Davis Elementary
E-news 9/13/24

Important Updates
Davis is excited to kick off Hispanic Heritage Month which is celebrated nationally from September 15 through October 15.
Hispanic Heritage Month exists to celebrate the histories, cultures, and contributions of Hispanic Americans whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. We celebrate those who have contributed to our shared history and championed and inspired all to achieve success.
Curriculum Night Success!
Thank you to our Davis families for your partnership in attending the curriculum nights on Tuesday and Wednesday. We hope that you had a chance to learn all about your student’s day and what they will be engaged in this year. If you have any further questions be sure to reach out to your child’s teacher.
Thank you PTO for the Sunshine!!
Davis staff loved the beautiful flowers and delicious dessert courtesy of the PTO Sunshine Committee. This was a lovely surprise and really brightened our day:) We are so blessed by amazing family support here at Davis!!
i-Ready results
Thank you for your continued support and for being a partner in your child’s learning. 1-5 grade students have completed fall i-Ready testing; kindergarten students will be finished by September 13. Your child’s report will be available online in your child’s i-Ready account. For more information about what to expect as a parent/guardian or how to access your student’s online diagnostic results please click HERE.
You can also learn more about i-Ready by visiting https://sites.google.com/d303.org/i-readyresources/home.
School Picture Day is Wednesday, Sept. 25th
Families, you may pre-order your child’s photos at https://inter-state.com/order with order code 87180ZF
Retakes will be taken on Friday, Nov. 8th if you are not pleased with the pictures.
Please note, each student will receive a free class picture later in the school year.
Save the Date - Wed, Oct 9 - Walk, Bike, and Roll to School!!!
National Walk, Bike, and Roll to School Day is Wednesday, October 9, 2024. Davis
Elementary is welcoming you to participate in this event in the morning. These
events are important opportunities to bring our school community together. Our
goal is to encourage physical activity and promote safety in your neighborhoods.
On the sidewalk at Horne and 7 th Street (by the crossing guard) The Davis Wellness
Club student representatives, staff, and PTO will welcome our students as they
walk, bike, and roll to school.
Help Us Choose a New Davis Elementary School Mascot!
It's time for an exciting change at Davis Elementary - we're selecting a brand new school mascot! As a community, we have a unique opportunity to come together and choose a symbol that will represent our school spirit for years to come.
We're eager to hear all of your creative ideas and input throughout this process. Students will be bringing home mascot nomination forms this Friday, September 13th. We encourage everyone to submit their top suggestions by the deadline of Friday, September 20th.
The Mascot Committee will review all nominations and select the top 8 ideas that best meet our criteria, which includes:
Representing Davis' core values of belonging, compassion, growth, and trust
Reflecting our school's identity, history, or location
Generating excitement and loyalty from our students, families, and staff
Being child-friendly, culturally sensitive, and gender-neutral
Harmonizing with our school colors of blue, gray, and white
Once the top 8 mascots are chosen, we'll use a bracket voting system to let our students and staff determine the final two options. Professional renderings will then be created, and the entire Davis community will vote to select the winning mascot design, which will be revealed in late October.
We can't wait to see the mascot ideas that our creative Davis families come up with! Let's come together to choose a symbol that captures the heart and spirit of our amazing school. Submit your nomination form by September 20th, and stay tuned for more updates on this exciting process.
5th Grade Opportunities
🎵🎶 5th Grade Choir 🎵🎶
Dear Families of 5th Grade Students!
We are thrilled to announce that this year D303 is again offering a 5th Grade Choir Program for ALL Elementary Schools! This program will run in a similar fashion as the current Elementary Band and Orchestra programs with a weekly before school rehearsal, but will NOT conflict with current band and orchestra rehearsals. The choir program will run through May, with our first rehearsal being Monday, September 23!
Choir will meet on Monday mornings at Davis Elementary School from 8:10-8:50 a.m. Parents/guardians are responsible for dropping off their choir student at Davis between 8:00-8:05 a.m. There will not be rehearsals on student non-attendance days. In addition to Monday rehearsals, we will be having choir rehearsals on the following days in which D303 elementary schools are following the Monday schedule to balance attendance days:
Tuesday, 10/15, choir rehearsal
Thursday, 1/9, choir rehearsal
The cost for choir is $20 for the school year. You will be charged the choir fee through Pushcoin once choir registration has closed. Please email Mrs. Shaw gina.shaw@d303.org or me if you are having any challenges with payment. Students will also be asked to purchase a choir t-shirt which is required for choir performances.
