EAACH Newsletter
Edmonds School District

March 2025 Newsletter
2024 - 2025 Calendar
General meetings
Due to budget cuts and staff capacity there will only be 3 large "General" EAACH Meetings this 2024-2025 school year. We appreciate your understanding.
All meeting are at the district office (20420 68th Ave W, Lynnwood, WA 980367)
From 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
- September - No General Meeting
- Wednesday, October 23rd - Cancelled for Education Funding Crisis Forum (6:00-7:30 PM at Edmonds-Woodway High School, 7600 212th St. S.W., Edmonds) - link to register.
- Wednesday, November 20th
- December - No General Meeting
- Wednesday, January 22nd - Cancelled
- Wednesday, February 26th
- Wednesday, March 26th - Cancelled
- Wednesday, April 23rd - Cancelled
- Wednesday, May 28th
- June - No General Meeting
Want to Join EAACH leadership?
What is EAACH
EAACH or Equity Alliance for Achievement is a committee open to all district families, students, staff, and community to provide feedback to the district on how we are doing with the implementation of our Race and Equity Policy.
Who should attend our meetings?
Any student, family member of a student, community member, and staff of the Edmonds School District
What are our meetings like?
EAACH General meetings are open forums usually centered around a specific topic. We invite all who attend to join in the conversation. The EAACH leadership team takes notes and submits a report to the Cabinet.
Spanish - Español
¿Qué es EAACH?
Alianza para la Equidad Escolar es para todas las familias, estudiantes, personal y comunidad del distrito para brindar comentarios al distrito sobre cómo nos está yendo con la implementación de nuestra Política de Raza y Equidad.
¿Quién debería asistir a nuestras reuniones?
Cualquier estudiante, familiar de un estudiante, miembro de la comunidad y personal del Distrito Escolar de Edmonds.
¿Cómo son nuestras reuniones?
Las reuniones generales de EAACH son foros abiertos que generalmente se centran en un tema específico. Invitamos a todos los asistentes a participar en la conversación. El equipo de liderazgo de EAACH toma notas y luego se envía un informe al equipo de liderazgo del distrito.
List of upcoming events:
As part of our commitment to supporting all students and families, the Edmonds School District Food and Nutrition Services Office is offering take-home meal kits for students who are fasting during the school day for Ramadan. These meal kits include both a breakfast and a lunch, allowing students to enjoy nutritious meals outside of school and fasting hours.
Families can request a meal kit for their student by contacting the Food and Nutrition Office at 425-431-7077 or via email at fnsoffice@edmonds.wednet.edu. This ensures that a meal kit will be prepared and ready for your student to pick up at school.
The same pricing structure used for regular school meals applies to meal kits. This means that students will be charged the same price—or receive the meal for free—depending on their school meal eligibility status.
If you have any questions, please contact our Food and Nutrition Office at 425-431-7077 or via email at fnsoffice@edmonds.wednet.edu.
Other news and resources
The Edmonds School District does not sponsor or endorse the activity and/or information contained in this material. We are just sharing a few resources.
Edmonds Special Education PTA
Join us as we take our final step in officially becoming a PTSA! We will hold our official charter meeting on Thursday, December 12th, from 5:30 to 7PM. Please join us in person at the Mountlake Terrace Library or via zoom using the link below:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 5229 7382
If you have any interpretation or accessibility needs, please contact us at edmonds.sped.pta@gmail.com.
Please also note that our charter campaign runs from now until our charter meeting. During that time, you can officially become a charter member of the PTSA using this link: https://wspta.givebacks.com/store/items/1136289