The Sandcastle Times- Dec. 2023
"Building Strong Foundations for Lifetime of Learning"
A message from Holly Bevilacqua, COO
We would like to take this time to wish everyone a joyous holiday season. The month of December is filled with wonderful things for children. It is very exciting to hear all the different ways families celebrate the holiday season. We welcome all of you to share your traditions with our teachers! We love to connect home and school activities!
The festivities of the holidays bring joy and warmth that envelops both your child’s home and school lives. Our teachers have lots of fun activities planned for the season as we take a trip around the world and Celebrate different traditions! Especially during this year's holiday season, enjoy family time! Stay connected with loved ones through social media, video chats, or calls. Remember, the holidays are a time for family and traditions. It is a time to teach our children the gift of giving and the reason for the season!
Thank you for entrusting your child with us here at Carelot. Every child is special and seeing their smiling faces each day makes us love our job even more! We look forward to 2024 and all of the new and exciting memories it will bring. May your holidays be filled with peace and joy! Have a Safe and Happy New Year! Please don't hesitate to email me anytime to share your feedback. Holly@carelot.net
Holiday Cards!
Add us to your holiday card mailing list! We would love to post your holiday cards and photos in our main hallway as we say "Season's Greetings.. From our family to yours"
315 Flanders Road, East Lyme, CT 06333
203 Boston Post Road, Waterford CT 06385
155 North Street, Danielson, CT 06239
84 South Main Street, Brooklyn CT 06234
Carelot Clubhouse @ TFS - 24 Rope Ferry Road, Waterford, CT 06385
Annual Survey
Make Memories!
Christmas Tree Activity
Family reviews are the best!
We would love to hear from you! Leave us a review - Click below
Turkey Time at the Clubhouse
Scooter races at TFS
Art Adventures!
Clubhouse @ TFS Vacation Camp
If you attend Carelot Clubhouse @ The Friendship School,
Please sign up for camp with Heather or Lorraine)! 😀
Time to get that Flu Shot! Please be advised that it is the Connecticut State Law that all children attending child care have a seasonal flu vaccine if they are between 6 to 59 months by December 31st, 2023. Please be sure your child gets their flu shot. If your child turns 6 months old after 12/31, please ensure they get their flu shot at that time.
Label and Date all of your child’s snack and lunch items. Place items in the labeled bins in your child’s classroom. This is a NAEYC requirement and also for the safety of the children. Thank you for your help! Permanent markers are available in all classrooms for your convenience when labeling!
Change of Clothes: If you haven’t done so already, please ensure your child(ren) has an appropriate change of clothes and thicker blankets for a nap. In order to play outside in the snow, each child will need snow boots, snow pants, hats, and gloves. Parents, don’t forget that going out is an important part of our curriculum. As the weather gets colder, it is essential to send your child in with a warm coat, hat, and mittens/gloves daily. Snow pants and a pair of snow boots are required as well once it starts to snow.
Scheduled Hours: Please follow your contracted hours for your child’s care. There have been many late pick-ups in the past few weeks. Our teachers are scheduled until a specific time and need to go home to their families as well. If you need to make a change, stop by the office.
Family/Teacher conferences
Giving Tree/Toy Drive
Sweater Party!
Countdown to 2024!
Don't forget to submit your answers! You have won a $25 tuition credit on your account.
It's easy to win by just emailing us an answer! $25 tuition credit!
Complete the form below to submit your answer!
Thanks for helping us make our programs better! Without everyone’s input we are not able to effectively assess how our programs are doing! We appreciate you taking the time to help us assess our policies, procedures, curriculum and more!
No submissions for November Question of the month.
Friendsgiving Feast
Fall outdoor adventures
Waterford Afterschool shenanigans
PTO news....
Upcoming events:
Giving Tree
This year the PTO has sponsored 15 Families for the Holiday! We are excited to help those families by making the children’s holiday a memorable one. But we need your help!!! Simply choose a tag off of the tree in the main hall !!! We ask that all gifts be sent in by Dec. 8th. Don’t forget to tape the tag you picked off the tree onto the gift! No need to wrap the gift.
Thank you for your continued support during the Holiday Season!
If you do not wish to choose a tag off the tree, general gift items that can be dropped off at the office could include, a family game, movies, gift cards to restaurants, grocery stores, Walmart, department stores, gas cards, Dunkin Donuts, etc. or any toy for a child between the ages of 3 months to 12 years. We will be able to enhance our giving tree family gifts with items such as these. OR make a cash donation and we will do the shopping!
Thanks for all of your continued Support! We are always looking for new ideas for fundraisers if you have an idea drop by the office and share it with us. Helping out with committees is easy, there are many ways to help!
Wish list items- Drop off at any Carelot location
shaving cream, egg cartons, paper plates, dry beans, cornstarch, rice, recycled grocery containers for our dramatic play areas (EX: coffee creamer containers, egg cartons, old pasta boxes, etc.
Any old working Ipads, Iphones or tablets, or toys your child has outgrown for our classrooms! Recycle!
Carelot Children's Center, Inc.
"Building Strong Foundations for a Lifetime of Learning"
Providing education to Children ages 3 months to 12 years!
Email: adminassist@carelot.net
Website: www.carelot.net
Location: 315 Flanders Road, East Lyme, CT, United States
Phone: 860-739-1993
Facebook: facebook.com/carelotctr