Summit High School

Message From Mrs. Grimaldi
Dear SHS Families,
As we approach the time in which our school schedule might change due to inclement weather, please be sure that your contact information is up to date in Genesis. Notifications for changes in the school schedule are made to families using School Messenger (email, text, and phone call) and to students using their school email account. Please note that if there is a delayed opening, the start time for Summit High School will be 9:45am.
It's a great day to be a Hilltopper!
Stacy Grimaldi
Reminders About Absences And Early Dismissals
Please be reminded that all student absences and early dismissals must be reported to the attendance office. Emails can be sent to shsattendance@summit.k12.nj.us or calls made to the high school 908-273-1494. In all communication, please include the student name, grade, date, and the specific reason for the absence or early dismissal.
If you need your student dismissed early from school, please communicate with the attendance office before 8am so we are able to give the student a pass to leave class.
Documentary - Screenagers - January 29th
Information from Pomptonian Food Service
Morning Drop Off
There were several times before the holiday break when morning drop-off became unsafe. This was due to people speeding, dropping students off on the wrong side of the Kent Place Blvd., cutting people off, and crossing the line on Weaver Street to bypass the drop-off line.
If we all adhere to the following guidelines, drop-off will be safer for everyone.
- If dropping students off in the driveway, pull up all the way to the gym doors. This will allow more people to drop students off and will reduce the congestion on the driveway.
- If dropping students off on Kent Place Blvd, drop off only on the school side of the street.
- Do not make K-turns or turn around in driveways along Kent Place Blvd.
- Do not cross the line in the driveway to bypass cars who are waiting to drop off students.
If you have a senior driver please be sure to discuss these guidelines with them.
Below please find a link to the video that was created to outline safe drop-off procedures.
Midterm Exams
Summit High School will be administering midterm exams on January 23rd, 24th, 27th, and 28th. Midterm exams are required in all full-year and semester classes with the exception of physical education and study hall. Please ensure that your student is in attendance for all exams. We have scheduled two exams for each exam day.
The exam schedule is below:
Thursday, January 23, 2025
8:00am - 10:00am: Period 1
10:30am - 12:30pm: Period 2
Friday, January 24, 2025
8:00am - 10:00am: Period 3
10:30am - 12:30pm: Period 4
Monday, January 27, 2027
8:00am - 10:00am: Period 5
10:30am - 12:30pm: Period 6
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
8:00am - 10:00am: Period 7
10:30am - 12:30pm: Period 8
Students are required to take their exams at the scheduled time. Any request to miss an exam must be submitted using this form and submitted to Mrs. Grimaldi by Friday, January 17, 2025. Missing an exam and rescheduling it will only be approved for extenuating circumstances.
Illness on the day of an exam is addressed by the normal procedure for calling a student out sick through the attendance office.
Any student who misses an exam without prior approval will not be allowed to take the exam.
Students will be released at 12:30pm each exam day.
Food will be available for purchase in the cafeteria between 10:00am and 10:30am.
Did You Know?
Did you know that you can view your student's check-ins on Genesis? Students scan into the bathrooms, library, help centers, counseling office, and nurse's office when they visit these locations during the school day. You can view these check-ins in Genesis. Log into your Genesis account, and click check-ins on the left side of the screen. Please discuss with your student any excessive time out of class.
You can also view how many times your student did not have their ID badge with them in school. Please help ensure that your student has their ID badge with them each morning.
Visitors to Summit High School
Appointments must be made in advance to see teachers, counselors, administrators, and other staff. Please be prepared to announce your name and purpose in order to be granted access into the building.
When a visitor arrives at the school, they will be asked to provide identification, such as a driver's license or state-issued ID card. If the visitor does not have any means of identification on them, they will be asked to input their first name, last name, and date of birth into our visitor management system. The identification is then scanned into the system, and the visitor's information is checked against a database to ensure they are not on any prohibited lists. Once the visitor's information has been verified, a temporary badge will be printed and provided to them by the school security officer or school secretary. This badge must be worn at all times while the visitor is on school grounds and will be collected upon their departure. All visitors to the building must be escorted by a staff member at all time.
In the event an emergency visit is necessary, please call the school’s main office ahead of your arrival so we are prepared to accommodate your needs.
Drop-off items (lunch, instrument, Chromebook, etc.) may be dropped off in the bin outside the main entrance vestibule. We will not inform students when items have been dropped off for them.
Weekly Calendar
Monday, January 13th
D Day
Bake Sale - Interactive Club
SMPA Meeting, 7pm, Orchestra
Tuesday, January 14th
A Day
Wednesday, January 15th
B Day
Semi-Formal Ticket Sales, 7am & Lunch, School Store
Thursday, January 16th
C Day
Semi-Formal Ticket Sales, 7am & Lunch, School Store
Board of Education Meeting, 6:30pm, LCJSMS Auditorium
Friday, January 17th
D Day
Semi-Formal Ticket Sales, 7am & Lunch, School Store
Bake Sale - Make a Sale Club
Looking Ahead
- Monday, January 20th - No School, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Thursday, January 23rd through Tuesday, January 28th - Midterm Exams
- Friday, January 31st - Single Session Day