Wilson Hill Weekly Newsletter
September 13, 2024

Wilson Hill Weekly Newsletter
Message from the Principal
Dear Families and White Tigers,
Today, we had our first Den of Ten! We discussed ways that we can be a thinker, leader and a friend this school year. Students created a self portrait and wrote an example of how they will make our Portrait of a Learner visible at school!
I hope to see you at Fall Fest tonight! Thank you to our wonderful PTO for planning this fantastic event for families.
Next week is Start with Hello Week (more information below). Please remind your child to wear green on Wednesday.
Picture day will be Friday, September 20th. Packets have been sent home. You can send in a check or you can order photos online.
As always, please let us know if you have any questions!
- Principal Kaylee Santille
Email: ksantille@wscloud.org
Phone: (614) 450-4800
Start with Hello Week
Next week, as a district, we will be celebrating National Start With Hello Week. Start With Hello is one of Sandy Hook Promise’s programs that teaches students to be more socially inclusive and connected to each other. We are hoping this will increase our students’ sense of belonging. Each day, students will engage in discussions and challenges that relate to a daily theme. On Friday, students can wear green to celebrate Start With Hello!
Daily themes:
Make Someone Smile Monday: Sometimes just simply smiling and saying hello to someone can turn their day around by making them feel seen and less lonely.
Two Challenge Tuesday: Challenge 1: Learn a new name of someone you didn’t know at our school. Challenge 2: Sit next to someone that you’ve never sat with at lunch today.
World Ways to Say Hello Wednesday: In Worthington School District, there are students from about 55 different countries that speak about 115 different languages. We will also wear green to celebrate!
Trusted Adult Thursday: It’s important to know who you can talk to if you need help or you are feeling sad or alone.
Feel Good Friday: Give people compliments to help them feel good.
Want to Recognize a Staff Member?
We are providing you with the opportunity to share "shout outs" to Wilson Hill teachers and staff members who have shown particular kindness or service to a student and/or their family. If you have a shout out to share, please fill out this form and the recognition will be shared during our next staff meeting. Thank you for taking the time to share how our Wilson Hill staff members are positively impacting your student and your family!
Virtue Tree
Nominated students will be shared out on our weekly newsletter and their photo will be displayed on the virtue tree near the office. They have also received a copy of their virute slip and a small treat.
The following students were nominated this past week:
Grade 5
Levi (Giving)
Grade 4
Emanuel (Respect and Compassion)
Theo (Compassion)
Serena (Responsibility, Compassion and Giving)
Luis (Respect and Compassion)
Grade 3
Dean (Giving)
Evie (Compassion and Giving)
Jack (Self-Discipline and Responsibility)
Wyatt (Perseverance)
Joao (Responsibility and Compassion)
Kelly (Responsibility and Compassion)
Grade 2
Ruby (Perseverance and Responsibility...she received 3 this week!)
Nora (Responsibility)
Bennett (Responsibility)
Grade 1
Anna (Giving)
Grayson (Compassion)
Max (Compassion)
Serafina (Respect and Giving)
Coat Drive: Begins October 1
New Spirit Wear!
Coming Up: PJ Day
Friday, September 27th will be our FIRST Wilson Hill Student Council spirit day!!
The 5th graders recently voted on our spirit days and we are starting the year with the most popular - PJ Day!
So roll out of bed and head to school (after brushing those teeth of course).
(The Student Council at Wilson Hill is composed of our 5th graders. All 5th graders are invited to participate! Contact Miss Pierpoint at jpierpoint@wscloud.org if interested)
Fall Fest Tonight: Volunteers are still needed!🍂
Technology Parent Information
Be sure you receive emails from Worthington Schools!
Worthington Schools is planning a change in how our Infinite Campus email is delivered. We plan to make the change before the end of this calendar year.
Prior to the change, all parents of students in Worthington Schools should view the brief parent guide linked below to ensure that emails continue to get delivered to your email inbox.
Wilson Hill Cross Country
The Wilson Hill Cross Country Team is open to all Wilson Hill students K-5 grade! We run together at recess on Monday/Wednesday/Friday and compete in meets with other Worthington Elementary Schools. Practice begins August 28, 2024 and runs through October. There is no fee to join.
Volunteers needed!! Please consider assisting a recess practice this season. Sign up here.
Register for the 2024 Cross Country Team here.
Email wilsonhillelementaryxc@gmail.com with questions!
Reading Volunteers Needed
Wilson Hill is looking for volunteers to build reading skills with kindergarten students. Even if you only have 30 minutes a week, our kindergarten students would love to welcome you! Read below for more information and click HERE or on the flyer above to register. Following registration, a program coordinator from our school will be in touch with more information.
Join the Wilson Hill PTO!
Be a part of something GREAT...JOIN the Wilson Hill PTO and be as involved as you'd like. All of your membership fee will go directly to supporting the students, staff, and community of Wilson Hill Elementary.
By joining the PTO you:
- have the opportunity to vote at all PTO meetings
- you receive access to the Wilson Hill School Directory
- you receive a quarterly PTO newsletter and have opportunities throughout the year to volunteer and be as involved in the PTO as you choose
Wilson Hill/Worthington Park/Slate Hill Cub Scout Pack 632
The foundation of Scouting is built on providing hands-on, interactive activities that lead a child down the path of character and leadership development. Our dedicated parent volunteers work with Scouts to help them get most of the program. We work on a host of skills, adventures and fun activities to help the scouts earn their loops and advance through the ranks! We have at least two scheduled campouts and the famous pinewood derby!
We offer the Scouting Program for BOYS and GIRLS in grades K-5 and we pride ourselves in being a family-friendly Pack. Are you or your child interested in learning more? Come to our first pack meeting on September 19, 2024 at 7 PM in the Wilson Hill cafeteria (enter through Door 12) or go to www.pack632.com