Our first concert will be Vertical Voices, on January 27, 2025 at Wredling Middle School, which will encompass D303 choir students from 5th through 12th grades. I will update you when I have more details. We will also have a performance in the spring.
The goal of the 5th grade elementary choir program is to offer a formal choral music opportunity to our young students and to enrich their musical experience while preparing for middle and high school vocal music possibilities. We will work on ensemble practice, team building, vocal technique, vocal health, and unison and part-singing, all through a rich variety of vocal music repertoire. I look forward to this adventure and hope your child will be a part of this wonderful experience!
If you would like to register your student for 5th Grade Choir, please click the link:
Registration will be open through 9/20.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to email me!
Mrs. Andrea Therrien, Davis Choir Director
Mark Your Calendars!
Click HERE for Davis Google Calendar
Thursday, September 19 - PTO Meeting 7:00 Davis LRC
Saturday, September 21 - Shop and Share at Countryside Flowers
Wednesday, September 25 - School Picture Day
Wednesday, September 25 (2:35pm) Early Release
Wednesday, September 25 - Woodgrain Pizza/Burger Joint Fundraiser
Wednesday, October 9 - Walk, Bike and Roll to School
Thursday, October 10 - No School (Parent Teacher Conferences)
Friday, October 11 - No School (Parent Teacher Conferences)
Monday, October 14 - No School (Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day)
Tuesday, October 15 - NO morning Orchestra; Choir practice instead (Monday schedule) - bring instruments if you have a Monday lesson; wear PE shoes
Thursday, October 17th - PTO Meeting 7:00 Davis LRC
Tuesday, October 22 - Bus Driver Appreciation Day
Wednesday, October 30 - (2:35pm) Early Release
Thursday, October 31 - Halloween Parade 1:55-2:15pm
Thursday, October 31 - Halloween Classroom Parties
🧴🩹🩺 News from the Nurse 🩺🩹🧴
To avoid injuries, please make sure your child has appropriate shoes for running and climbing on the playground equipment. Sandals with heels and Crocs are not recommended. Tennis/Gym shoes are what is preferred.
Classroom Food Allergy/Sensitivities letters have been sent home. Please be mindful when sending classroom snacks for your children.
Many of our Kindergarten students continue to not be in compliance with their paperwork. Please continue to work on getting their Physicals, Record of Immunizations, Dental and Vision exams to me asap. I prefer that you email the documents (a picture of the documents will do) directly to me if at all possible, at Peggy.Faught@d303.org.
Thank you to everyone who has sent in extra clothing for our students. We are still in need for elastic-waist pants, sizes 5-10.
STUDENT ABSENCES - Keep your child home when:
Your child has had a fever of 100 degrees or more within the past 24 hrs
Your child has been vomiting or had loose stools within past 24 hrs
Your child has an unexplained rash, sore or pink eyes with or without drainage
Your child has a persistent and or productive cough
Children should be fever free without the use of medications before returning to school
If a bacterial infection has been diagnosed (Strep), your child MUST have 24 hrs of antibiotics before returning to school
If your child is not fully recovered or remained at home for the recommended length of time, parents may be contacted and asked to take the child home.
Extended absences of 5 or more days may require that the student present a doctor’s statement for re-admittance to the school nurse.
Peggy Faught RNC
Davis Primary School Nurse
PTO News
District News
Davis Elementary School
Email: linda.jezek@d303.org
Website: https://davis.d303.org/
Location: 1125 S 7th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DavisElementaryD303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303
Community Information
Join us at the 2024 Kick-a-thon!
KICK-A-THON is a local event that began over 30 years ago as an effort from the St. Charles High School Dance Team to raise money to help kick cancer. It has grown to include East and North High School Dance Teams and other amazing charities. This charity event will benefit the Fox Valley Food for Health, Colette A. Miles Foundation, and the high school dance teams. To date, we have raised over a million dollars and need your help to keep that number growing. Please join the St. Charles High School Dance Teams as we raise money to kick cancer.
This year’s event will take place on Friday, October 4th, 2024, at St. Charles North High School, prior to the start of the varsity football game between St. Charles North and St. Charles East. Local community members who help with fundraising will form a kick line alongside the dance team members and kick 100 times in an effort to raise money for these charities.
Link to donate and support! See you there!