Weekly Wanderings
& Notes from Mrs. Dumproff's Desk, February 13, 2020
Public school is off on Monday, Feb. 17 so your children may get picked up at a different time in the morning and have a different bus route. Their pick up time should be the same as on Jan. 24, the last time we had school but the public school did not.
3rd Quarter Conference Forms are in today's home folders.
Conferences are optional for 5K through 8th grade unless a teacher requests a conference. If your child’s teacher has requested a conference, it will be noted on the form, with the student’s name. 4K AND 3K CONFERENCES ARE MANDATORY for this quarter. Any questions, please call the office.
Wednesday, Feb. 19th Listening Session with Fr. Strand 7:00 p.m. Holy Trinity Cafe
For parents of students who are in grades 8th-10th.
We encourage you to join Fr. Strand as we discuss options for next year's Faith Formation program for High School students. We look forward to hearing your input as we work together in providing the best faith opportunities and experiences for your child(ren).
Catholic Heart Workcamp Day at Cousins!
Student volunteers needed
We are looking for students to hand out Prayer Rocks that the Holy Trinity students made for this Lenten season. If your child would be able to do that at any of the following Mass times, please let the office know. Thank you!
Holy Trinity
Saturday, February 29 at 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 1 at 7:30 a.m.
Sunday, March 1 at 11:00 a.m.
St. Michael
Sunday, March 1 at 9:00 a.m.
School Advisory Committee is looking for new members for 2020-2021
Current members:
Carolyn Leister- Chairperson
Heidi Butler- Assistant Chairperson
Paul Sebo-Secretary
Kim Calliari
Cassondra Evans
Angie Kern
Sandy Krautkramer
Home and School (Sharyl Zillmer - Chairperson) homeandschool@htschool.net
Social Fest
School Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule 2020
February 6 Regular Meeting Holy Trinity
March 5 Common Meeting Holy Trinity
April 2 Regular Meeting Holy Trinity
May 7 Common Meeting St Michael’s
June 4 Common Meeting Holy Trinity
Calendar of Cash Winners
Jan. 27 – Taysom Cain
Jan. 28 – Natalie Sebo
Jan. 29 – Jacky Herriges
Jan. 30 – Julie Frederick
Jan. 31 – Ann Bronk
Mrs. Dumproff
Email: principal@htschool.net
Website: www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main Street, Kewaskum, WI, USA
Phone: 262-626-2603