencing grief due to the loss of a loved one or because the dynamics of the family are changing. There are also books designed to build better relationships with your child during their teen years and even books on strengthening your marriage and family struggles.
Please scan the QR Code on the left and see the list of books in stock. Books can be checked out for two weeks at a time. If you are interested in reading one of them, contact Mia Cisco via email mcisco@magnoliaisd.org or phone 281-252-2031 ext. 40011
We can send it home with your child or you can pick it up in our front office. We hope you enjoy YOUR library!
Below is just a sample of the books you could choose from!
Character strong
Character Strong is a research-based social and emotional curriculum that we use at BBIS on Mondays. Character Strong focuses on fostering the Whole Child by providing lessons that teach Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Character side-by-side.
To contact your child's school counselor...
5th grade
Sarah Kassuba
281-252-2031 ext. 40025
6th grade
Annie Merkh
281-252-2031 ext. 40026
Thank you for sharing your wonderful children with us!